Repeat After Me:

Yang Gang.

So which hat looks the best? cuz I'm buying one once I get that $1000

Attached: YaGaHat.png (1075x900, 1.56M)

Other urls found in this thread: white people wil be shooting&btnK=Google Search&oq=yang white people wil be shooting&gs_l=psy-ab.3...3188.10010..10346...0.0..1.470.7102.0j22j6j2j3......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0j0i3j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j0i13j0i13i30j0i8i13i30.aAZbMuu_PVU

where is my bright neon pink hat.


There is a place you can buy those now?

I saw these on ebay. I'm assuming they aren't embroidered and probably shit quality

Accelerationism is a defeatist mentality. I cannot think of a more disgusting trait for a brother in arm to allow the enemy to existe in a part of his brain, just as larper, the people who have accepted even a slightly temporary worse situation for white people should seriously question their faith and inner strengh. I wouldn't want to fight along these people.

When you feel too weak to fight you just quit, you don't drag down other with you.

You can call it white takia, a grand scheme strategy, playing the enemy's rules or whatever. This is lying, this is deception, this is jew tricks. Don't do that, you are worth better than this. Be straightforward, never lie, never hide. Attack evil on the spot just like Jesus. You can do it gently, you can do it inteligently, you can do it violently, but never accept evil.

Attached: 1537112798843.jpg (750x736, 521K)

>I'm buying one once I get that $1000
>believing a politican
So, never?

Attached: 1552356985401.png (625x579, 134K)


Attached: 32523.jpg (474x404, 56K)

did he actually say that? hahahaha white people wil be shooting&btnK=Google Search&oq=yang white people wil be shooting&gs_l=psy-ab.3...3188.10010..10346...0.0..1.470.7102.0j22j6j2j3......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0j0i3j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j0i13j0i13i30j0i8i13i30.aAZbMuu_PVU