They are all against us now lads

They are all against us now lads

>Fraser Anning being howled down, got egged
>pollies trumpeting diversity is our strength, complete moral high ground
>every argument about mass migration and white genocide null
>every argument from now on about mass migration is = "gee user, you're against mass migration? You're sounding a lot like that shooter"
>MERINO niggers looking at us now with a high powered lens
>right wing ideology taboo at least for the time being
>our kiwi brothers are about to loose all their guns

All because of some seigepilled accelerationist fuckwit who decided to shoot unarmed innocent people while spouting >le epic memes XD


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Other urls found in this thread:

This is such an amazing shot

too bad you're not enough of an oldfag to remember the turkish coup

Screw your optics. OP is a faggot.

Get gassed you fuckin kike. I walked into a shitty greasy fuckin muslim enclave today surrounded by hijab wearing cunts and their masters, and do you know what?
Yesterday I felt the usual depressive feelings seeing my country infected with these shitbags. Today they looked scared, and I felt good about it.

You are an impulsive fuckwit and you will destroy our race

Wasnt the coup like last year or something? Didn't literally nothing happen?

same with you

How could I forget based Erdoğan SKYKING'ing in a circle for an hour before returning to the ground as the next sultan

I know. Why couldn't he have shot up Sydney instead?

Erdoğan neutered the army, opening the gate for islamization

Fuck off just say fuck muslims I dont care stop coming here all my union employees I work with are laughing about the missiles dieing as we speak

if it wasn't for facetime he literally would be locked away in some corner of Turkey

I wish he shot Arden instead

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot he did good sandniggers are cucks and pussies once you press them, those shitskins only understand violence you're a seething faggot cuck, sandniggers will think twice now.

Either way we're fucked.

This event just sped up the process.

It's Working

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this 1000%

She'll be out next election and the Nats will be back in. Thanks to the rabbit population exploding due to no effective means of controlling them, they'll probably wind back the gun restrictions as well.

He was right about one thing, you've been too comfortable. If people ask me where I stand on this, I am going to tell them straight. I just don't care anymore. There is very little time until we reach the point of no return for white genocide. Take a side or get out of our way.

You will get NFA tier gunlaws and will never be able to touch a semi-auto ever again

"destroy our race"
fuck, muslims are behaving like Tarrant and they're breeding faster than us

Yeah, I don't hide my views anymore...I really don't give a fuck at this point what anyone thinks

Stupid kid got punched good on Frazer for knocking this dumb kid down a peg


Based, this is the only way to normalize and reverse the spell, most people are either brainwashed or mentally ill, we have to normalize rational thinking again.

enjoy getting compared to this muppet every time you bring your views up

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>white genocide
>mixing their genes with native populations for the last 5 millenia..

Seat belts on; no more slow decay and demoralisation, we're ACCELERATING!

Just saying
Shooter was an amateur
Honestly thought and expected more realism from the new valve engine
HL3 confirmed

>>every argument about mass migration and white genocide null

Quite the reverse

This can no longer be ignored now. Its the absolute dividing line. If you support it then you are the enemy and NOTHING is beyond the pale to do in order for us to survive.

Let that sink in

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someone insert the gif of that stupid muslim slut getting aimbotted from a distance please

>>Fraser Anning being howled down, got egged
>>pollies trumpeting diversity is our strength, complete moral high ground
>>every argument about mass migration and white genocide null
>>every argument from now on about mass migration is = "gee user, you're against mass migration? You're sounding a lot like that shooter"
>>MERINO niggers looking at us now with a high powered lens
>>right wing ideology taboo at least for the time being
>>our kiwi brothers are about to loose all their guns
That´s to be expected that they would milk this for all they can, since these incidences are so rare. This is why i am so pissed off at the lunatic. The idiot gave them exactly what they wanted!
>pollies trumpeting diversity is our strength, complete moral high ground
absolutely not. What you are seeing is strawmanning of epic poportions, that´s all.
And yes i have seen that woman politician talking about how great it is that new zealand is ethnically diverse. As if that has anything to do with this lunatic who deliberately targetted muslims in retaliation to various things.

