Think about it goys. Where did mudslimes attack before when they got pissy? They attacked typical shitlib events and locations. Charlie Hebdo was a Commie Rag, Bataclan was a Hipster Event, Tourists are usualy shitlibs thinking their consume makes them open minded, and so on and so for. Even the Truck victims in Berlin Christmas Market were almost half foreigners and a kike among them.
The Backlash isn't even an objectiv danger to any of us so i say they can bring it on.
Israel is the reason for all Islamic terrorism. Israel literally funds, trains and incites terrorism in the Middle East, the West and world-wide. Israel created and to this day fund and supply ISIS. Israel finananced 9/11 and worked closely with Al Queda to carry it out.
There are literally Mossad agents in every Western nation right now trying to radicalise people to commit terrorist acts. They believe it is a key strategy to keep sympathy up for Israel (which is itself a terrorists state).
Stop hating Muslims. Muslims don't hate whites or Christians, they are peaceful people, the only people pitting us against each other are fucking Jews.
Obviously. First, we aren't leaving our houses. Secondly, if we do, I doubt that it's to go to gay bars and shit like that (not because you guys aren't faggots, but because you're too awkward to go into a bar)
Ayden Green
This is probably the funniest part. Liberals will be the ones killed because of this because they're sheep who attend social events en-masse. They make the easiest targets.
Robert Sanchez
>and so for it's "and so forth" also (((they))) built concentration camps all over america obviously not for white atheists.
They went after everyone but the Jews. Many were upset about comics mocking the Russian airplane bombing to Italy earthquake. One of the cartoonists was fired over what were seen as anti-Semitic remarks related to Sarkozy's son.
Charlie Hebdo was a full blown left-cuck magazine which constantly mocked Christians, whites, etc and praised Muslims, interracial relationships. And you're right, they never touched Judaism or Jews.
They deserved every fucking thing they got.
Nicholas Flores
>believing the BBC >believing Le Monde >believing rich powerful people telling you what is and isn't left-wing Wew Lad >One of the cartoonists was fired over what were seen as anti-Semitic remarks related to Sarkozy's son. Go back to cripplechan.
Anthony Evans
And you have shit to prove what you claim, faggot
Brandon Williams
Clinton is RESPONSIBLE for LYBIA and the hordes of '''''''refugees''''''' in europe and every crime thereafter resulting in the NZ retaliation
Bentley Williams
>The Backlash isn't even an objectiv danger to any of us so i say they can bring it on. They actively push moderates away from right-wing positions. Every dumbfuck like Brandon makes it a little bit harder to get people to support immigration reform, and gun rights are about to get torn apart in NZ. All for what? A handful of dead innocents?
Great to see more stupidity coming out of the Omar situation. Hopefully we'll see the continued weakening of "anti-semitism" as a blanket defense for Israeli bullshit.