Why do middle eastern people wants to go into the western countries and mixed with European people ?
Why do middle eastern people wants to go into the western countries and mixed with European people ?
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because they are leeches
dont know about that but can you stop with that kpop garbage. its embarrassing.
Could say the same about wh*tey doing the same in other countries like in Asia and South America
Because they're smelly poos
Fucking based meme kim.
Because muh white man's burden humanitarian military invasion for oil and gas gibs
Those are the spare children
polygamous societies always have excess of males. they are the spares. they are told to search for a wife over yonder hills.
We have also too many problems with ching Chong immigrants.
I love twice and girls day
Because they can get away with shit that would get them beheaded in their own country. Just look at the baker's dozen laundry list of things the Rapefugee migrants in Europe have gotten away with while also receiving free gibs.
Becouse they are low-iq subhumans unable to maintain a functioning socitey.
The only thing that supports their existence is the pity of leftist virtue signalers.
They can rape without going to jail like in Sweden.
because i want to wageslave like normalfags but western countries have better pay, worker unions and work condition unlike in japan, china and korea
Because they wamt tp make the world full on muslim and shariah law. Watch this:
As a white muslim who was against immigration and hated it from the bottom of my heart, each time I saw a sandnigger or nigger walking down the streets of Europe I got pissed but after what I saw your reaction today I changed my mind you christcucks don’t deserve to see a new white generation in Europe. You can’t focus on the real target, on the real enemy so therefore, From now on I will support immigration and bringing niggers and sandniggers and every immigration organization so I can happily watch Europe gets blacked while white Muslims live in their small sub societies. It’s all for our fallen white brother that was murdered in the mosque today
they dont. most need to because west has fucked up their country beyond repair
Free everything's for life.
White children to molest.
Liberals to cry over you.
Why wouldn't they come.
The instinct tells them to do this.