He wrote Ebba on his gun

He decided to awaken himself while travelling in Europe at the time Ebba Akerlund was murdered. “These were attacks on my people, attacks on my culture, attacks on my faith, and attacks on my soul,” he wrote. “They would not be ignored.”

He wrote Ebba on his gun and mentioned her in the manifesto.

How does /pol feel about this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


That we should change ebin to ebba.

Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a dark knight.

I think that this is a shame

American citizens butchered children in Afghanistan, then its government had a little cry when one of its tranny members of intelligence leaked the footage. (yeah I know... MURICA)

Of course theyre going to drive trucks through populated gatherings you fucking mong.

>How does /pol feel about this?
bbc decided to write an article about a dog, not about a white child.
It was about time someone killed 49 dogs in the memory of that little girl.

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How long until her cucked parents come out to condemn him and praise diversity?


You talking about the 4ft manlet that can't even handle a weapon without dropping live rounds all over the floor?


well he made our media mention her name and her death for the first time, nobody mentioned her when she died.

Every single fucking muslim and their supporters deserves death.

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1 man and 50 dead muslims. Imagine 1000 or 1million men.


It’s all so tiresome

Memes were a mistake


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as a german I like that thinking

you finally became like us lol

They are no doubt saying thank you in private. They arrest people for saying migrants are lazy over there.


sorry wrong flag

Ummm...we align, brother, but you might need to back away from the DC teet. Just saying.

>131 Greeks vs 6000 Turkroaches and Egyptians

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Father is certainly redpilled.


Can’t speak for the rest of you but back in 2017 when PJW (not the mainstream media) told me about Ebba, I lost sleep for days.

ISIS killed many innocents, including kids as well whenever or wherever they were able to, both in the middle east and europe.
I'm really sorry for this little girl but the answer is not to kill some random innocent muslims (kids included) to avenge her.
We'd be more than happy to avenge her by torturing the killers mind you.

Just remember well, you cannot wash off blood with blood.

pick one roach.

Do it for her.


Are you looking at that everyday before sleep to stop you from crying because you know that BLACK BVLLS fucked that sweet ancient greek pussy for 400 years?

Yeah yeah, I know it is meaningless to reason with radicalized softcore-ISIS-version of the Europan side, like you guys but I decided to say it nevertheless.

Pol feels that this is a jewish psyop and that you're a shill

The Zionist faggots who manufactured the Ebba sob story now have blood on their hands. Hope the karma follows you for the rest of your lives.


Was ebba riding around with terrorist insurgents? I fail to see the equivalency

all you bastards read the same shitbook.
behead infidels, kill in the name of god, e.t.c., but here you are faggot claiming that not all bastards are not the same.
wherever you step on, you make it a shithole.
I don't expect you to be good with patterns, but it should've been obvious to everyone of your kind that your porkphobic religion is to blame.

ok, mahmud, it's that time of the month again to collect your gibs from mommy merkel and send them back to roachland to feed the young roaches.

Why are you such a scaredy-cat that a white guy actually reaction with violence to his people being destroyed has to be some Mossad operation in your mind?

If half a million European men did what he did we'd be rid of all our Muslims.

Yeah that was called the Iraq and Afghanistan invasion propped up by billions of dollars...

You were still driven out of their land.

Are you this thick in real life or is it just a role playing thing?

Think about it, the finest coalition soldiers, fighter jets, bombers, drones etc... You didn't even push them back. Imagine what they'll do to you in the streets.

Be careful what you wish for.....

I appreciate the sentiment roach but I think we're too far gone for any meaningful conciliation. Even if you and I consider ourselves moderates for respective ideologies there will be no turning back on the actions of the more extreme elements.

>killing people in the name of a wortless swedish to-be thot who would probably vote for far left parties either way

top fucking beta orbiting

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Who do you think enables them? Who shares dinners tables and mosques with them?

Following muhammad is a violation of the NAP

even if you exterminate the radical ones,
there are more to come with the next generations.
it's the fucking Koran that tells them to kill people.

And the paki rape gangs raped children because?
And the immigrants in Germany and Sweden rape women at festivals because?

Driven out? What a fantasy. We haven’t even withdrawn on our own initial and quite prolonged timetables

you must be the dumbest nigger in the hood.

And why were Americans in Afghanistan in the first place?

> It was about time someone killed 49 dogs in the memory of that little girl.
It’s called a weekday in Venezuela

>the average westerner is probably left-leaning and pro-immigration
>you're a westerner
Therefore kill yourself

Ebba was deaf and couldn’t hear the truck. Their are pics of her smeared all over the road.

Their is a time to stop being an edgelord, and when discussing Ebbas death, that is one of them.

Remember, thots and roasties only exist because of weak men like you

>protecting your people from degeneracy is beta orbiting

>Adultery - stoned to death
>Homosex - stoned to death
>Theft - cut off hand
>Apostate - murder
Your religion seems to think you can indeed wash blood off with blood

After the Stockholm attack, I looked up fb to see what people had to say. Everyone talked about that damn dog, I did not see a single person talk about Ebba. It still angers me.

Religions themselves are troublesome and until you experienced Renaissance the European people weren't in any better shape themselves. It is obvious that an islamic version of renaissance is necessary which is I won't deny but this is another problem.

