This is what a hero looks like

Naeem Rashid was the man seen in the video attempting to tackle the shooter. Both he and his son, Talha, died in the attack.

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he actually didn't attempt to attack the shooter, he just ran into him attempting to get out. What retard would charge full force at a man with a rifle.

A man who wants to protect his family. You are so out of touch with reality and what really matters in life. Get off the internet and fix yourself.

>attempting to tackle the shooter.
KEK. Ofc anyone who didn't see the video will believe this.

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A father trying, in one last desperate attempt, to protect his son and his community?

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That is literally the smartest thing to do.
You'll die anyway- at least you have a chance if you fight.
And if more people would have helped they might have made it.

Dude was a hero.

He got blown away 4 times wasn't it ?

lmao he is a coward who was trying to run away

I completely agree. Asalam alykium. G-d bless them. Shabbat shalom to all my Christian, Muslim, And Jewish brothers and sisters. Let us pray for healing and peace within our temples and communities.
One day the teaching and use of warfare will cease to be a solution to any conflict or problem, and we shall know peace.

If just one more person followed this man's lead, the shooter would have been taken out. He was completely off balanced and just barely managed to kill this guy.

Of course, the entirety of Jow Forums would have cowered in a corner in that situation though.

>animal eyes

Why do brownlets even bother showing their disgusting animal eyes to the camera? All I see is that sickening glaze and blackness.


>an eye for an eye, says the Muslim
>but n-not when it's against us!
it's on. there's nothing you can do.

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I prefer my Heroes to not be killed.

he was an invader, but an invader I can respect. Invaders must be removed.

whites are so racist, why do brownies keep moving into our cities and towns?

Actually looked like he tried to slip past him...

whyu you removing my post fag op fuck muslims

F for based bro

He died a man's death. Muzzie or not, I can respect that.

based and tacklepilled

Literally ran to attack the shooters just like DOOM 2 enemies, congrats bro

he didnt do shit by the way except suck and die. nothing can stop the white chad.

He wanted to take a run for it when he rushed out of the room and believed to be safe and just happened to stumble right into him.

Clear as day, he tried to run away leaving his child, defending his invasion on foreign soil and died trying. Not a hero, but A for effort.

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He looks like you and i


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and now he's dead and burning in hell if it exists for worshiping a pedophile and circumcising his sons

bahahaha faggot

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It's a different guy. The one who rushed him got triple tapped in the dome

>tfw he's literally going in

Move to the Middle East.

Absolutely wrong, shooter was shooting to the right side and suddenly stops and starts retreating to the hallway. Naeem rightfully thought that he
was out of ammo and the shooter doesnt reach the hallway yet that he gets tackled. Unfortunately, the shooter still had a few bullets left. It was a calculated move the tackle the shooter when he would be reloading.

Judging from the video he was clearly trying to run past his heavily armed adversary. Note his sloping forehead and lack of prefrontal cortex. The Chad maneuver would have been a grapple.

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>gunman in the building
>somehow didn't get shot
>doesn't play dead
>gets shot

He bolted for exit.

>being this gullible

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Rewatch the video if you have to
Absolutely wrong, shooter was shooting to the right side and suddenly stops and starts retreating to the hallway. Naeem rightfully thought that he
was out of ammo and the shooter doesnt reach the hallway yet that he gets tackled. Unfortunately, the shooter still had a few bullets left. It was a calculated move the tackle the shooter when he would be reloading.

Good riddance. Burn in Hell.

Who cares burn in hellfire muzzie cunt he was on the wrong side

Noone makes a thread about white people who tried to protect their kin against muzzie attacks so why should we care about some shithead mudslime.

The best thing to do with a rifleman is close to range closer than the barrel.

I had heard halal slaughter was inhumane but I wasn't expecting this.

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He even dropped the gun too


he did not try to tackle the shooter.

the dude is clearly seen trying to jump over a chair, sideways, to slip behind the shooter and out of the exit.

he was not blown sideways by a bullet. he did not flinch due to the strobe light.

he is clearly seen moving aideways, right shoulder to the left of the screen, and moves sideways out of the frame.

he tried to jump over the chair, tripped, and knocked the chair into el toro.

