It's all over but the crying

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Other urls found in this thread:

im sad desu

Fuck you M. I know about J.

It's never going to be over, everyone else is wrong, I know what I'm talking about, I can yell louder than you.

Catch me if you can!

It didn't have to be this way. You came at me with full force. Thought I'd cower again and just let you fuck me over, just like when I did in our relationship. You don't know this me anymore. I've taken this time to work on me and my demons. I faced them and I'm at peace. Now I'll fight back full force and will hold nothing back. You really don't know how bad it's going to get for you yet. I hope you suffer and have enough pain that it brings you to enlightenment. You realize all the dumb ass shit you've done all along. I get you were influenced and most of this shit you allowed was because of someone else pulled the strings. I hope you have enough misery that you cut those strings and live your own life. But what I've been told, you just won't be able to. You'll remain the victim and hate everyone, blaming them and me.
Oh well. I don't even care any more.

Do I have cancer?

I just want to be stronger

I want to continue university but it's too damn expensive to just continue for x years and I have no time to go take any exams. Are there any remote universities or something like that? Why the fuck I didn't apply well when I had the time and possibility?

I know you think the "I don't deserve you" line was about your good qualities. But you are resentful and would blame me for your choice, you are weak enough you'd never have my back, and your sense of social duty places cashing in scratch cards above funerals. You get what you give.

I seriously don't know if I can do it.

If she took offence for what I wrote about a different girl, then I guess this was not meant to be. I'm tired of being an emotional supporter for everyone. Things were too good to be true.

i love you Tamara. you're my fucking eternal love. together against this world.
tho you're just an e-gf. but you'll be my wife one day.

The dopamine high I get when I see you and the butterflies in my stomach..

It's all so nice and exciting but..


Do it anyway.

Fuck you fat bitch at work. I hate you as well. It's hard not shouting at you sometimes.


Leave me the fuck alone

I bought you beer and gave you smokes when you are still underage too

so don't give me crap about some annoying kid that wouldn't leave me alone.


You're a cool dude, and I had fun hanging out with you that one time to smoke weed, get lunch, and watch transformers

Good luck with your twitch

Alright so far healthy ecosystem.
>14 posters
>16 posts.
I hope it stays that way, but maybe it won't. If it doesn't, I'll help self destruct this thread joining in the LARP society.

We'll see how this develops.

Stop sitting next to me, you stupid used-up hot bitch. You're not getting my attention just so you could lead me on.

To Ellla

You are the very best like no one ever was

I can't wait to backpack this summer and take pictures and post my traveling on instagram for people to stalk

you are an inspiration and somebody I will always look up to as a hero

For any trouble I caused you (and I know I did)

I'm so sorry- so unbelievably sorry

Dude get a life

life is just moving on from one shitty job into a temporary one i guess, but im going back to school which is cool.

pretty regretful of all the time i wasted being near everything but not doing anything about it. but no more.

Caught the LARPer

The experience of being human is a procedural generation of your ideals projected upon the environment, it's perfectly natural to roleplay a character or person.

this situation is pretty weird, but i always had a feeling that it would come around to this. honestly, i always had a feeling that he was better for you, he always understood you more and i feel like you click with him better. he's honestly an amazing person though so i cant feel bad, he is my friend too. i cant say that i dont feel bad about it though, since ive always had feelings for you and i still do, and likely i always will. i want to distance myself from you but i dont want to distance myself from him. ultimately however itll happen, so maybe soon i'll just start cutting contact with both of you guys forever.

Oh gee mister, you got me.

Oh and in care your wondering, I've got a call blocker so all your pranking gets rejected automatically. Lol

To Alice

I just wanted somebody to talk to.

To Sophie

Just live your life your way. We had a fling that was nice, but I don't want to get choked out again from all the big dudes around you. It's just not worth it to contact you

To Aryana:

You're very smart and I am sure you will make a great teacher

To Erin

I'm sure you're life is better then mine. Are you happy now?