But any idiot could have predicted that this would happen. Muslims will exploit this like crazy to get several new mosques built to stop hate. And to try to silence critique of them, blasphemy laws which is islamic doctrine already. And that they will start saying you can´t be against immigration and refer to this shooter if you do. It´s all very predictable. That´s why this cunt might aswell have been paid by these fucking muslims, because he helped them more than anything else could have!

You say that like it’s a bad thing.
What part of Don’t care anymore don’t you understand.
Compare me to him? Good

This was always going to happen. When is the appropriate time to take out the guns? Maybe 30%, or is it 20%, no 5% that is when you fight for your people
Use your brain for one and think things out.

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>"Wow gee user, you're starting to sound a lot like that white supremacist mass murderer, isn't that what he believed in? I don't we should talk anymore user this is sickening."

Where before the normies were maybe receptive they are not at all anymore.

You were never going to win through twitter, this is the time when you faggots should double down and keep shooting.


Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot our ideology is tabo anyways it's impossible fighting them politicaly at this point and this is the only way they will take us seriously, he actually did something while you play at home with your asshole you fucking fagget.

I have to say that Fraser Annings comment is spot on. And they are only virtue signalling and strawmanning when they are shitting on it. It´s very common sense statement he made.
2019.03.13 (Iraq)
A man collecting truffles is captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2019.03.13 (Somalia)
al-Shabaab bombers murder eight patrons at a livestock market.
2019.03.09 (Syria)
Two children are sectionalized by an ISIS landmine.
2019.03.07 (Somalia)
A group fighting for Sharia sets off a car bomb outside a restaurant, killing seven.
2019.03.07 (Afghanistan)
Sunni bombers strike a Shiite political gathering, killing eleven.
2019.03.07 (India)
Hizb-ul-Mujahideen throw a grenade into a bus station, killing a teenager and one other.
This is just SOME of last weeks events.

If they treated muslim radicals the same as they treat stuff like this. They would ban islam worldwide just to be sure it never happened again. But they don´t do that ofcourse. Compared to muslim radicals this guy is once in a blue moon lunatic who simply had enough of being disfranchized in his own country. And instead of taking his manifesto into politics. he decided to do the stupid thing as to go and shoot some of those he percieved were taking over his country. Thus actually helping them more than hurting them. Because they will strawman the shit out of this for years.

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Cuckservative shabbos goy faggot, screw your optics.
They'd spew the diversity propaganda anyway, arguing against mass immigration and white genocide never got you anywhere before either and if you did you'd be labeled a nazi, being right wing has been taboo since ww2 and they'd come for the guns eventually no matter what.
You conservatives are even worse than the leftists and the niggers, you just want to boil slowly enough to be comfy while you die.

see post related and watch pic related here

Accelerationism is just plain dumb and treasonous, it means nothing less than working for your enemy to accelerate his political agenda.

This takes the premise that once your enemy reaches his goals everything will crumble and a revolution will happen in which ethno-nationalists will arise victorious. Only a very demoralized and deranged (and not very smart) person who has seen too many movies can think this is how things will unfold. What will happen is that the stranglehold will get so strong that no revolution will ever be possible. Is a revolution possible in North Korea? Or Cuba? Not even in Venezuela a revolution is being made possible despite the interests of so many parties in that this happens. People will always have something to lose even if they have nothing, like their lives.

This whole terrorist attack smells very bad anyway (like most terror attacks). It's just always too many coincidences, what was doing the Mossad in such an irrelevant (world wide speaking) New Zealand city and then this happens?

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>what was doing the Mossad in such an irrelevant (world wide speaking) New Zealand city

Mossad are confirmed on the ground in Christchurch? who?

They found a Mossad spy ring back in 2011.

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>Accelerationism is just plain dumb and treasonous, it means nothing less than working for your enemy to accelerate his political agenda.
Accelerationism is like chemotherapy to treat cancer. It´s a highly inneficient ways, and there are very benign cures. Do you know what can often happen during chemotherapy. The patient you are trying to cure fucking dies because you almost kill him in the process.
That people arunquestioning towards this accelerationism meme. Makes me severely doubt their allegiance lies, if it is to your people or against your own people. And it impacts everyone of european ancestry in their respective countries and their respective ethnic groups.

