Hates Muslims

>hates Muslims
>went to Pakistan and described the people as very warm and hospitable
Something seems (((fishy))) about this whole thing.

Attached: alleged-mosque-shooter.jpg (2000x1334, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:


have you read his manifesto?

(((((((((fishy))))))))) indeed.

How old is this man? 45?

He had no problems with pakis in Pakistan.
He had problem with pakis in places they don't belong.

have you read his manifesto?

he just didn't want to get replaced

I've enjoyed my Visits to London, Paris and several US cities.
I still don't like niggers.

he might be a red flag but it doesn't really matter. both sides are understandable.

Not a single mention of kikes in it. somethings real fishy with this faggot for sure. guys entire goal was to divide everyone. ruin the chans.

>someone who can appreciate other cultures' aspects must be a jew

Are you ever going to take off your tinfoil hat?

He didn't hate muslims at all, he just hated muslims immigrating to white countries.

I see you didn't read the manifesto then dumb burgerscum

Wow, big difference. You really opened my eyes.

I did read it. not a single mention of kikes. and he talked about causing fucking chaos and dividing people for the sake of "muh whites"

>He didn't hate muslims at all
Got a funny way of showing it.

>Wow, big difference. You really opened my eyes.

It is a big difference.

>t. lacks reading comprehension

I couldn't get past 2 lines of the manifesto. It was boring. Anyone who reads the whole thing is also boring

Huge difference

How big?

a 28 year old look like THAT doesn't just happen by itself. That kind of rapid aging is caused by stress. We can see in photos of him when he was younger that he looked like his appropriate age. It would be interesting to find out how long ago those photos were taken.

My point isn't to sympathise with this guy. My point is that his little trip around the world, the things he said about pakistan in light of these actions, and the rapid aging all look very, very, very fishy, especially taken all together. I'm thinking of 7 letters, the first one is M and the last one is A

How much different?

>Complains about foreigners replacing people in their own land
>Shoots up a mosque in NZ, where whites replaced the Maori

Was he retarded or just and angry uber

Why the fuck would I do that when I can come here to see retarded babble.

In his Manifesto he specifically states he doesn't hate Muslims, who stay in their own countries.

German tinfoilers predicted "something big will happen on the 15th of March" for weeks/months. So, yeah, not all is as it seems.

you didnt read the manifesto or do not posess the required IQ to understand it

There was no NZ before whites. Nice try kike.

Yes there is mention of them, read the fucking manifesto.

>It was boring. Anyone who reads the whole thing is also boring
I'm sorry you have the attention span of a goldfish.

>Didn't mention one word about who's behind all of these (((symptoms))).

Attached: WTF 1509603337846.gif (530x257, 3.14M)

If this was an OP it was super effective. For the first time ever I'm thinking a social credit system to clean out all the subhumans in society is a timeline I want to be in

Who cares what a piece of shit has to say about anything? Glad he's going to finally get some cock now that he's in prison.

See, this is an expected response. You go to eugenia cooney's channel and people are like "she looks even skinner from before" and others are made to believe that shitty propaganda, just like you and "oh but muh past chatter on de interwebz iz muh proof" and I'm just supposed to believe your every word

>squatting on land as a stone age tribe means you created it
So the Maori built New Zealand into a modern society?

Why is he a piece of shit? For removing shitskin invaders?

regardless if he mentioned them or not. the faggot was a jew puppet and your fucking stupid for celebrating this faggots atrocity.



Or maybe I don't exist in the literary world where boring people like to 1 up each other because they are too incompetent to listen to Linkin Park

The Maoris are not indigenous, the ate said indigenous race a couple of hundred years before Captain Cook turned up.

Hes a piece of shit for being a jew puppet. and making you fall for his bullshit manifesto.


>>Complains about foreigners replacing people in their own land
>>Shoots up a mosque in NZ, where whites replaced the Maori
>Was he retarded or just and angry uber
Why can't he be both?

Did you have a stroke?

Fact is, that the German tinfoil hat scene predicted this, citing "secret service sources" in many cases. You may believe me or not. Doesn't matter at all.