>plays dead
>gets finished off after he comes back

Great idea

So people who didn't watch the video are making up a story about a tackle and some people who did but pay attention also say the guy tackled the shooter.
He did not. He tried to make a break for it got shot in the skull, the shooter tripped over a body of a guy he shot earlier.



shut the fuck up ahmed why are you worshipping shitskins

>not waiting for your opportunity to flee
Oof, that's how you have a bad time

Dude was praying in peace while being attacked. He's not going to hell.

He got fucking quickscoped

Good, thats 2 less vermins

he actually tripped over a chair but i digress.

If he actually tried to tackle him he would have succeeded. But no, he was daeshing for the exit and ended up a meme instead of a hero


Let's meme him to just piss off ISIS?

>Both he and his son, Talha, died in the attack

Lmao he didn't try to tackle shit. He tried to run past like a coward bitch.

praying to a pedophile who demands circumcision and had a child bride, responsible for war and mass human suffering. stay delusional, slave. he's spending the next 1,000 cycles as a prey species

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fuck shitskins you faggot

praying to the devil as a muslim you fucking retarded shitskin paki

He still died and didn't save his son.


>Both he and his son, Talha, died in the attack.

Season rushing yards: 0

best part of kong scull island

ya i know.. its hard

S, should have never left whatever stan he's from

He literally just tried to get out. There was no "tackle" lol

Hajiland rule #2- “Double Tap.” You think it’s dead, one more makes 100% sure.

You're talking about the shooter, right?

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The fact people died while listening to Remove Kebab is so fucking surreal

>Both he and his son, Talha, died in the attack

Thank you for your service brother. And hope that one day you kys from ptsd you corporate bitch

it's epic

literally killed by a loser spewing memes, that's the most fitting way for a muslim to go I've heard since the auto-da-fe

Surreal and so fucking beautiful.
it's shitposting made real.
but what do you expect an australian to do?


Shooter was an incel unfortunately so he didn't have a son.

the only reason his body touched brenton is because he died and his body carried momentum. he was clearly trying to run into the hallway.

the blood of all terrorist attacks in past years are in the hands of those who proliferate the dangerous muslim religion

if they can pin on everyone what happened yesterday, so can we.

This. Blood meets blood.

And if God was on his side he would have stopped it.

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dude tripped over a chair actually.

yep, most people die because they fail to act. Either run or try to put up a fight. Same shit happens all the time with fires, people freeze and then die.

A wise man once said: "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." I can't remember who said it, but it was probably the Prophet Muhamed.

Maybe cause their country was set on fire by ZOG and then Merkel and others literally invited them in? Look, I don't want them in the West either, but there should be some prospective.

Should've Rashid out of the way a lot quicker!

OP is a faggot

Go fuck yourself and join him in hell where all muslims go after they die, sweetie

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why are you in canada, muzzie

>worships satan
>thinking they're going to heaven
The reaper of souls already had a meal with his soul

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>personal trainer

Pick one.

It was ghandi. And he raped children so his opinions on the world are discarded.

>repeating the sayings of a shitskin
it makes the one eyed man king of the world.

Moron ran away and got scared when he saw the shooter, expecting him not to be there.

>Tried to tackle the shooter

Yeah, my ass.

>a wise man

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>attempting to tackle the shooter
>implying he wasn't making a mad dash the fuck out of there

He's already making a 90 degree right turn down the hallway when he gets lit the fuck up. Momentum propels him into the shooter.

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I thought I read "fortunately", but seeing your flag i reread and was right to do so.

He was trying to escar by running behind the shooter. He wasn't trying to tackle him. Watch it again.

Based Trump weighing in with the zinger

and even then, the momentum only carried him enough into the players shoulder, again, damning him as an escapee, and not a brave tackler.

I personally blame the chair that got in his way.