Watching news with my girlfriend

>watching news with my girlfriend
>New Zeland shooting comes up
>end up telling her I read the shooters manifesto
>said I thought he was heroic and his motive righteous
>she got mad and I got mad
>in the end I was basically arguing that a good muslim is a dead muslim
I should stop coming here

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I'm trying so hard to not reveal my power level

I’m not saying the person in your image is an elf trying to blend into the population of humans, but...

My women said neither the shooter nor the muslims should be in our country.
Couldn't disagree with her desu.

Don't do it, at best people just think you're crazy

I'm a poo but I still enjoyed the video even though I'm probably next on the menu.

A lot of people will pretend to be outraged, but I doubt anyone will shed tears for dead pakis.

He was right, immigration has a problem in the west, but killing inocent people is cowardly.

I have mixed feelings. I dont feel bad, but i dont think this is going to make any difference.

>not realizing its a mossad psyop
so the power of HUE iq

Make Bazil Great Again

My situation is not that bad, but I realized I've been here too long when I watched the Academy Awards with my parents a few weeks back and couldn't help but notice all the

Also i got banned for breaking global rule#1 4 days ago, there were warnings on here prior to this attack. Thank you mods. Its all satire.

If it's a falseflag it's a really fucking good one with a completely different MO than the other possible flaseflags, with the shooter recording everything, actually LARPing effectively as a Jow Forumstard AND releasing convincing manifesto

You cant. Its impossible. Ive tried so many times. Not happening.

Girls from Brazil have big brapperz

My gf is an asslet

did not happen and you're a faggot

I think I should take some inspiration from Kogos. I'm not going to condone murder but I couldn't care less for a bunch of muslims being shot at the other side of the planet

>>said I thought he was heroic and his motive righteous

>Killing innocents is heroic

Literal ape

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Women cannot be reasoned with, they're emotional based idiots.

You should stop being an autistic retard.

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>Gf came home, had a half day
>I asked her if she heard about NZ
>She said she watched it from pol
>She said "is it bad I don't feel bad"
>Spent the rest of the day laughing

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You should get a new girlfriend.

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Is that really him in the picture?

How'd you meet such a based grill and is she white?

We don’t even know what his motivations are at this point. The Pakistan connection is weird. The world is slowly waking up and we’re all going to have to unravel this mess peaceful at the end of the day and this guy has made it worse

His manifesto makes his motivations pretty clear, no?

buy your gf a cage and a leesh. Write property on her ass.

(((the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim)))
I wonder who is behind this post.

This incident has revealed just how many brainlets there are on Jow Forums. You tards are being played like a fiddle. But go ahead and keep thinking those innocent people who were worshiping God are at fault.


You’re definitely not next on the menu. Ahead of you on the menu in no particular order: All sub types of Muslims, Jews, blacks, abos, mestizos, native Americans, Polynesians and South-East Asians.

There are three objectives to this event.

Taking down any free-speech places still left in the world/on the internet (Jow Forums/mugenchan).

To remove guns from all goy in the world so that we can never retaliate from (((their))) enforcers.

Spreading more divisiveness so that people fight and kill each other for racial reasons, mostly a "whites vs everyone else" scenario is their goal in this objective.

no, it's elton john

Or, a suicidal Jow Forumsack wants to go down in Jow Forums history by livestreaming this event. He just wanted to become a member, and it worked. He got exactly what he wanted. This isn't some grand conspiracy to get Jow Forums shut down.

I just used the "part and parcel" mode of previous terrorist attacks when people discuss it. Caused quite a bit of dissonance.


who keeps coming here with these flawed assumptions

I've been coming here for eight years and I still have a working morality. The problem isnt so much staring into the abyss as it is being weak minded enough to be seduced by it. You'd have to be a complete brainlet to fall for the redpills, fren.

>if you kill your enemy, they win

I put it on my wife's Kindle for her. She said it was the nicest thing she's read in a long time.

I read the manifesto as well and it wasn’t really all that intriguing but he did make some good points. I have to admire how he really didn’t care what people thought of him, but at the same time, going out and shooting kids and unarmed civilians is fucked. I wouldn’t have cared if this guy just went full vigilante and went for the rape gangs. Even better is if they caught him killing the rape gangs and inadvertently exposed all the sex rings to the public. Killing normal mosque-going Muslims doesn’t make our side look noble. I understand the logic behind it though.

I disagree with his strain of accelerationism. If I was going to fuck the system, I’d work towards causing massive economic collapse. I want to see a second Great Depression.

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Literally how my situation went. Spent the rest of the night laughing at NZ memes.

It's funny, you will be partly responsible for the rise of communism in the US.

Kill yourself before you do any more harm.

Around elves, watch yourselves.

>arguing that a good muslim is a dead muslim

cringe af dude

y'all need to grow up and realize that loving others unconditionally is the only path to a fully realized allfulfilling life, it's the final redpill

picture the love you feel for your white or christian brothers or countrymen, how strong and confident it makes you feel, how it gives you a place in the world, a community, how it makes you feel it's going to be okay, now imagine what it could be if you managed to truly and genuinely extend said love to the rest of mankind, that's the path of enlightenment, the path of Christ

yeah dude you're pretty ok. Poos are really low on the list. Not even on it really DESU.

Wtf is this thing?

