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Where's the real pink vaporwave painter caps? Do they not make them? I don't think baby pink is gonna cut it.

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what a tool

Cost of UBI for every adult in America is 3 trillion dollars a year.

Entire Federal Budget is 3.5 trillion dollars.

You will never get even 10 dollars a month. And you know it and Yang knows it. Yang shit is you giving up on everything it's embracing total nihilism and defeat embracing the fact that you will never get your country back but not saying it outright

Why do CIAniggers choose irrelevant ecelebs whom no one likes to promote their latest Nazbol politician? It really boggles my mind.

Attached: richard spencer is irrelevant.jpg (1178x622, 46K)

Oh hey even neo Nazis are supporting UBI. That must mean it’s REALLY bad!

Wasn't he that dumbass that got punched by a nigger?

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tbqh that hat looks like shit. It looks like a white hat that got washed with reds.
I want a LEGIT neon hot pink vaporwave Yang Gang hat. And I know Yang knows about the memes and embraces them, so I'm hoping he eventually makes it official.

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Fuck off, with give trillions to niggers and spics and boomers and trannies and israel and literally every other group but young working-age whites. There are only two choices: you continue paying for everyone else's gibs with nothing in return, or you can grab a slice of the pie too.

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>Entire Federal Budget is 3.5 trillion dollars.
Who cares? Just print more money or add it to the debt, faggot. Whats the debt at, like 200 trillion already?

This is good for bitcoin

Or better yet kys.

No goy, everyone else gets a free ride and it's your solemn duty to carry the burden for everyone else.

I want my yang hat to glow.

wtf, the hat is supposed to be magenta.

W2c hat???

fuckin kek if this is real

props to spencer destroying yang's campaign

he was punched by a literal shit eating faggot.

Its pink for spencer
We all know why

is the clown PePe really an alt-right dog-whistle? I'm so fucking confused.
"honk-honk" is apparently HH, or "88", aka "Heil Hitler" according to what I've read and it seems too stupid to be real. no trolling please

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subliminal messages about the amount of assfuckery we get whenever it's erec-election time?

Right now us yang bros are in the minority on Jow Forums, about ~20% of the board give or take. Just wait until Yang declares his public stance on Israel (spoiler alert: he will not be a sycophant for Mossad and Netanyahu) and wait for him to talk more about issues that appeal to /pol: which he has already touched on, such as making social media a public utility so first amendment applies, specially reaching out to the declining pop. of whites in the mid west because of opiates and suicide, etc

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Has this loser ever been relevant? What a fag

>Trump shills try to distance themselves after realizing they were played for the tools they were

Spencer supports Universal Healthcare as long as it's only for white people. Not really trying to contradict you in any way, just sayin that's his position on the subject

It reminds me of summer 2015 when a ton of Jow Forumsacks were still set on Rand and people were bitching about trump being a clinton psyop and an authoritarian gun grabber or whatever.
Things will definitely move in a better direction. Unless Trump seriously unfucks himself, nobody will be left defending him except retarded evangelical ziocuck boomers who watch sean hannity. Right now a ton of people are coping and trying to ignore the reality that Trump sold us out, but over time the truth will get through their thick skulls too.

Pink, yellow and blue colours together are demonic. These Saturn worshipping faggots are laughing at all of the goys who fall for this bullshit. NO ONE is on our side especially not in fucking politics. Not trump. Not yang. Fucking no one.

Thank god.

we'll rise more and more in the coming months especially if he rises in the primaries and wins the primary THEN exponential growth will occur, I would say our volk percentage pop on this board is at about 10 percent desu.

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he probably intentionally didn't say "bought"

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Q predicted this

>ended syrian civil war
>cut taxes
>appointed 2 decent judges

I agree we need the wall and immigration reform but immi reform was always a 2nd term move. The wall hes fivhting but losing

top bantz. Trump is a jewish tool.

Richard Spencer is like the David Duke of our generation. He went from hailing Trump to worshipping a chicom gook. Everything he touches turns to shit.

What happened to your general containment thread, leaf?