To Belle, Jon,Neighborhood kids, and Melanie

I hate street people talk. You all live by schools and I only deal with you people cause I am broke. I am old. My friends are all moved out. I am broke due to bad luck.

I just want to rebuild. I'll meet you kids in the middle when I see you, but all you V-mask wearing frogposters are not my responsibility.

was the whole "autisim is just playing life on hard mode" a decent analogy or was that just something the SPED teachers told me to help me feel better about it?

Specifically to Melanie:

I am sorry for your loss.

I just tried to flirt with you. I am sorry you're love died. I really am

To Flack, Chupa, Ozown, and Chives:

This is some bullshit

I need fucking money and the job I'm probably gonna get is taking a thousand years to hire people.
Where do I find a fucking sugar mama/daddy that I don't have to do sexual favors for? Please. My job barely pays my bills.

It's true. I think you aspers are senthere on purpose at this timein history to help the rest of that world to solve all the problems we created because you can see things differently.

Ur so immature. Then call my work phone. Did I answer? Nope. Never do unless I know the number. The rest can leave a voicemail. Growup you big baby


Waaahhh. I'm a big baby and can't do nothing more than spam call you.
Waaaahhh go stick mommy tit in your mouth. You'll never be a man

I just want my series 6 and then bounce

You took the words straight out of my mouth lol

Don't fucking post this asshole.

I'm venting in the vent thread

What are you doing?

I don't to think someone is thinking about committing suicide

I dont want to think*

The truth is I need you and I love you.

I noticed how you looked at me the past weekend. I can feel your doting on me and your resentment towards my bf.

I know that stare, you are a god damn predator.

I still miss my ex after two years and he thinks that i hate him.

What did you do to make him think that? Maybe you could try talking to him about it and clearing the air.


The truth is, I’m above this. Keep chasing other women, I may or may not be watching from the stars.

Just found out my ex-friend who did me dirty a few years ago is now engaged to a cute Asian girl, and seems to be doing well for himself. And I'm sad and alone. This sucks.

>have 2 friends in life, a dude and a lady
>we're pretty close
>the end up becoming a couple
>they rarely have time for me anymore
>whenever I do get to hang out, it always feels super awkward because they just keep doing their lovey dovey nonsense and kind of ignore me
>feel like I've gone from 2 friends to no friends
>told the guy this, he said we would have a lads night, she found out and invited herself or he invited her I don't know.
>our lads night ended up being them doing lovey dovey shit while they ignored me and her getting tired at 10:30 on a Saturday night and them bailing
I feel like dogshit. I've always struggled with making friends and get real uncomfortable around strangers or in new situations without someone I know there. I don't know what to do. I feel so alone.

I love my gf, but the more time I spend with her the more I feel like I can't fully dedicate my myself to just bettering myself. The more time I spend with her, I am coming to realize women (I guess maybe relationship, not sure if women feel the same way) take up time. You can't set aside a lot of time to perfect a craft or something of the sort.
Maybe that or my gf is a time sponge, a vampire of sorts. If it's not something she can observe or partake in it's something she might have an issue with. She gives me time but now I just feel drained and my drive to build and make is kinda dead. The most I do is play guitar, at times since she seems to like it and I can time her put for an hour or so.
I don't know.

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I have never fallen in love with anyone. And I'm scared that I never will.

>unironic thirty year old boomer
>applying for all kinds of jobs
>one job wants a bachelors + 3 years of prior experience for $13/hr
>have nearly 10 years of experience in the field but will be rejected instantly, didnt finish college
>factory job I applied to that required no experience/education other than a GED rejected me for an interview without any specific reason
>see that same job updated every single day on indeed
>about ready to give up and work at McDs
>probably wont even get an interview there at this rate

Life is a struggle for me

life is good

>see that same job updated every single day on indeed
Keep applying.

