What was so great about the 80s?

What was so great about the 80s?

Attached: hiytt.jpg (329x424, 36K)

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We hadn't yet crossed the event horizon of sanity


Attached: augetque hoc ridens.jpg (1000x1000, 315K)

the engineering
all the v8 turbos and sick stuff coming out of japan
was a good time to be a gear head

The eighties was when white girls began selling their pussy to blacks for hits of crack. Since then it has just gotten worse.

Attached: ecf343a8a9021df3a4345bbdaf396a7d[1].jpg (1000x824, 92K)

This guy was god on Earth.


pubic hair on girls

The country was still recoverable at that point. Instead they elected the neoliberal-masquerading-as-a-conservative Reagan. But at least society didn't go to shit for another decade-plus afterwards.

>80s music
>Aerobics girls
>no social media
>practically no cell phones
>real human interactions
It was a great time to be a teenager. Except for the whole AIDS thing. They pushed condoms relentlessly. Ruined my first sexual experience. Fuck condoms.