Jow Forums incels will dispute this

>Jow Forums incels will dispute this

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yeah thats why chinks throw baby girls in rivers when they aren't beating their feet into arches with mallets

>beta confirmed

wrong manlet they treat themselves well


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I always help women when they ask me to

Strong men treat women well. With a big cock.

Who gives a shit about China, holy shit. literally Trumps slogan was MAGA and also CHINA

Uhh sweetie, strong men treat PEOPLE well.

Who wouldn’t do their best to treat their old lady well?

Strong men take what they want, including women.

This chink is such a faggot he somehow manages to make even $1000 look bad.

Chinese-Han Internment and Neutralization Act

Strong men treat GOOD women well.

Life is suffering. The best way to "treat women well" is to save them from existence.

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I love women but they're nature tells me otherwise. They can smell weakness like tucker said, women dont like men who are too nice

I love women, women are great.

fucking REKT

He sounds like a typical Chinese middle-manager trying to imitate western politicians. "Oh, Democrat bribe brack peoper with werfare? So sirry! I gib eberyone werfare! Not rike it my own money."
And then he gives the stock Social Justice answer to any other question.

more based tweets from the based yang.

that's what an incel would say.

hardly. alpha males treat women well because it's easy for them to do so, they have that much power and social standing. something a beta like you wouldn't understand

What are you trying to say? All lives matter?

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Gf can confirm

people will eventually come down to Earth when it comes to this chink...this is a pro-acceleration+fuck-Trump "explosion" that comes from disappointment with Trump but like all emotional explosions it will end and reality sets in

Strong men don't put up with bitches shit. The same women that would get slapped up by a weaker man submit to a strong man.

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Sure you gotta treat women well, but if they act up you can't let them walk all over you.

Nah, I'm a 6'2 tall Chad spic (yes there are Spics who are tall) and I've had experience with women who look at me but are sometimes to shy to talk to me until I approach them first then, we have conversation but if I "seem" like I'm not sexually interested in her and I'm being to "nice" she loses intrest. Again women dont like men who are too nice

Gotta love those small town Aussie sluts

strong men are treated well by women first

Do you think he has a sideways butt?

Literally all you have to do is make eye contacts and tease her a little or make her laugh and you're in for roots.

I don't understand how people find it hard getting laid if they're in shape & have decent hygiene

he's right! Real men respecc wahmen

He was handed the memetic energy to become president on a silver platter, but he immediately blew it like he never wanted it. I guess all chinks really do go to hell.

The strongness of a man is independent of his well treatment of women, in fact the out-group preference in men to defer to women is so strong that it takes a conscious effort, a strength of personality or a practiced apathy to resist it.

I eat pussy on the first date and politely ask her to pee in my mouth.

Its because you dont have experience

That's not even the shooter. It's just some random guy. Don't you feel like a fool for posting it?

I'm extremely unfunny.
Not as in I try to be funny and fail, more like I literally can't think of funny things to say or do in a normalfag situation.

MY gf loves me.

He's right, but sounds more patriarchal than he realizes.

>Be you
>Saw one retarded chink throws a baby in river
>Automatically judges and claims all chinese does that

Typical Jow Forumstard kek