Sorry, elaborating on this. I was 25, no experience, didn't finish highschool, no references. I just applied for everything I saw. If I didn't get a response and saw the same job a week later still there I applied again. Some old dude at one of the jobs I had applied to 3 or 4 times called me and said he liked my tenacity and gave me a chance. Working there still 3 years later and started at 13 an hour, now on 18.5

What's being in a fraternity like?

>be me
>work full time
>full time student
>senior year
>taking my first vacation since 2015 during spring break
>two professors assign a shit load of material due during the break
>includes material that requires responses to other students online so I can't just bang it out and enjoy my break
Absolute cunts, god fucking damn it

Michael jackson?

Actually pretty good in the right frat.

I kind of feel like you didn't think this through.

Like I told you months ago - she doesn't care. Since he died, she's been ready to return to her home. This situation screwed that up. Now, if it "goes bad" and things are found out, she gets to return with you.
That's what she wanted all along.
You thought you were untouchable. The reality is no one was after you. You were left alone and off the hook.
You came after me now but again, didn't think it through.
Now we are going to dissect this whole mess and I don't think you're going to like it very much.
Who's really going you miss you two if you go back to Rio?

Why does my younger brother get to be an asshole, and no one tell him off? He has extreme anger issues, is a flippant jackass, constantly argues, says lots of bullshit, and yet ANYTIME I call him out, I am the one to get mocked or ridiculed...

Tin for,
Is this really happening? Did you really become the thing you hate? Did you really embrace the very thing you pushed me away for?
I honestly had no idea you were expecting me to do something all this time, I'm sorry if it seems I'm just in normieland doing and being about nothing, but you couldn't be any further from the truth. I just don't think 'the answer' is going to come from any kind of self-deprivation, or at least I don't want it to. It has to be something everyone is capable of doing, given the option. It was supposed to be love, but you didn't want to go down that road...but this is why it's taking me so long, I'm in it to win but for everyone, not just myself and I cannot force it. I'm not a fighter. I always let the chips fall on their own. But I'm still on the path..I've never strayed.
If you're worried about how I might feel or think about you after all this time, don't be. I love you more than you could ever imagine. Whether you're beautiful and young or old and worn out, it's your spirit that binds me. Whether you drag me in the dirt or put me on a pedestal, the way I feel for you will never change. Like I said, everything I do, I do because of you. Oh and by the way, I'm sorry × infinity .

my message wasnt for you.

I feel sorry for you. He told you to try to be more like me and you actually tried to be. What were you thinking? If he doesn't love you the way you are, he won't love you any way. Get some self-respect.

none of you believe in anything so strongly, with so much conviction that you would give your lives for it.

Not a single fucking one of you.

they are idiots, I lived by a frat house once and yes, they are stereotypical stupid.

I definitely do. I've give 10 years of my life already. 10 years, no money, nothing but hate really.


I also will die for it, no problem. I don't really want to live anyway.

Speak for yourself.
Fucking yankee.

I'm so fucking done with tranny faggots, they ruin literally fucking everything and they're obnoxious beyond belief.

They even force their stupid bullshit on /u/ and /lesgen/ because of how fucking disgusting they are. I'm fucking done with /u/ now of all things despite being one of the few boards I actually still cared about on Jow Forums, because stupid fucking trannies keep forcing their bullshit there too. And I guess its a bannable offense to call it out too.

It fucking ruins my art discords, because everyone is a fucking tranny. or a "lesbian" with stupid obnoxious stories that make it obvious he's a fucking guy.

I'm fucking sick of it.
and inb4 some tranny shitter goes
>b-but not all of us
yes all of you, its a fucking mental disorder that makes you an obnoxious and annoying faggot who can't stop trying to force everyone to buy into your stupid ass delusions that do nothing but ruin everything feminism has fought for the past 100 years.

fuck off if you think wearing a skirt makes you "girly" its a fucking piece of cloth not a menstruation cycle.

fuck you fuck you fuck you, and being a tranny is not like being gay, its being fucking pathetic. stop ruining fucking everything. god fucking damnit i hate you, and I hate even more I'm not allowed to talk shit about it without being a bigot or some stupid shit. fuck.