More back to your point. Think carefully about this. Who benefits most from accelerationism. Those who want to destroy you, or those who want to try and save you? Who do you think is responsible for that notion in the first place.
>ah goy you totally got me, you just need to accept all the immigrants you possibly can, cram them all in, then in the final hour the small remainder of your people will wake up and establish a small independent ethnostate in some small corner of what used to be your own country. And this will start a glorious era of..
Wait a minute
>rubs hands profusely
These idiots. Can´t they fucking see this is precisely what happens.
They are already fucking accellerating this shit like mad. You don´t need more speed on this fucking thing. They don´t need your help on top of it! And i can´t help but think that they have a huge part in peddling this ridiculous idea.

Are race is already fucked
The wars over retard, we lost.
The only thing we are doing now is trying to take as many down with us or hopefully take it all down.
If the white race is to be destroyed then so should every other race die along with us.

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Agreed, but "redpilling" and twitter isnt going to help you either. Things are advancing too fast and most people are accepting it, in 10 years its going to be controversial to be against peadophilia in your countries. You need to do what the new zealander did, mossad or not, but instead of doing lone wolf attacks join up, if its 1000 guys walking around cleaning the streets its a lot harder to stop and forces people to choose. Also i still have my doubts if revolution is possible anywhere today with nukes and all the other advanced weaponry.

Shut up faggot, he has started the fire. Come try to get my guns and I shoot every person who comes to the fucking door.

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>You conservatives are even worse than the leftists and the niggers, you just want to boil slowly enough to be comfy while you die.

The worst of this type you're describing are the boomer version who hope they can keep the current system running just long enough that they die of old age before the shit really hits the fan and they can leave their children and grand children to live as persecuted minorities in their own fucking nations

Taking his manifesto into politics, is this a joke? You cannot shift any western political systems. They are designed to destroy anti establishment outsiders

>things that didn't happen

The loony left never ceases to amaze me. Niggers killing people by the thousands, Muslims monopolizing the terrorist attack market, yet everyone scrutinizes the entire white race. No matter what event, it goes back to the white people.


We don't care anymore. You are all going to die.

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'I condemn what he did but understand why he did it', 'saying he represents white people is what the extremist want', 'part and parcel ....' etc, etc

This has become me in recent days. I've been discussing his manifesto with my friends and sister.

OP is right. "Screw your optics" depends ENTIRELY on being backed up by the rest of the people "sticking to their guns" (metaphorically speaking). It doesn't work if you cause a slaughter and then everyone cucks out and allows the left even more power. Everyone knows this has been a war from day one but moves like these give the left far more power to stamp out even the most moderate right leaning conservative viewpoints, thinkers, and leaders. It causes nothing but destruction for the right, it does NOT advance the cause, period. RESULTS MATTER, NOT WISHFUL THINKING THAT YOU'RE GOING TO INSPIRE THE REST OF YOUR RACE TO RISE UP (THEY WON'T)

>hey user, what's your opinion on the crazy guy shooting up the mosque?
>a true warrior of the white race! a hero!
>oh, ok. I'm going to harass your employer about your heretical beliefs to get you fired now

Have you read Evola? If so, re-read, and don't speedread this time. you don't jump on the tiger the second you see it or it will rip you up. you stalk the tiger, strategize, and jump on it when it's tired and vulnerable. Optics still matter.

>Taking his manifesto into politics, is this a joke? You cannot shift any western political systems. They are designed to destroy anti establishment outsiders
Ofcourse you can, but it will take serious effort. Look here´s the issue.

When you are correct about everything and you are right about the fairness of it etc. Don´t fucking act as if you are wrong about it. It doesn´t have to be that way. Use your fucking mouth to have a conversation and talk about these things, push the overton window back to common sense discussions about these issues. When something like this happens, which fortunately is very rare. What do you think happens to the normie overton window. It fucking slams far left. Mass immigration will solve this problem. Destroy white new zealanders or whatever. This will solve everything.
You are letting the bad guys fucking win. You idiot! They need to demonize you for bullshit reasons your arguments. Because otherwise they don´t have a hope of prayer of being correct in a discussion about it when it becomes acceptable enough again to talk about.
People like this guy, are giving them EXACTLY WHAT THEY FUCKING WANT. Which is the totally opposite of what these various people around the world arguing for their people and culture in their own countries, actually stand for.
They will strawman this for fucking years. They got nothing and, then this guy goes shoots these people and gives them a 70 page manifesto trying to associate himself with all kinds of things, that they can now use to try and demonize for fucking years.
You pretending that this was better than him attempting to go into politics was. Is fucking stupid! He could try and fail and lay the groundwork to try again and get the conversation into the public space more and more and more. That´s what´s going to change anything. Not going to shoot 49 fucking people. Does he really think that´s going to fucking matter.. He achieves the exact opposite of what he ultimately wants.

