Why were they piling up in the corners ?
He didn't drag the bodies.
They were already like that the whole time.
Why were they piling up in the corners ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>what is a cornored rat
official story: they're playing dead
real story: canterbury police got an 80 million dollar funding injection
>playing dead
>no where else to go
Your brain does not react logically under such intense stress.
Because it is an obvious hoax and a police drill. But we have been overrun with shills and clueless newfags and leftisy shill mods that delete hoax threads, that this place is now no more useful than reddit.
Does NZ not have good egress codes for buildings?
Go and get a job working in an abattoir or with livestock.
Everything will make sense.
It's not a corner, it's a door and he got them when they were all trying to escape at the same time.
You'd think that with so many dead people there would be more blood.
The real victims are going to be the white people of New Zealand who are going to lose the right of free speech and their access to firearms for self-preservation.
they are in a fucking MOSQUE their brains have never reacted logically under any circumstances.
this seems like an obvious false flag. they hadn't been shot yet. why were they already laying down? was this some kind of drill? had they already been warned? think: if you heard shots, wouldn't you try to run out the back door? why would you try to lay down on top of your family members in the corner?
This post best post
this was my first thought when I saw this. They were piled up like they were already dead. It just didn't seem right or natural. Fuck, there are windows around. If there's a gun man coming in shooting, I'll jump through the fucking glass if I can't open it.
what about the woman at the end who got shot in the head on the street, then run over. I don't think you can hoax running her over.
Untreated schizophrenia can be dangerous, do you need me to find you a psychiatrist?
NSA/DIA/MILINT add this poster to the list of shills for the tribunals
It's the manifesto that should be shared like the plague. Already doing my share via instajew.
I shoot wood pigeons for food, and even a little pigeon sprays a cup worth of blood out. I ripped a chickens head off once trying to snap its neck, and got covered in a pint of blood. Yet 49 humans make less blood than a single wood pigeon.
you ever seen those same statues on mars?
You don't think Hollywood can fake humans? The"woman" was just a dummy with minor robotics. Did you see her talk, as in her face? No.
You think they're going to use shitty hoax methods pike Sandy Hook, or every single tool they have in their Hollywood design departments? Look at the Boston bombing hoax for gods sake, even heart surgeons were saying that leg injury was impossible and he'd be dead from blood loss in under 1 minute.
Newfag confirmed. Go back to watch Joe Rogan. This place was never for normies.
* like
>clueless newfags
They were trapped you fucking idiot. They were so scared that they all ran to the corner like fucking animals. This piece of shit did this to unarmed innocent people. There is going to be some serious consequences in the west for this. Nobody on Jow Forums realizes how bad this is.
Because your basic instict tells you to protect yourself and since you can run away you use other people as a meatshield and hope the shooter thinks you're dead
>innocent people
They weren't though
so they're going to react exactly how he expected in his manifesto?
so you're saying they played a robotic dummy there just for the sake of getting that footage? We literally saw her running, shot throught an opening of the fence, then lying on the ground, and you're answer is that it was robot.
Get a fucking grip
Nice try shill. Jewish per chance? If not, stop being a shabbos goy.
Who could have predicted that behavior.
>decide to shoot mosque
>going to be lots of targets
>better choose 5.56 for low recoil impulse and quick follow up shots on moving targets since they will likely run
>literally doesn't happen
>should have taken 7.62 nato for that penetration through multiple soft targets
There's a door. Everyone wanted to go there. Blocked because of too many people. Are you retarded?
There is a door right in the centre of the image. They were just pilled up at the door trying to get out all at the same time and just got gunned down.
They dont seem to have built the fire exits on the building.
I haven't seen a clip of her running.
It is like you have never seen what Hollywood can produce in special effects. Nor do you grasp how serious they are about mass murder of unarmed whites. I guess the gulag system just never existed for you. Or you're a shill.
No not a jew I am just a human being who believes shooting up churches and mosques is a bad idea no matter who does it. These people in that mosque were not breaking any laws. It's one thing to not want Muslims in your country but breaking the law and killing unarmed people how is this ok with you guys here? Man you guys are really far gone.
Horrifying ... killing innocents is so damn evil. Poor people man!
>I haven't seen a clip of her running.
Then you haven't watched the actual video. It's there right before you see him turn the corner and approach her on the ground.
Yeah, I'm a shill because I'm not buying into your asinine assertion that this was a hollywood production shot live and streamed on facebook with special effects and robotic dummies.
What drugs are you on? Strawmanning that hard, fucking idiot. I'm against murdering innocents, but no one died here, and our side loses as this is the goal, to turn everyone against whites.
No white person, white nationalists, supports shooting up mosques, hence they have to fake it.
