Looks like everything is going according to NZ guy's plan
If you read his manifesto, you know he's big on accelerationism, and boy oh boy, do I feel things accelerating right now. Go read the biggest reddit threads about the news, everyone's at each other's throats right now
>talk on controlled platforms >try to control and ban the ideas
Jesus christ and they think we're the fascists
Jaxson Jones
Have the governments and its dick suckers perhaps thought that enough is enough with the immigration?
I mean, I question myself all the time. It's called insight and humbleness, and I find myself wrong ofren.
Ryan Evans
Surely, there is nothing stopping anyone from creating a false account last minite and livesteaming anyway. Wether it be FB, YT, Periscope, IG. So basically, we have to stop all live broadcastable internet streams. That is crazy because if someone wants to commit an atrocity they still could.