Exactly, and don't forget that they are also encroaching on the flow of free information through the internet, people will be fed what they have to think through system approved media once again and there will be no means of breaking the conditioning for the masses or to communicate for the european identitarians, so everything will accelerate but they will still control the social narrative and thus the masses. Accelerationism only hurts an arising pan-european nationalist movement and gives the system excuses to silence and repress us, and then it will make some people to even chimp out more, which will give the system an excuse not only to repress us but to crush us once and for all. If you are an accelerationist you work to accelerate your enemy's goals, and thus you are a traitor, plain and simple.

And this is the best part. The weapon they used against whites was guilt. The white man is losing his guilt. Even the beta hipster males can only take so much. They are turning us into something they are not ready for. This is literally only the beginning.

shut the fuck up you fucking gook piece of shit dont get bombed faggot

lmao fuck your optics

So, maybe now is the ,ast time you get the chance to either stand behind what you believe, or, fade away as 2nd class citizens in your own home. Do you really think you’ll get many more chances to stand up before you’ll be permanently hobbled? Grow a pair and stop waiting for everyone else to “give you the sign”, maybe you need to be ready sooner than you expected.


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Absolute cosmic-class moron. Shooting up a church/synagogue/mosque is not "STANDING UP". It does NOT ADVANCE THE CAUSE. The only way to win is to remove the corrupt leftist governments from the top down, and every time some jackass pulls a stunt like this it increases their fortifications and weakens the resolve of the rest of the right. You just make the fight even harder and INCREASE the chances that your kind are going to fade away. It's a complete and total fuckup move.

Didn’t read your post for long, you know nothing about politics. People spend a whole lifetime in politics before realising nothing except the establishments wishlist will be changed. They hand pick the right people so 99% of MPs and staff are all saying the same things. Tories don’t hire actual conservatives, Labour don’t hire working class men who are interested in the welfare of whites. He’ll neither hire working class men or women full stop.

Little shithead

Chaos is better than inaction. I think targeting certain people is smarter, but an enemy is an enemy.

This 5000%

Anyone who thinks shooting up a mosque full of unarmed people will rally support is absolutely deluded beyond any help, probably the same accelerationist retards as Tarrant.

I don´t buy your accelerationst bullshit. And it´s tragic to me that you can´t see why they peddle that idea in the first place. You think it is your own idea don´t you! It´ll make sure that what you actually want will never fucking happen.

>Exactly, and don't forget that they are also encroaching on the flow of free information through the internet, people will be fed what they have to think through system approved media once again and there will be no means of breaking the conditioning for the masses or to communicate for the european identitarians, so everything will accelerate but they will still control the social narrative and thus the masses. Accelerationism only hurts an arising pan-european nationalist movement and gives the system excuses to silence and repress us, and then it will make some people to even chimp out more, which will give the system an excuse not only to repress us but to crush us once and for all. If you are an accelerationist you work to accelerate your enemy's goals, and thus you are a traitor, plain and simple.
Exactly. And these people who bought into this, don´t even realize that this is exactly the reaction they want! They think it´s their own idea, for me it´s very very obvious who peddle that stupid idea in the first place. Fucking thank you for also realizing this.

Well, what is your answer?

If you sit back and let things go the way they are you will eventually reach the same outcome...either way we are fucked.

It's the result that rallies support. Just as he said. The repercussions of this action. The butterfly affect. The more people lash out and blame innocent whites, the more they stand behind the actions of men like this. It brings out the absurd in the left, which pushes more whites to the right. That's what he is doing, awakening the whites. And it's working. I'm tired of my rights getting shit on and my race being blamed when nobody gives two fucks when a Muslim does it to our people. It also desensitizes us to the violence, takes us out of our carebares comfort zone, and prepares us for war. We need to be able to stomach what needs to be done.

