Some crazed up Australian guy has the decency to kill Muslims on the spot, make them feel no Pain

>Some crazed up Australian guy has the decency to kill Muslims on the spot, make them feel no Pain
>Muslims kill people in the most horrifying and painful ways

Are Muslims really considered "humans"? Picture related, Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasasbeh that was burned to death.

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But ISIS isn't Islam

Just because it doesn't fit your agenda, doesn't make it true.

you know that guy in the cage is a sodomite right? you support sodomy you hate ISIS

fuck muslims. they got what they deserved and i hope they get crusaded again. i don't even consider them to be actually human.

>Absolutely terrible what happened. I feel so bad for the families of the deceased. #thoughts&prayers

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A few rotten apples don't = the whole bunch.

Does a few = 50%?


Al-Baghdadi has his doctorate in Islamic studies. I think he knows what Islam is better than retarded cucks like you.

>islam has nothing to do with islam the religion of peace bla bla bla
they're all terrorists you doofus

it's mossad new fags

Are you retarded? Do you even know how the expression goes? One rotten apple spoils the barrel faggot.

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The New Zealand attack was made by a white supremacist.

I am here waiting for the next Muslim terrorist attack to come soon in response to this attack to see the media calling him a lone wolf with serious mental problems as if this had nothing to do with Islam.

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one in the same

Sorry bro, but ISIS is the real Islam. They are known precisely for being as faithful to Islam as possible.

hello Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

this is shitty argument even for Jow Forums

All the people who stand for Islam in the West now are not talking about Islam, but about them. I see many people saying that terrorist attacks have nothing to do with Islam.

I have studied Islam for a few years and I can say that Islam justifies terrorist attacks.

THIS THAT I WILL SAY NOW IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Our (Western) society has become a society of narcissists. None of these people who are defending Islamism are speaking properly of Islam, but of themselves. They did not lose more than 5 minutes to study Islam, their only concern is to want to look good people.

Or to blame the white supremacist jackass instead of the jihadist. I am convinced if another 9/11 happens you're going to have major figures, not just the Somali Omar chick but a lot of others, saying "We were asking for it" "Trump's rhetoric fueled it".

wherever there is Islam there is death

if isis were true islam you would think they would spare muslims in syria and Iraq but no everyone is fair game to them, they ignore sacred text to prohibits senseless killing and only use verses taken out off context to justify their actions

Also you would not believe the amount of Muslims who dithered:
>Well I like the idea of an Islamic state, just not this
>They're going about it too extremely but I understand their sentiments
>The Shiites/Westerners were asking for it

It's the usual behavior of useful idiots and apologists, same shit happened when the Nazis were beaten or from the American left during the Cold War. "I like communism but the Soviet Union is going about it wrong", "They're over zealous but their heart is in the right place"

OF fucking course shooting innocent people is horrible. I'm just wondering why when they do it to us we're told part and parcel keep calm (Shut up) and carry on. When a Westerner does it to them all of a sudden it's the greatest evil in the world.

ISIS fags literally rape and enslave how Muhammad told them to rape and enslave.

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>if isis were true islam you would think they would spare muslims in syria and Iraq

Seriously do you even think this what you're saying is an argument?

So you mean Stalin was not a leftist because he had a pickaxe stuck in Trotsky's head?

So you mean that Sunnis and Shiites are not real Muslims either because they are killing each other?
What is true Islam?

Zionist Reichstag.jpg

ISIS doesn't spare anyone, just because they are the group that had the most media attention doesn't mean they are the right one. like I said earlier they ignore all texts that doesn't condone killing innocents and they twist certain verses to fit their ideology. if you want a picture of what islam is then take Oman as an example

You can fool the innocent, but you do not fool me. I spent years studying Islam.

I can paste here dozens of ayat justifying what ISIS does. Do you know what you're going to do?
It will do exactly what you are doing now saying that the problem lies in the interpretation of these ayats.
It will do this because in Islam there is a business called taqya which is the possibility that a Muslim has to lie about what Islam really is for converting non-Muslims.

What you can not do is say that Muhammad did, spoke or taught something wrong because it is punishable by death.

Muhammad explicitly teaches that Muslims can rape infidels, the only restriction he makes is not to ejaculate because if it is Allah's will the woman will become pregnant. I'm lying?

Muhammad explicitly taught that infidels should be enslaved. I'm lying?

Muhammad explicitly taught that infidels should be killed. I'm lying?

>It will do exactly what you are doing now saying that the problem lies in the interpretation of these ayats.
>It will do this because in Islam there is a business called taqya which is the possibility that a Muslim has to lie about what Islam really is for converting non-Muslims.

Excuse me. In these two passages I mean "You will do..."

>I can paste here dozens of ayat justifying what ISIS does.
let me guess, you're gonna past the kill them wherever you find them verse right? how about you look at the complete verse first.
>And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

the verse is saying do to them as they did to, it doesn't say go and kill innocent people

>It will do this because in Islam there is a business called taqya which is the possibility that a Muslim has to lie about what Islam really is for converting non-Muslims.
a google search would've told you that this is false taqiyaa is to hide your faith in face of prosecution and/or death, but since you're too lazy here
>n Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya (Arabic: تقیة taqiyyah, literally "prudence, fear")[1][2] is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution

>Muhammad explicitly taught that infidels should be enslaved. I'm lying?
>Muhammad explicitly taught that infidels should be killed. I'm lying?

yes you're lying when it comes to rape and enslavement but killing in the context of war is ok,
>Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous

Okay then white nationalists shooting up mosques isn't white nationalism.

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria..

It is the first fucking word of their name..

Exactly, you guys use this as a guise so now everyone can now. Until you take responsibility for Islam and it's crimes.

I'm not even going to waste my time.