How do we deal with the recent surge in terrorist attacks by white males?

How do we deal with the recent surge in terrorist attacks by white males?
I propose the following laws
>All white males are implanted with a GPS tracker
>White males must use their personal ID to log onto the internet
>The guns of white males can be turned off remotely
Thos way we can stop them from being brainwashed and we can easily stop tragedies like yesterday. Thoughts?

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>How do we deal with the recent surge in terrorist attacks by white males?
Why would we do that?

Disarm whites
Arm immigrants

Because the white male is the most dangerous and violent creature on the planet

How is that a problem?

You're next, Leaf

And that's a good thing

>How do we deal with the recent surge in terrorist attacks by white males?
Capitulate, or die.

only when they defend themselves and their Fatherland

Send them all to live in exile on some remote pacific island like NZ where they won't have any nonwhites to terrorise.

How about I capitulate a bullet into your head?


well it's our own nations. get the fuck out if you don't like living by whites, and if you're white, kys.

fuck you, chang. we just wanted to play spyro 3 and fortnite


>following laws
canada is a terrible place

>why won't white men let themselves be walked all over

Actually Leaf,
Most here are calling him a MOSSAD stooge.

Also foreigners SHOULD be kicked the fuck out, but its not like we can kick out our own people.

If there's one thing I wholly respect slavs for, it's Kielbasa and Removing Kebab

fuck off, kike. we're only like this because endless invaders come into our country and want us to be happy when they rape our women and children

What surge? White attackers are the minority compared to other groups.

let's make safe spaces for white people by stopping immigration :)


Go back to Europe whitey, I am Native and you stole my ancestors land and killed millions of us

Bring it, bitch


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the anglo and the french stopped us from removing kebab completely off the European continent
look how it turned out for them

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we need a better ideology to be radicalized by.
one that wants peace on earth and goodwill towards all humanity.
one that is open to all.

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>How do we deal with the recent surge in terrorist attacks by white males?
Make women have to fuck them again. It's men who can't get laid and thus have no family or responsibility or future who become extremist, conspiracy theorist and other forms of unusual. Men who can't have sex and can't build a family to leave behind are fantastically dangerous. Feminism and the tinder generation are responsible for this.

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sounds like communist propaganda but ok

you traded your land for shiny beads, and your ancestors were fighting and killing each other for the land, and had squandered your existence and created no real tech or architecture of note. whites coming to america was unironically the best thing that could have ever happened to such a backwards group of people

And that's a good thing!

i agree
if we can do it with other attackers from different races too.
but that would be a slighly inconvenient woudn't heh?


I know with the whole first crimean war (which being descended entirely from the isles I feel compelled to side with britain out of habit) thing was bullshit and france and britain should have sided against the ottomans, but try not to hate them too much for it. no one can see that far ahead

hmmmm, kys

the problem is there IS no ideology that could encompass all people that also has real defined morals and tenants

Dis nigga be surious?

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Canucks really are cucks lmao holy shit

Why can't those white males just stage their terrorist attack only at america and europe? Why do it in some nowhere country?

actually, if the shooter happens to be Hispanic they'll say he's white... plus you forgot the ban all guns in every scenario

damn right
also the reason why you are posting here through this magical device acessing information in an instant
also the reason why you live a fruitful life in leaf land, where everything is so good at point that you elect the most wet noodle of politicians
so yeah sweetie, you own everything good in your life to those violent creatures


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Sex robots is the only solution.

fear us

>when everyone wants to take everything you created and abuse it until it is destroyed but if you point this out or defend yourself you're the bad guy
Shitskins are the worst

Houston is literally holding an event for Muslims because of the attack. So I'm not sure if I buy this reaction.
In fact, we practically ignored Muslim attacks. In many cases, we even took the opportunity to talk more shit about white men every time Muslims perpetrated the attack.

I later found out that this was by design. Reporters are actually trained to remind audiences about white supremacists and terrorists every time Muslim radicals perform an attack.

It was all political shit. France and UK dont want to have a great and strong Russia.

Then you should go back to your own countries. White people are dangerous lunatics. You’ll be safer with your own people.

wow, user... gee... thanks :)

i propose white males kill people like you, film it, and post it on the intarwebs

>somebody does something bad
1. is he on your side?
>use understanding and logical arguments for his actions
2. is he not on your side
>use logical arguments without understanding his actions

flip, repeat, or masturbate.
This board in a nutshell.

Learn how to fight and take it back pussy. You won’t. You’re too busy getting blind drunk and picking fights with each other. Joke people.

fuck off glowinthedarkCIA faggot

>List of Killings in the Name of Islam: Last 30 Days During this time period, there were 99 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 701 people were killed and 697 injured.


well desu you're too OP plz nerf

Nope, those were Jewish inventions. Nice try though.

Oh really?

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it is NOT a problem

>List of Killings in the Name of Islam: Last 30 Days During this time period, there were 99 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 701 people were killed and 697 injured.

lowest quality bait

so you are a crybaby and a looser.