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all this was happening anyway, at least he got a message out

the exact same shit is happening to christian churches in egypt almost every year. people storming them with AKs and killing every christian they see. i just have seen too many of my christian brothers slaughtered around the world by these medieval monkeys to feel empathy for them. i know i am driven by prejudice and emotions, but i am ok with it.

bull - shit. be honest and argue what you argue for by logic.
if people can't argue their side of the view for what is "good", then what is their "good" in value?

What fucking secret nuclear testing grounds do these videos keep coming from?

>to remove guns from guy and create white vs everyone else
good, let it happen then while it can still be done. if you wait, you won't even get the chance

The dude has microcephaly, if they survive into adulthood they end up looking like apes

i did psychedelics a couple times now, and what youre saying is right, but would you be able to say the same thing when your daughter would have been gang raped by a pakistani grooming gang? the truth is, there are people out there, who are pure filth. you cant love them. you have to remove them before you can start worrying about loving your neighbour. you dont have to love the wolf that kills your sheep. .

better thing to say: a good muslim is a christian.

Hey babe, so I read the shooters manifesto. I think he's a hero and I think we should make white babies to save the white race.

No that is a legitimate homo erectus. It's movements are too unnatural and its head look pretty normal sized in comparison to the body and shoulders. Someone used a time machine and went back 200,000 years

Nice larp faggot.

>girlfriend complains all the time about the amount of muslims in canada
>is openly against their values and especially the way women are treated
>ask her today what she thinks about it
>"well, I dont want to sound racist buuuuut"
mates she's more 'pilled than me. And she isn't even white

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>discussing politics with women

Discussing politics with women, not even once

>foreign invaders

Just say "its a damn shame."

>foreign invaders

you did good son

My wife and I watched it right after it happened, and we were literally trembling with glee, laughing, talking about how amazing it was. My wife and I roared with laughter when he capped that cunt and ran her over. Feels good man.

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yeah my missus said it was sad about the kids but no so much the adults, would prefer them not to be here she is also a foreigner

Based. You need to DESTROY your girlfriend with FACTS and LOGIC.


>And she isn't even white

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what a shame

Ride the tiger

the thing is, what I stated is logical truth, it's groundbreaking theology, and it holds true whatever happens

the only thing standing in the way of living my life in said manner is my own humanity, if what you said happened to me I would be absolutely overwhelmed with anger and perhaps fall from the right path completely, plot revenge; but it doesn't change the fact that what I said is the truth, and that any action not based in loved in said case will never make things better, not for me, not for the perpretator, not for others; I can only hope my knowledge of this is enough to hold my hand and turn the other face in the event of something like that; of course we cannot always convince others of this fundamental truth, the only thing that would enact real change, so we are forced to choose between the least hurtful option (like jailtime or monitoring some groups) and carry on with all the damage unhealed

Kek. My wife told me there had been a terror attack in NZ when I woke up yesterday.
> Her: there's been a terror attack in NZ.
> Me: oof yeah.. I.. I watched.. about that.. on the news
> Her: why are you doing that with your face?
Lads the power level is seeping out of me. I can't control it.

where do you find such gfs

>Watching news with my girlfriend
>Have a girlfriend.

Sweet LARP.

>Showd footage to my gf
> she said "He will have a lot of fans"

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pajeets aren't on the menu mate don't worry

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We make fun of poos but against muslims you are pretty based


>who were worshiping God

Ya did nothing wrong though.

obama's father


also note how it was executed on the 15th (subhumanspheric time), the so called memes of march, and after all the 33 spam on here, completely freemossadic as fuck

>in the end I was basically arguing that a good muslim is a dead muslim

That wasn't his argument at all. He said it was only the case if those muslims were invading white countries, otherwise he was respectful of their ethnicity and of the way they choose to live. He only precised he only truly hated white converts because they betrayted their heritage.

The only parts I disagree with are : his claim to be a fascists which seems purely to be a meme ; the fact that he doesn't think jews are a problem (although as ridiculous as it seems it's possible he was trying to hide his power level).

Absolutely pajeet...
press P to poo on it.

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>his face on the left

He made meme reals and he was a living meme.

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Mine is not a foreigner, she was here before me. But a minority for sure

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shoulda just stoned her breh

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What good is hammering away at somebody with your *super high IQ FACTS and LOGIC* if you not only don't convince them but make convincing them in the future even harder - because they associate your ideas with *shutting down*

is she an alcoholic? does she gamble? does she suck dick good? is she a skin changer? can she communicate with aliens? are the rumours true?

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Skin walker* pal

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Lost my gf similarly to this
feels bad man

Told my half Asian half European wife(married before I became a race realist) 3 years ago about my beliefs. She disagrees with some things but the truth always wins out.

>don't even browse Jow Forums
>despise leftists and rightists
>try to be a reasonable well centered rational individual
>come here just for info about the shooting as it just happened
>checking the inscriptions on the guns and what muslims had been doing to the graves of victims of muslim attacks
>holding up the desire to laugh about islamics experiencing terrorism and karma being a bitch to normies

>only drinks on occasion and not much
>dislikes gambling
>best succ I ever receive
> tried to talk to her about wendigos and other legends but she's too scared
>doesnt communicate with aliens but is into some weird spiritual stuff, i just go along with it
also she's a closet weeb. Kinda feel like I'm living in a dream since I met her, like it's too good to be true. thanks for reading my blog

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shut the fuck up

wife agrees with me. you need either a better gf or dump the normie.

I've liked poos ever since that video of a muslim being pickaxed to death by one