Based and redpilled
They rushed the doors and couldn't all get out. Beautiful picture by the way.
THE ASHKENAZI STRIKES! didnt take you long, did it? i mean, you are literally the first post
You ripped a chickens head off in Britain? I thought only farm yanks did that sort of stuff
gtfo newfag
>No white person, white nationalists, supports shooting up mosques
but that's just not true. There are always radicals in every group of people. You will hear plenty of people here and other places espousing such views and condoning this attack. So saying no white people, or white nationalists would every support something like this is stupid.
>you ever seen those same statues on mars?
no. show me
It’s only bad because of the video footage. (((They))) realise how valuable it is to capture everything on camera. Without the footage it’s just numbers
There were shills like you trying to blackpill the Boston Bombing researchers. Yet it all came out to those who looked deep enough. Meanwhile you dupes and shills believe them. Jews pulled off 9/11.."but they definately couldn't and wouldnthoax this". Sure. I posted on here the day that bitch NZ PM met the Queen that they're getting disarmed via a mass shooting hoax. Many knew NZ was on the list due to its access to semi autos.
It was injured by a fox and I tried to put it out of its misery, and its head came off.
preach. my nigga. preach
You prove my point. People say shit, but whites don't actually do anything. Nothing ever hapens. Go back at major events, even shit like JFK, MLK, etc and it is always a psy op by the establishment.
So not only are people on Jow Forums psychotic but who morons believe this is some conspiracy LMAO.
I never knew they were so destructible, it’s like they’re asking to be eaten
then tell me, why wouldn't they just actually do it for real? Why fake it? Why hire actors instead of killing actual real muslims? Then they wouldn't risk being found out by high IQ internet sleuths such as yourself. They clearly had no problem killing thousands of Americans in the heart of NYC on 9/11, but they don't want to use real bullets 50 muslims at a mosque? Please explain the rationale of that to me.
they wanted to run through the door, but he shot them. OP is an actual mongrel.
fuck off kikey. Put down your shills. You are under arrest for conspiracy, aiding and abbeting falsefying evidence, accessory to frauduantly creating fake shootings to attempt undermine soverign states and take their guns and freedoms. You have the right to remain silent until your entry of the gas chamber.
Being sardonic doesn't bother me. You're just misinformed about the reach that these gun grabbing socialists will go to to get peoples guns. Did you research Boston? Remember the suspension of the constitution, peoples houses being raided by the army? All for a certified hoax. You are in denial of how serious the masonic lodge / establishment is about disarming the masses.
>you: nobody supports something like this
>me: uh yeah, they do, as evidenced by people here supporting it
>you: you prove my point
enjoy life as a brainlet
lel this.
Fuck off and die mudshit
You're next you disgusting nigger
Israel strikes 100 targets in Gaza after rockets fired at Tel Aviv 2019/03/15
So if a imigrant shoots Chinese in NZ...China would attack Denmark?
I'll actually try to give an intelligent answer. It's because they first hear gunshots from the front of the building. Then see people running both from the main hall into the large area, and from the main hall out the side to the exit. They were not physically cornered, but psychologically. The natural tendency is to run away from the gunshots, but to run away would actually involve running towards where the last indication of threat was, into the room just ahead, then out the side. The brain does not understand this, and they just shut down and stop.
Why would they kill muslims?? Freemasonry was created by jews and muslims in the Ottoman Empire. Do you not realise why freemasons were fez hats? Or why the freemasonic British Empire created the Hous of Said and wahabbism, or why they're flooding Europe with muslims?? Jews want Europe/ the West to fall to islam, as they held high positions in islamic countries.
there's a doorway right in front of them can't you fuckin see
It wasn't even a quarter of the way as bad as the Bataclan massacre. Remind me, what were the ramifications of that incident?
epic burn. Did you get that from "The Official Masonic Handbook For Internet Slang" written by Benjamin Bungholeberg?
They always do that when you flick the light switch on.
They haven't killed anyone since911 because the mothers of 911 victims protested so hard and campaigned that it almost blew up in their faces.
more pirmitive brains act like more primitive creatures.
rats, user. they're like rats. maybe he should have pumped toxic gas into the building.
nah, wouldn't hvae been as effective
It's getting late. I'm pretty sleepy.
Under-rated, you never disappoint Bruce.
I mean he did have those canisters in his car. Suprised he didn't use them to set the mosques on fire.
Ever seen a dog in a pen full of sheep?
This doesn't mean the killing should end.
Violence is the answer sometimes and those "sometimes" are becoming more frequent as the weeks pass,
you nigger
ya i mean if they all ran out at once then better chance more live i mean did they see the guns he had and how many clips
Hey whiny baby, how many times do you post in Muslim attack threads conendeming their actions. I bet you're the type of faggot posting on twitter going
>Not all muslims!!
