I don't understand, why do women refer to THEMSELVES as "pussy"? Isn't that degrading and objectifying? Yet everytime I see a woman arguing with a man, their go to insult is to claim that man gets no "pussy". As if that's all there is to women. What's wrong with these girls? Is there internalized misogyny that great? How can I make sure the girl I end up with doesn't think like this? Or is it even possible anymore?
I don't understand, why do women refer to THEMSELVES as "pussy"? Isn't that degrading and objectifying...
Other urls found in this thread:
1. That's not their go to argument but just selection bias on your part
2. How does calling a virgin out on being a virgin translate to reducing oneself to their genitals? Women do have more to offer than their genitals but the fact that you're an adult virgin is telling of the fact that you've never been deemed worthy of accessing their school, which can be because of a host of reasons, none of which make you look any better.
3. What advice do you want
Not really, dick is insanely cheaper than pussy on the dating and fucking market.
We value our sexual organs very highly.
Shut up virgin.
Were you raised in America young girl? Why are the women there seem so standoffish?
>young girl
That's a man
You mean, why are women not waltzing up to a neck beard and demanding to suck your dick? Because they freely don't have to be attracted to you because you have a penis. You have to do the wooing, you have to dress nicely and not be a neckbeard autist, and you better start the conversation by not complimenting them on their tits or ass, or you'll get slapped all day.
No thanks, I rather get mail order bride. I still dress nicely and have fit body, but I don't like how American women act like they deserve so much.
That's just our culture, but ok, get a whore slave that can kill you in your sleep.
No, I love very much and give her children and nice life, she love me back
>I don't understand, why do women refer to THEMSELVES as "pussy"? Isn't that degrading and objectifying?
Objectively, yes. The words themselves are reductive objectifying, and derogatory in a way that is degrading.
The reason why they still say that in spite of it, is somewhat complex, but more or less it comes down to a societal problem or societal ignorance.
>What's wrong with these girls? Is there internalized misogyny that great?
See above. It's actually kind of funny, I literally just finished watching a documentary on Netflix about comedy where they basically go to some of the most fucked up places and see how comedy strives despite, or perhaps in spite of,. One of the bits covered female comedians, and more specifically a part of it was about Nigeria.
A decent chunk of the episode explain how in Nigerian society, basically rape itself is literally considered a joke. Comedy movies and skits will literally have the word in their titles, and mainstream figures will even make light of the subject.
And you watch bits or skits of male comedians making rape jokes, and then talk about these jokes, and they all basically say, "Eh. What's the big deal?". You'll even see some pockets of women who seem to agree with this and laughing at these jokes.
Rape is just too systemic and too commonplace in their society. It's definitely a problem, but it's also so commonplace that some part of people just kind of accepts it as such.
The same thing happens with racism and bigotry. When you're not informed about something and everyone else treats something as negligible, it becomes too easy to do the same because it becomes not as real to you.
Meanwhile, all the women who are in comedy they're in a position to be more informed and have it be more real to them, and they all know it's a problem.
>How can I make sure the girl I end up with doesn't think like this? Or is it even possible anymore?
The same way you treat any other form of ignorance. Education.
>I don't like how American women act like they deserve so much.
all women do that
You only set yourself up for disappointment if you think it's better elsewhere
No slave likes being sold into america, they'll kill you the minute they touch the ground if they felt like it just to be free.
They not slaves, no one forces them? I just want a pretty Asian woman to be mother of my kids. I not bad guy. I give her nice life and take her with me to go fishing, hiking, and camping?
Pretty ironic how OP is just as entitled as the girls he's describing
Sour grapes I guess
Lol, you actually read the bs they post on their websites? It's literally human trafficking, stupid.
I not entitled, I just want nice girl not spoiled girl, I work hard to get nice standard of living, I not entitled, I know girl not spoiled by American culture can appreciate me, no?
I never been on website. I just see some documentary, and some turn out nice( I hope mine too!) Even your President married beautiful foreign woman
>As if that's all there is to women.
That is all there is to 90% of woman. Men protect, provide, entertain, and innovate. Woman just get fucked. Us guys are the real prize, never forget that.
Our president is a capital Retard. What he pays for with money doesn't mean it's of any actual value.
But I want mother for my children, she can teach them her native toingue and cultural tradition's(I'll try to keep my culture to minimum so they don't feel out of place), But I can teach them how to trade stock and forex, and lift weights and Jiu Jitsu. I just want strong, healthy, intelligent, children. Like the St. Brown brothers in America.
Shit, they seen like pretty cool people. Well cultured Chads
Women are consumed by the sexual life
Women are raised to think they are special just for existing
All women see themselves as the "prize" a man must prove his worth to her. This is why I don't care for them and don't get why people on Jow Forums complain so much about not having a GF why would you want these narcissists as your companions? I don't see how it's worth it, even after you marry them they still think this way.
I still want children and need a woman to be woman so they develop properly psychologically.
Do you really think mail order spawn will develop properly psychologically
holy shit nigga
holy shit
Y not?
Because they will find out in the long run. You can try to hide it but they will find out anyways. They will find out their father is a pathetic incel and their mom is an even more pathetic version of a whore. They will see themselves as nothing but pathetic.
Also, you're a pathetic entitled incel for a reason. That reason will brush off onto them.
I know a girl who I found out was mail order spawn and she had huge self image issues because of it.
But I'm not an incel?
also WMAF happas are always fucked up
then you shouldn't have to resort to a mail order bride. Point still stands that you're an unadjusted entitled manchild and that will brush off on your children.
I'm not white, most I've had attractive girls be interested in me, I just don't like them because from the way they dress to the way they talk, I can just tell they are spoiled. Also they want to record everything and put on social media(What happened to privacy?)
Yeah way to sound socially adjusted dude.
No really. I am handsome and lift weights and practice BJJ. Am learning Krav Maga soon too. Alot of pretty girls say I have a nice jaw(I keep my face stubled so it accentuates it, am 11%bodyfat.
>yeah dude I'm so socially ajusted
>proceeds to list superficial shit
No offense, but I think this isn't the website for your buddy.
Sorry dude but judging from your posts you're never going to produce any properly developed kids. Especially not with a mail order bride.
What exactly do you want me to say? No one gives as much of a shit as you about being "socially well adjusted".
Fine, I'll just have to settle for used up American girls
your children will
Elaborate on your "used up american girl" strawwoman. Do you really think a gold digger who will leave her family, community and country behind to be with someone she doesn't love is a good mother?
I want the kind that wants me to help support her family (I have more than enough money to go around), that'll at least show me she has good family values. I think I can charm her with my looks and personality, I'll even learn her native tongue! Marriages have always been business arrangements, the people learn to love each other.
>leaves her family and country behind so she can be with a guy just for the money and the greencard
>show me she has good family values.