You morons still don't get it. UBI is not supposed to be an additional welfare, its supposed to REPLACE the current inefficient and wasteful welfare and all the bureaucracy that it needs to be maintained.
UBI is not redistribution of wealth, its redistribution of WELFARE. Current welfare goes disproportionately on black and brown people, what UBI will achieve is to take welfare from black and brown people and give it to white people, no more unequal welfare
>gun grabbing chink At 10k a month that's still a deal breaker.
Tyler Hill
actually true. wagies get the bullet
Josiah King
It's a legitimate question. I'm asking if the amount paid out is going to keep in line with inflation or stay static and be at the whim of inflation.
Isaiah Clark
>incels without guns larping as reagan batallion faglords even if you had guns, which you don't, the government is not going to take them from you because they literally can't take them from you. if they could have, they would have, a long time ago, you absolute fucking retards.
Jordan Jackson
Nigga, Yang threads are so last week. We talkin bout DEUS VULT h sheeit.
Adam Thomas
in your dream. it will just become another welfare. it's universal alright, but some group is more universal than aother group