5 minutes and 31 seconds

That's all it took to end the lives of 49 people.

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A professional, no doubt.

>can't even speedrun

>It's easy to kill a lot of unarmed civilians, including women and children
Thanks for the info, genius

Yep. Won't take long to wipeout the entire shitskin races.

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hes using ezfrags

Don't forget to subscribe to Pewdiepie.

when he's speeding to the next mosque and beeps at the girls on the road he says something
>you can pick intention or ease of access, if you pick ease of access you can fuck yourself
something to that effect.
what does it mean?

Wrong. Its much more complicated than that. Get your fucking facts straight

>That's all it took to end the lives of 49 people.
can you please compare that video to isis murders?
No? you cant? Whjaaat?
How dare population starts asking antijew questions?

something something dress like a slut something something

fuckin idiot he shot up 2 mosques the second just wasn't filmed

Could have gotten it under 4 minutes if he wasn't continuously having trouble with reloads and dropped mags.
This is why you drill folks. It's not all about lead down range, it's muscle memory too.

damn why did he fail at the 2nd one

it was filmed but faceberg shoahed the stream.
it'll be shown in court


>4+ shooters
>only 49 dead
Fucking casuals

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His mag fell out too. Always leave a round or 2 short with an AR15

At that rate 24/7 it would take 28 years to kill 6 million of them.

Thats interesting.

only 1 shooter.
1 female released
1 armed citizen helping police released
1 guy charged with inciting racial hatred, unknown to shooter

does anyone know what his mouse settings were?

mags were falling out of his rig. ease of access meant only half the mag was secured for an ez grab. Some rigs have Velcro straps to keep them in, but you have to undo them

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Race war done quick

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Holy fuck that synced up so well.

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I didn't know we gave animals the same rights as we humans have.

All lie down before the attacker is there, like rats on the ground, instead of wanting to attack him together. As if they deserve to die.

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All those memes...

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i’m going to hell

> 49
Nope, 41, he assaulted another place afterwards.

>A professional

Of what ? Shooting unarmed women and children ?

God this board can be retarded sometimes. All you do is bragging about the superiority of the white race and how muslims are violent cowards, but at the end you're just the same.

Is that why they're importing so many? Because 1 white kills about 11 niggers per minute?

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We're indeed the same, hence why we know living together won't work out.

Yeah its why Al Qaeda and co. do it, do you know how easy it is for a coward to do

>All you do is bragging about the superiority of the white race and how muslims are violent cowards, but at the end you're just the same.
White guilt does not work anymore. This is the clownpill timeline remember.

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>We're indeed the same

You've got a point dutchbro but lot of people here would disagree on that.

>White guilt does not work anymore

I'm not shaming him for being white. I'm shaming him for attacking helpless targets and, therefore, hurting his own cause, when he had the material means to achieve something a lot bigger.

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