Brain dead hypocrite.
If you want to see what happens when all of a sudden 20+ people try in mortal panic to rush through a single door. Watch the youtube clip for the 'The Station fire'. At some point, the club already blazingly aflame, you see the front and how the people are actually STUCK in the front door because all of them tried to get out the same time...
when a human hears a gunshot and sees people dying around your body automatically shuts down and youre paralized because you don't know what to do so probably thats why
Here is us trying to get the word out, and stockholm kiwis, about to lose their guns, are giving a defense for this hoax.
>Be me
>Be retarded mudslime
>Someone is shooting up muh mosque
>Can't be a fellow mudslime, what is happening?
>Play dead
>Cracker leaves
>Decide to keep playing dead
>Wait minutes
>Cracker comes back
>Now I'm dead
>Killed by whitie
>No 69 virgins
>what is a cornored rat
There's an open door you cretin.
>Your brain does not react logically under such inten
imagine being this retarded, this was a crazy Jow Forums user who took this shit too serious and went postal because he had delusions, if you watched the video you would realize they had nowhere to run and in that situation you would act in the same way you're just too stupid to realize it, they only had seconds to react from when he first started shooting with no exit but where the shooter was coming from. you just want this to be another conspiracy to occupy yourself with because you're mental and bored. not everything is a false flag retards, also please don't take Jow Forums seriously guys, we dont need more christchurch retards going postal in this world, the only thing is does is make right wing attitudes seem crazy and racist.
Exactly my question as well, was planning to start a thread about. Also the guys to the right or his left when he enters the room seem to all get knocked out by a relatively low amount of rounds.
Did you even see the video??
good point. Why huddle up in a corner when there is literally an escape door?
Everything about this is just flat out weird.
>hear gun shots 20 or so feet away coupled with screaming, hear both getting closer and closer
>everyone drop's what they're doing to pile into two separate, opposite corners and just lay there without moving
>shooter enters the main room, starts unloading into the piles, none of them move or try to do anything regardless of the situation
>shooter leaves, grabs an AR, comes back, people STILL haven't moved from the piles, even the ones that were just barely wounded or not hit at all, just lay there and take it again while he unloads into them a second time
Wouldn't they run for exits or windows the second they hear shooting THAT close? Wouldn't they try to get up and run or crawl and get out when he leaves for the first time, thinking it's over? Don't they realize they'd have a much better chance of survival if everyone went nuts as soon as he entered and started running at/past him or away?
Also, don't forget what was happening OUTSIDE of the mosque too
>handful of people just milling around outside the mosque during the shooting
>gunshots (for several minutes) 50 feet away from them and they're just standing around on the sidewalk / street out in the open, not running or hiding, as if they're waiting for something
>shooter comes out and kills them too
What the fuck were those people on the street doing? What were they waiting for? Why wouldn't they fucking run as soon as they started hearing shots? The woman he shot and "executed" is particularly weird. Notice that she has her shoes off when she dies- something muslims do in mosques when they pray. So either she was in the mosque praying when this happened, or out in the parking lot about to come in when it happened. This means that she literally ESCAPED FROM THE SHOOTING THAT WAS HAPPENING INSIDE, WALKED 30 FEET, DECIDED SHE WAS SAFE, AND JUST STOOD THERE FOR 5 MINUTES IN THE OPEN UNTIL THE GUY CAME OUT AND SHOT HER. What in the actual fuck.
fuck off kikey. Put down your shills. You are under arrest for conspiracy, aiding and abbeting falsefying evidence, accessory to frauduantly creating fake shootings to attempt undermine soverign states and take their guns and freedoms. You have the right to remain silent until your day of entry into the gas chamber for your delousing
respect the victims by growing up and leaving this sub for good, please no more boys.
But those were muds in a mosque?
What brain are you talking about?
you must be over 18 to post here
People are telling you THIS WAS A JEW FROM Jow Forums.
Jow Forums is funded by jews.
What part of J E W S you don't copy janitor??
fuck off kikey. Put down your shills. You are under arrest for conspiracy, aiding and abbeting falsefying evidence, accessory to frauduantly creating fake shootings in attempt to undermine soverign states and take their guns and freedoms. You have the right to remain silent until your day of entry into the gas chamber for your delousing
No it wasn't this board isn't communist and he is a confirmed communist.
Isn't kind of convenient that the resolution is so poor?
And it's strange they heard shooting, but they didn't wait close to the door to jump whoever was gonna come in, they went way to the left and right of the door so he could mow them down easier. In the vid there is only one guy going at him, he shoots him in the last sec.
>meme flag
>Doesn't have the full HD video
Very sad.