Now you radicalized bastards who have a similar mindset of those of ISIS militants are not doing any better by putting blame on a whole community of muslims or any and every non-white groups.

Turks were living in germany and other european countries for more than 50 years and things were relatively peaceful until 2010s for example. Surely conflicts were still there but it wasn't this bad at least. Now are you going to say that they were always terrorists that wanted to kill germans but were unable to? In the first place if 1.3 billion muslims were to be radicalized jihadists, how is the world still a habitable place?

You may not want foreigners in your countries, I don't blame you for this. It is your country and your heritage. But you have no right to blame the rest of thr world and do the same shit and kill innocents in the same manner as the islamic terrorists that you despise so much did in the past.

Get your shit together.

He also had Alexandre Bissonnette written on it

>t. muslim subhuman

Destroy jews and mudslimes.

Then bomb vatican and blood eagle all the pope and his crew.

Then find an eskimo and make him head of whats left.

do you bongs even remember what guns are?

>can't even handle a weapon without dropping live rounds all over the floor?
Yet you will NEVER get to hold a machine gun and reload one so STFU you fucking paki

>Remember, thots and roasties only exist because of weak men like you
I could not say any better. Cucks like him must die

I want you fucks to tell me right now. What is his faith? What is his priorities? What is his social value? Seems like you all think he is a right wing christian. He's far from that. The only thing that seem to be related to you fucks is that he is white. Is that it?

fuck you, muslim piece of shit
Dead muslims make God smile

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>50 years
>a long time
Meanwhile, the nugermans were rioting over affairs with the turkroaches just recently

Shut up. You're supporting china loving white commie. You're no christian.


Go ahead and point to where Christ or Christianity endorses or condones such a thing. Bloodshed is literally, LITERALLY sancrosanct in islam

Says the nigger subhuman who's government wont let him own a fucking knife. You are a slave and a sheep

Citation needed, asshole. China bashes muslims on a daily basis which is good
Repent to Jesus and not the charlatan mu-ham-mad (Piss be on him)


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>Turks were living in germany and other european countries for more than 50 years and things were relatively peaceful until 2010s for example
You mean on 'temporary' work visas after the war to act as cheap labour?
The Islamic problem in Europe extends beyond high profile terrorist attacks, they're just a symptom of a much larger problem. See: the Turk dominated ghettos and marginally higher birth rates.
When people talk about Islamic extremism, again, no one believes that 1.3 billion people are gonna get in a truck and mow down the next Christmas market, but when a quarter of French Muslims confess support of ISIS you know there's a problem.

A manlet who killed 50 potential jihadis of your kind how does it make you feel porkistani

It's called karna you dumb cockroach


What does that have to do with anything? I'm telling you that your beloved terrorist isn't even a christian. He also loves china. Trump has way better values than you fucks do.

He himself said thayt he loves China. Good of him to further prove that white people llove to suck china's dick.

>Just remember well, you cannot wash off blood with blood.
How wrong you are... You will die too, roach

Yet you have deflected it on me, retard.
China kills muslims which is good

>on my faith
chinese communism?

He literally has a FAQ in his manifesto you lazy fuck. He doesnt consider himself a Christian and it doesnt matter. He is a white guy fed up with the invasion and nobody doing anything about it. I do not condone his actions and will never do such a thing but I think there are many more white guys like him to come in the next 50 years. White people are waking up that they are being exterminated.

And the shooter basically did the perfect thing. Almost nobody except college liberals and soccer moms actually care about muslims in Europe. Nobody gives a fuck this happened when you ask them and even some of them think its funny after all the terrorist attacks.

Nobody here is claiming this is a Christian terror attack. Christians need to be protected like children, sheep, and other innocents. A lamb capable of taking down a wolf isn’t a lamb

Of course. That's why Trump loves China. He was begging for China to be their best buddies am I right. Maybe you're not american, so you wouldn't care for having all your rights be taken away. Not to mention you like China forcing their christians to pray to xi jinping rather than jesus. Good for you.

Hush jew
Men are talking

I guesss now she is at peace

I usually hate this germanmusic, because it is fake youtube.com/watch?v=VHxjyBtKxpM
click click clikc

Keep deflecting, asshole.

Nor do I consider him Christian you dumb shit. He's just a China loving facist communist terrorist. Just that. We all know Jow Forums loves all of that right? Good.

Ebba can finally rest in peace.

As I said that doesnt matter. What matters is that he is WHITE and he is fed up with the forced replacement.

I've heard worse plans.

Lol, because you see us praising those motivations? We all just love pewdipie and Candice Owens, too

Deflecting what? That China is forcing their christians and even buddhist to only pray to Xi jin pooh bear? Okay buddy. Whatever. You never cared for christians anyway.

fuck of our turks are annoying as fuck

i want an ebba gf

So, it was never about values, faith, culture or soul. It's about being white. Good, finally showing your true colours I see.

And of course we're going to murder them without hesitation in their mosques. Part and parcel right? It's the price you pay for choosing diverse, multicultural societies over homogeneous societies.

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When will all of you realize you, and muslim men like you, are the problem

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It wasn’t really about skygods, genius

White values are stored in white people. You retarded backwards goatfuckers can never EVER integrate into a white society because you are ethnically different. Protecting white civalization means protecting white people. All ethnonationalists have always said that.



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