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>How do we deal with the recent surge in terrorist attacks by white males?
Stop pissing them off with little things like white genocide.

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You mudered over 20 million of my Native ancestors

This but unironically

Not yet leaf, give it a little bit more time.

the real problem is incels , no sex makes men violent. ALL unmarried mud-slime men are incels.

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You already got replied. There was a fight and you lost. If you want the stuff back take weapons, wage war and let's see how it goes. Until you don't you have no right to claim anything. Also, fuck off.

Until you do*

>going against what your image conveys

No his ancestors murdered your ancestors , that means that nether one of you did anything to each other .

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You mean survival of the fittest? Blame God

Autists, go look up and research a guy named (((Baruch Goldstein)))?? and a mosque shooting in the Holy Land several years ago. Post all of the sauce here, every chan, every social media of all of the ((())) politicians and celebrities and media darlings. Once again , that is (((Baruch Goldstein)))?? and a mosque shooting in the Holy Land. Did (((they))) make a shrine there to celebrate him ??!!!

exploration and conquering doesn't count faggot

>You mudered over 20 million of my Native ancestors

You murdered each other as well.

Oh we will get it back eventually. Whites are cucks and aren't having children in North America. They'll be very small in numbers in a century. We'll be given our land back then.

Wrong, you won't exist without white's gibs, so the whole thing will collapse. Even now, you're nothing without wiggers babysitting you.

There were never 20 million native canadians you fucking retard.

I mourn the loss of any race and culture. I was at a pow wow and most of the participants were white men. The 15% native types. I find it awful. Can you not see why native Europeans don't want to lose their own race and culture? It's just sad. You and your fellow natives need to come together and fight for your land back, and only have children with other natives to grow your population.

Flattery won´t get you very far here.

Lol no

The Chinese/Russian alliance will get it all

You gotta fix your alcholism, suicide rates, poverty, chief/6 nations corruption and education before you get there.

Why cant we work together though? Natives are bros. We want to all be Canada.

I bet you're a white faggot who thinks he's 1/16 Cherokee via some nonspecific grandparent.

It’s literally the opposite

>defending one's country from invasion is terrorism

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well it's better them than the jews/shitskins.

top all have one in common, they dont give a fuck about the nation itself they are just mental criminals.

try writing a detailed 17000 word document about the current situation

Lmao the original holocaust inflator. Never forget the 100 million natives paleface.

dumb leaf

The irony that anti-white fags are constantly spewing shit about white men indicates they really fear white men.

>recent surge
what recent surge?
can someone back up this claim with data? Aussie did not beat either Breivik's or McVeigh's high score

Wow, you have a lot of ancestors.

>How do we deal with the recent surge in terrorist attacks by white males?
Keep up the momentum

>Because the white male is the most dangerous and violent creature on the planet

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If shooter is Arab and kills white people
>the reaction from white people is islamophobic and Muslims are the real victim. Terrorism is part and parcel of living in big city

If shooter is white and killed Arabs
>ban everything! Take away white people’s rights!

dude I cant wait until the chinks takeover africa, they've already started building their own towns and the nogs are too pre-occupied with getting whitey out.

I want them to experience what japanese, korean and other asians have suffered at the hands of chinese invaders.

Yeah shouldnt they be saying whites dindu nuffin.
they usually say muslims dindu nuffin.

and you wonder why the white majority who are descendants of those who founded these nations want your kind expelled forever. Keep posting this and you'll recruit more to our side shithead.

incestuous lot aren't ye?

its just not an aesthetic one.
so people dont hear about it often.
or people are too rigid in their think and thry have been dupped that the NWO must be an opressive oligarchy.
maybe NWO could be a biological governance instead of a societal one,
or the NWO could be something like the NAP or just a declaration of human rights, or declaring jesus christ your lord and saviour.
or they could be all these paths all diverging into goodwill for all humanity.
though at that point it becomes a question of what paths not to go down.
but people can be curious and need the benefit of the doubt.
and we find ourselves in this similar situation.
i mean is the maxim: try your best not to kill another human being.
is that so hard to follow?
that vengence need not be a debt payed in blood, but payed in knowledge and lessons learned?

or maybe not using another human being as a means to an end.
we are all tools to something greater.
we cannot escape our usefulness, even if we believe ourselves to be purposeless.

If you really think about it for a moment. It would've happened either way. Now that I do think about it, sitting here, it would've happened either way. Whether it would be a hundred or even a thousand years down the road. Disease and starvation is what fucked us over in the end. History is history, man, we can't change shit, just accept it and assimilate, that's all you can do - that's all you were born to do, really. I'm not going to waste my energy fighting against something that happened in the past long before I was born, neither should you, friend.

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You sound like the type of faggot who wouldn't do 1 godddamn thing if your gf was getting raped by a migrant right in front of you. You would say "gosh, i sure do love cultural enrichment".