Dear Muslim people
You are SAFE in JAPAN.
We will provide you with job, community and safety.
Let's build society with us! Ignore about white racists
Dear Muslim people
You are SAFE in JAPAN.
We will provide you with job, community and safety.
Let's build society with us! Ignore about white racists
>being this much of a cuck
oh wait its japan
Back to your classes, Daniel.
I love Japan
What are you gonna do about pusy? You gonna shoot up a mosque. Haha you wouldn’t do it pusy!
When Japanons freak out they use swords. The kebab removal there is going to be so A E S T H E T I C.
dare hito wa doko desuka?
>It's that same faggot who wants "cheap kebab" and got blown the fuck out by other nippon posters literally telling him where cheap kebab was
t. pedo english teacher
Come back over here you fucking English teacher.
the 1st non based jap poster i ever seen wow honestly i hope its fake or that japans culture changed in the last 24 hours both is fine
I bet Japan could. Because they'd literally have surveillance on all of them.
Korea don't accept you muslims
Yes Japan is nice place to move and live
Plz go and move to Japan. :)
It's the fucking English teacher you normalfag. Do you not even know this guy....
I know it's hard to get actual truth and information about Japan from this place but if there's real Japanese user here, tell me what the fuck is going on?
We are having Japanese business owners asking for more foreign labors on the newspapers here. Basically, they said that nobody thought things could be this bad today and it's not only because low birthrate but also because young Japanese people don't want to work as hard and contribute as much as the older generations. They also went on and cited polls that show it's mostly young people that support opening the door for more immigration anyways.
How much of it is true?
Why stop at Muslims when there is a whole continent that needs your love?
SEETHING gaijin english teacher
Korea don't accept you muslims
Yes Japan is nice place to move and live
So Plz muslim immigrants, you guys need to go and move to Japan. :)
Immigrate to Japan
thank you for outting yourself japan will now deport you.
they should move to china actually
much more suitable for them
a fucking pepsi
Absolutely this! Let's ruin Japan as well!
PROOF Japan accepts Muslims!
Last year you Japs only let thirty Middle Eastern refugees out of roughly twenty thousand entrer your country. Two of them have already been charged with gang rape. Learn from that.
Source ?
Memeflag from someone in a country thats less "cucked" than japan despite having 1000X more refugees
Probably the wrong place to spread that message. Not a whole lot of muslim people here. You're on a board that mostly consists of white supremacists.
Typical sperglords who can't make it in their own countries move to chinkland only to sit in their miniature apartments shitposting on Jow Forums
>we will repay you with rape gangs and truck of peace
This is one thing capable of destroying Japan that you should absolutely not be encouraging. After they infest Japan, they will spread like the cancer they are to other nearby territories.
He's a Turk so he must be a Muslim, right?
fuck off English teacher
Capitalism is happening. When the time comes all high up businessmen must be marched down to the peat bog and executed.
Well he is a Turk, AND a gang rapist. So, that is two pretty strong muslim indicators.
yes sauce please...?
kek. sand nigger, sand nigger never change
Don't you remember your history?
>Asians hate brown people and Jews
So much so your people stood with Hitler and Germany and followed nationalist beliefs.
But a lot has changed since the 40's I suppose. You sit on your island sniffing girls panties and finding ways to fuck your cousins, I guess you would require a dose of fresh blood after a while.
Yeah? That’s a thing. Have you been to turkey?