This is a message for anyone inspired by Tarrant:

This is a message for anyone inspired by Tarrant:

If you're willing to sacrifice your life for the cause, don't target randos. I get what he was trying to do, but it's just a waste of a violent activist.
If you're committed enough to give your life, like Tarrant was, target high profile politicians and journalists. I'm considered "far-right," but even I, who has no problem with most everything he said in his manifesto, has a hard time stomaching the slaughter of 50 random immigrants. I know a lot of you feel the same. I get it's an emotional response and that's gay, but if you're actually trying to make a difference, you can't be autistic/expect people to share in your autism. You need to think about the memetic potential of your actions. How can you expect anyone else to support you when people on the far-right have a hard time supporting you? Alternatively, if you killed someone like, say, Angela Merkel - now that's something people can actually get behind.

By the way this is all satire hahaha ;) @fbi @nsa

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Don't tell me how to live, cunt


And politicians will actually care instead of just pretending too like our cunt leader.


>You need to think about the memetic potential of your actions.
He did precisely that you fool.
You're just blinded by your pearls. He's like 10 steps ahead of you and you're trying to lecture him on what to do.

The emotional response is exactly what we need. We don’t want to fight among ourselves, we want our enemies to fear and hate us, so that they further escalate.
An eye for an eye, that’s the rule we must live by.

Why the fuck are you virtue signalling on Jow Forums

Why the fuck are all of you virtue signalling?

autism will be the death of the white race, srry sweaty :;)

Fuck off kike

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you can't unify people when the flag you expect people to rally around is the murder of 50 defenseless muslims.

larp harder

Can confirm..
Target the top if you want to reach the top.
Don't attack the footsoldiers.

In which case the entire political and management classes need to hang from meat hooks.

this. Target to root, not the side effect.
Also the consequences of this is just gonna affect us

>Target the top
You're a fucking retard.
Angela Merkel? Really?
She's an empty suit.

enjoy losing gun rights, more immigrants and far more potential terrorist attacks.

Not just her but all compliance in mass immigration.
The journalists, the media heads, the most followed twitter traitors.

OP needs to read the manifesto before passing judgement on Tarrat

Here's a link

> just gonna affect us
it's called accelerationism, but more properly it's Trotskist tactics - provoke an abreaction from the enemy, so that you get recruits for your guerilla

Why is it that so few people understand what terrorism is about?
Do you think he committed his act of terror so that when he was finished, the world would change and be on his side?
Do you think the muslim that bombed up the Ariana Grande concert did so because he thought afterwards people would say
>you know what, maybe the west is degenerate and these muslim guys have a point?

All terrorism comes from the want to escalate the divide between groups in a society.
Some do it so that people will change their way of life. Not go to concerts. Not travel abroad. Never feel safe. Never trust.
Some do it so that discourse changes, so that in the end you have no choice but to fight for either side.
This is exactly what happened in Norway after 2011.
The escalation and divide between groups and the discourse in Norway has sky rocketed after it. It is always there under the surface, always at a hair strand away from conflict.
And that's what is the goal of terrorism.

Making life worse for everyone else, so that option to be a centrist is removed and you are forced to choose a side in the end.

There's no divide though when everyone, including a lot of Jow Forums, thinks what the guy did is wrong. You need an actual divide, like killing ___________

The divide is that people are hating whites. Thats the divide. That will escalate.

Kill yourself, neoliberal.

Why not both? But seriously if you target pollies, they'll just crack down super hard on our online spaces and nothing much will change. Target muslims/spics/other shitskins and maybe you'll inspire retaliation back-and-forth and spark a race war.
Maybe he has the right idea.

>crack down on online spaces
You don't think people would be radicalized by clear flagrant breaches of free speech/right to associate?


No not at all. Attacking the government is treason after all.

As if future Mossad sleeper cells give a fuck about optics and logistics

Thanks for the satire OP...

I agree OP, I don’t give a fuck about the victims but what he did was wrong purely because this event and others like it is what the media wants to fit their own agenda to attack men. The MSM are neo-trolls, don’t feed them and give them events they can twist for their narrative. Target people actually fucking up the world like Merkel or Kathleen Kennedy.

Yes true but she is the figurehead for uncontrolled mass immigration. I don't think you would get close enought to pull trigger on Soros or any other (((elites))). Sending the message is the point. Also side question - whilst mutter Merkel said the words, was it actually her idea?

His point for doing it has already been proved. Acceleration-ism. Anyone against what he did doesn't realise that the west is FUCKED and needs to fall before it's reborn. You people are so fucked that it takes acceleration-ism to speed up your demise

muslims are not people

Target at least medium rank journalists, politicians and leftist traitors.

>target high profile politicians and journalists.
top kek. this would be awesome

fuck off jew

The reality is him and people like him don't give a fuck about politics and just want an excuse to make loads of people suffer because they're suffering themselves. They're just school shooters who already graduated.

These shooters (including muslim extremists) never do the actually politically viable thing of targeting politicians or influential rich people because they have armed security who will fire back at them, spoiling the power fantasy they're trying to live out.

If you're inspired by Tarrant it's because you're also a deeply miserable person and should focus on evolving past that rather than revelling in it which might feel like a relief in the moment but will just make it far worse for you the longer you do it.

This is now a why does homer make a better teacher than miss crabapple

go fuck yourself faggot communist
the brown scum is afraid

honestly i'd be cool as fuck to be the next gavrilo princip

who would you need to kill to make that happen though
asking for a friend of course haha

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i dont disagree

this is completely fucking wrong
yes it wasn't some sort of planned geopolitical thing
it's an expression of a cornered man's rage from being replaced
of course it's political in nature you dumb cunt
can all of you look deep within you and honestly say that you can't empathize with his reasoning?
that you have never looked at the shitskins walking through your streets and thought to yourself that someone needs to take out the trash?

Maybe Kim Jong Un, but you'd have to false flag yourself as CIA

that's way to hard to do
plus i think it'd be funny if the balkan caused another world war

what kind of retard sympathizes with muslim people?

ie if local balkanoid politics did it
some balkanoid going to north korea to false flag as cia isn't memetic enough

Australians showing how retarded they are... again

You people are retarded, most first world people aren't religious so they don't see muslims as a cult or some subhuman, they just see them as people the same as themselves especially when they live in the same nation

stfu paki


It’s not that I care he killed the Muslims but he didn’t solve the issue of them being there. Whoopty doo just more gun control for new zeland . That’s what we want!