German-speaking guys on here know Hartgeld and know I'm right.

Why didn't he mention the Jews role?

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Really? So there were Abos in NZ before them? I can’t imagine Abos being tasty.


>so long as they[the Jews] do not seek to subvert or harm my people
He literally didn't you dumb fuck. The sentence implies that they do and those who do should be dealt with.

Foreign Invaders should just fuck off

>Rapid aging
There's 7 years between the current photos and all the others.


Right, so with that ideology he felt it OK to go and stay in Pakistan for a bit??



You voted for them to come in you fucking thick headed dumb cunt.

The Maori's fought for the land and lost, now it's the whites turns to fight for it.

Hartgeld focuses on gold and silver. I don't think they are quite well enough informed about australian immigration

Literally no one did.

You know the difference between tourism and migration. Don't act dumber than you are.

>comparing tourism to displacement and immigration

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Gas yourself please

You stupid fuck. He looked into this for 2 years, and couldn't see the Jews hand in it all? Are you too much of a retard to see that doesn't add up?

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wow.. Jow Forums cant even read 70 pages of a half filled pdf file

he referred to kikes as "x", said they can be dealt with later. said the most pressing issue today is demographics and destroying the invaders.

maybe he was as much a brainlet as he was a manlet
not everyone can put 2 and 2 together, that's why so many leftist still exist today

Spoken like a true American who just googled the site.

why are pakis so stupid?

You realize I meant to write "He literally DID you dumb fuck.". Reading comprehension really isn't your strong suit. Thinking that somebody radicalized themselves on fucking POL no matter the chan and not being in the picture regarding jews (SUBVERT is the word he uses, show me where it is used as much as here) is so dumb, you might just be trolling. He'll have strategic reasons for not focusing his manifesto on them, but that one sentence basically tells you everything you need to and should know about his views.

The sheep are designed to be led. In a system totally controlled from the top down, that's a big problem.

maybe it was because he wasnt trying to build a christian church there while yelling that hes being opressed and telling everybody his rights

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the only cringe here is your namefagging

He's actually a Jow Forumsthedonald redditor who went off the deep end in his attempt to take down 4chin

>Oy Vey Goys, those evil Muslims, Blacks, and Mexicans changed your immigration laws, your welfare laws, and allowed themselves to come flooding into your Nations.
>Yes Goys that's it!

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Tell me more about how I got it wrong

do you have the pdf? all i got was a very low res jpg because im a gay phone poster

Anyone that talks of the great replacement normally knows about the Zionist occupation government. I feel like this is suspicious

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It's a big difference for anyone not being an ameritard like you.

he wrote those kind words to spread the rumor that he is cool with islam because if he'd wrote "fucking muslims this land is a shithole" he'd be under observation by nsa, fbi, cia, interpol etc
so he is very clever and his plan turned out pretty good

I’m sure muslims in Pakistan are very nice people. Muslims in New Zealand however are fucking invaders and need to be removed. They simply do not belong there

here you go


>Instead of actually explaining the difference decides to talk down to an american
Yep, that's what I expected.
Still waiting on that explanation

plox link

Sorry I wont do what a fucking leaf tells me.

yeah cuz whites belong in new zeland


and? you really think he looks 28 years old? maybe if he was a coal miner in the 1800's

did i ask you?

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Why do you think the world revolves around you?

you should be familiar with kikes, jew. It was a Gladio op, Meme flag, jew nigger. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_R._Schlesinger

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So you'd rather he was condecending to you?

why is there no info about the other 3 that were arrested? are the mossad handlers? are they non-white?

He said he had no problem with them "if they weren't subverting our nations"

I think he just didn't want to distract from the larger message of his manifesto honestly, he obviously knew what they were about

He said there to go to Israel, Jews can't run media banks and influence politics ifs they are banished to Israel, Tbf Brevrik and Roof didn't mention to much either maybe they know calling them out properly makes their incarceration more dangerous.

Another Jewish ritual killing
When is the white man truly going to wake up?

i heard this guy was in Dunbass/Ukraine killing Russians. Can anyone confirm?