>had control of every branch of government and the only two things he could accomplish were shit a brain-dead retard could do
like how the fuck do you screw up repealling Onigger care with that much power lol? he got cucked by establishment republicans who used him for the specific purpose of getting judges and had no intention of supporting any part of his agenda. "BIGGEST BRAIN" and gets used liked a 2-dollar thai whore lmao

Hi mister penishead. I have all your books and my penis is crystal clean, sir.

That's will never happen though.

jesus this guy is cringe

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read the fucking plan on his website then we can talk about the actual numbers
literacy test


he got the faggy looking one
pic rel is the nice looking one

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haha next david duke will join with you fucks. have fun with the glowinthedark "support"

it ain’t addin up chief.

Yang is in a really weird place right now. First he needs to win the Dem primary and almost nobody here is a registered Democrat.

>>Canadian cares about who americans vote for.

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idk anything about yang other than free $1000 lmao
but thats actually a nice hat
way better than trumps hat

Reminder that op is a faggot

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In most states, primaries are open and you don't need to register for either party, or you can change party at the polling booth right then and there. A handful of states you need to be registered a certain period of time prior, usually a couple months at max before the primary date.

It's a longshot, but so was Trump back in 2015. When he started running I was just hoping to ride that wave as long as possible, but it kept going all the way. You never know what can happen.
One thing people seriously are underestimating is how much HERE'S FREE MONEY GET THAT MF BAG appeals to many people. Just think about how much support and votes Bernie got, and his platform was mainly about free college, an issue that only helps a slim number of people (college aged whites) because people in the workforce don't benefit after the fact and minorities all get free scholarships anyway. So if he got a sizeable amount of the vote just on that, imagine what campaigning on 1000 yangbux for everyone could do. You never know.

Worst case scenario we get the issue of automation more widespread, and also show that merely appealing directly to whites in a sympathetic light, rather than demonizing us, will garner a lot of support.

I just mean that it's out of character for Jow Forums to be supporting a dem candidate vs other dems, the language and expectations are different

Why is spencer tweeting about this fucking gook and not about the guy who just killed 50 people for whites

>why isn't he tarnishing himself further by mentioning a psychopathic killer
gee I wonder why

What fucking autistic retard follows this communist


I suppose it's a sensible decision. But you know things are serious when even Richard Spencer is too scared to talk about it.

Not necessarily. It's just that this is the first time where the democrat primaries actually matter to us. For example nobody gave a fuck who won the DNC in 2016 because both bernie and hilldog were terrible and there was really no tactical advantage to having one or another vs Trump. Plus everyone knew Hillary was the preselected nominee from the start anyway. And obviously there was no democrat primary in 2012 because Obama was incumbent, and then in 2008 on /b/ most people supported obama because nobody likes hillary and because at least back then, candidate obama was a lot different than what he ended up being.

what an absolute faggot

spencer is a mason queer

the pink hat is so him

Accelerationism is a defeatist mentality. I cannot think of a more disgusting trait for a brother in arm to allow the enemy to existe in a part of his brain, just as larper, the people who have accepted even a slightly temporary worse situation for white people should seriously question their faith and inner strengh. I wouldn't want to fight along these people.

When you feel too weak to fight you just quit, you don't drag down other with you.

You can call it white takia, a grand scheme strategy, playing the enemy's rules or whatever. This is lying, this is deception, this is jew tricks. Don't do that, you are worth better than this. Be straightforward, never lie, never hide. Attack evil on the spot just like Jesus. You can do it gently, you can do it inteligently, you can do it violently, but never accept evil.

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very moving friend

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We know you make this shit on a Discord that crawls with sweaty retards that want 1000$ just to buy that 1 sex doll that look like they're mother

it's a vaporwave thing u fucking spook

We got a serious problem. Yang isn't embracing the vaporware hats. He's currently making some lame ass navy blue ones. Boring.

If we don't get him onboard the vaporware aesthetic, I fear it might be ogre. Luckily he seems very responsive to the memes. We gotta keep the pressure on twitter to get him to embrace vaporware.

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It's actually quite based of Spencer in that he's not disavowing him like a lot of other fags.

>read his plan for gulags and social credit systems
Got better things to do faggot

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it's vaporwave boyo