i recently got married, more or less against my wishes, which is common in my culture, to a guy back in my parents home country. now we're back in the states, and i have a lot more options. should i divorce or should i stay in the marriage and try to make it work?
Stuck in arranged marriage, what should i do
Get to know him. If he's a cunt, divorce him.
try to make it work
why should i try to make it work?
I dont really know him, basically we just met
Then get to know him. If you have no clue who this guy is, then you have no clue what will happen if you try to force a break.
That's why I said "get to know him". If you determine that he is a cunt, divorce him. If he's a good guy, you're solid.
How exactly should I do that? im not good at getting to know people
Talk to him? Figure out what he thinks of said marriage? Find out what his expectations are? Find out what he wants to do with his life? Find out what he expects of you as his wife? There are plenty of common sense questions that you should probably ask him and yourself before even considering divorce. You got dealt a bad hand, but jumping head first into divorce might just screw you over even more.
well i know some of this, hes a med student and theres more opportunities for him here than the shithole our families come from. other than that, I havent really engaged with him, we havent actually talked much