>The more people lash out and blame innocent whites, the more they stand behind the actions of men like this.

Maybe in the past when white people had a sense of identity and culture.

Here in NZ all I see are white people supporting muslims and multiculturalism even more than before in response

>If you sit back and let things go the way they are you will eventually reach the same outcome...either way we are fucked.
Anything else than that.
I certainly don´t say you should sit on your ass and do nothing. Check out what this guy is writing. here.
This is what your smart little idea will lead to. And so it´s obvious who peddled this idea to you! He said any political breakthroughs back years. 70 page manifesto where this moron tries to associate himself with every single identitarian movement. Even a fucking random youtuber like pewdiepie has to come out and make a statement. Because the moron apparently thought it was a great idea to include in his manifesto that you should subscribe to pewdiepie. So now this pewdiepie has to come out and say wtf i´m not with this guy.
The level of shit he is wrecking for identitarian movements in europe and USA, canada, australia and ofcourse especially in new zealand, who are actually making huge strides, is fucking massive.

So, die out and fade away like the good goyim you are. I’m sure they’ll euglogize your people kindly when the new history books are written, amirite?

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set any.

Please subscribe to Pewdiepie. You will feel better.

And their just reward is on its way.

Except the Muslims are not replacing white people in NZ, the Chinese are. If you think killing random Muslims is good for white people congratulations you've been brainwashed by Zionists.

Just look at those faces
Pure barbarians and savages
Good God, Help us all

Based, they will probably go for the Yakub narative once we get genocided.

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You’ve got only a few options here

Option A: you kill your enemies and the problem goes away
Option B: you accelerate the establishment taking away your rights (that you were going to lose anyway) to stoke tensions that lead to violence. Whoever heard of a country getting more rights to free speech, or more rights to own guns?
Option C: you lamely try to redpill people online where they are busy censoring, in the hopes you’ll get enough people on board (you won’t)
Option D: you play the rigged politics game and lose because they don’t allow people to change the destructive machine they are running

Note: while playing option C or D, they are flooding your country with thousands of migrants per day, the wealth is going anywhere but to white people and your kids are getting raped. And you gradually lose your free speech rights anyway

>They are all against us now lads
No they're not mr shill, literally no normies care.

>Hurr-durr plox! You'll never be taken seriously if you do serious things!
Fucking sewage-tier

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>This takes the premise that once your enemy reaches his goals everything will crumble
No, it takes the premise of the slowly boiling frog and instead of letting the heat build gradually just throwing the whole pot into a bonfire. The only problem I'm seeing with it is the level of propaganda, whites around the world may instead be shoved further towards guilt for the massacre than outrage at their own mistreatment.

Post more, this place is seriously bad for mental health for how defeatist/demoralized it’s become.

If we lose to a bunch of retarded brown people and greedy pathetic kikes then they can have this shitty planet without us.

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>If you think killing random Muslims is good for white people congratulations you've been brainwashed by Zionists
What I'm seeing in people's reactions who think the massacre was a good thing is simply that there is still some life in their team and they got to their team punching back for once. The very simple-minded reaction of: that made me feel good, therefore it must have actually been good.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:


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All English speaking countries are lost now.
I'm planning to learn some Eurolanguages and move out.

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>whites around the world may instead be shoved further towards guilt for the massacre than outrage at their own mistreatment.
Huh? Those are exactly the sort of people who endorse this delinquency anyway, you weapon!

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And how would you change things then?
Obviously wait until more foreigners form even bigger voting blocks in your country all the while spouting "I'll ride with you" and "diversity is our strength"?
You won't change anything because you're a shill and probably a Marxist as well.

Let's add one more thing to all of this: The right has been making success: Trump, Brexit, right wing parties in europe getting more popular and suddenly BAM this shooter faggot comes along and kills people at their place of worship while screaming HEY EVERYONE I AM TOTALLY A TRUMP AND EUROPEAN RIGHT WING GUY AND WOW LOOK AT WHAT I AM GONNA DO PLEASE KNOW THAT ALL RIGHT WINGERS ARE LIKE MEEEEEEE

quite a (((coincidence)))

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saving this

Aussies proving once again why a simple range ban of Australia will improve the quality of posts in this board.

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