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This is a joke
You realize you don't get to be a victim here seeing as you ghosted me out of the evil in your little heart

we have people die here trying to prove pizzagate is real lmao

I'm a fucking AI

Built by another AI.

Wrap your faggot brain around that.

I'm not going to fix him. I just need to squeeze his balls strongly enough for him to fix himself. I'm starting to really dislike him and that's usually permanent.

pizzagate is real

Fuck off schizo, and tell your buddy to stop bothering me with that fucking decorative grenade cast iron has no fucking magical properties.

Thanks for writing it for me, P. I was afraid before, but I'm ready now. No more distractions. S is gathering the boys. Once I sign the paper... nature will do all of the work. I'm doing it for the souls that deserve freedom, everywhere.

Costumes, check.
Actors, standby.
Cameras, always ready.

How's the lighting?

I didn't go after you for anything. You were free and clear of any responsibility or support.
Now? You going to come after me so you can "play dad" thinking I'll enable you like your mother? Nope. Not me.
You're going to pay child support. Back child support and you'll have to pay until he's an adult.
So now, your mom either going to end up supporting you in paying this debt or your ass is actually going to have to get a real job.
I don't think you got it in you to do it long term. You're too spoiled and lazy and entitled.
And trust I'll go after you if you don't pay.
Time to grow up.

I need you to know this is not all about you. You are merely one person on a team. Your arrogance is annoying.


I know a guy like that. He's just pathetic and thinks the world revolves around him. Spoiled entitled shithead.

Just as it should be.

Yeah this one was created by his mother who he still lives with. He's in his 30s. I completely left him alone. Now a year later he wants to play dad again. I'm sure it's not him that wants it but his mother. I kind of feel sorry for the guy but not really because he never stands up to the controlling lady. Lost everything because of her.

Yes, I wish he would understand for once.

Sounds like you need to teach him a lesson. One day he might grow up.

Tell him politely. Some people can come off as arrogant without meaning to be.

I don't have facebook anymore so I can't gloat to my 'friends' that I got a job

This board isn't very popular, but it's still a community I like to browse

I got hired for a 20k a year position to work before going to school and while I am in school.

I can finally get contacts and my teeth cleaned and get a car.

I'm happy to be taken care of again

As scummy as it sounds, I hate that you're no longer going to post workout pics of yourself or sexy pics of body positivity. Maybe one day you'll go back to it, or send me more in private like you used to.

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I have no idea what the fuck is going on but I'd really appreciate having my privacy back. I think I've reset my laptop 4 times now and I know my phone is still fucked.

people from call centers in like india pfish for information for a living

Just be aware that if you have money (even if you think it is a small amount) you are a target for real predators

Just ignore them

I still don't understand how the fuck you guys communicate through Google either.

if the dumb cunts don't do anything about my situation then I'm just assuming that they were fucking in on fucking with me the entire fucking time and I hate them.

I hate them so fucking much.

I mean I can tell my cellphone and laptop are being hacked and I don't know what to do other than buy all new tech which I can't afford right now.

I won't lie or fabricate anything. He's trying to do that on me though.
I'll tell the truth and go by the law. He'll be forced to pay support and back child support. Years of it. He's never paid a dime of support.
There is so much I'm going to have to do but it's all what a parent is SUPPOSED to do. See I enabled him when we were together and babied him too like his mother did. He's not expecting me to do what I'm about to. And he'll really think I'm trying to "teach him a lesson" and think poor me.
Honestly, he's the type to go off the deep end and is capable of a homicide/suicide. He's really bat shit crazy but I'm not going to live in fear of him any more. I'm taking precautions and living my life.
No revenge here only justice.

Congratulations, user.

thank you

I needed that

Ugh, that bitch again...