Brenton Tarrant BTFO by hero worshipper!

Haha 3ft Manlet drops his weapon like a complete faggot and gets chased off by a worshipper carrying Brentons dropped weapon!!

Hahahaha. This is what happens when an incel gets his advice from Mossad.

So Brenton is confirmed manlet and faggot. Love it! Reminds me of the time a bunch of Muslims sent the USA packing in Afghanistan.

Attached: tarrantBTFO.jpg (1440x2273, 507K)

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It gets worse for this stumpy woofter doesn't it. Imagine dropping live rounds all over one mosque, and then being chased off in the next one. Dear oh dear, a true pol-ack he was.

>g’day mates! I’m a European! Will you be my friend?
>*drives off playing meme music*

i watched the video and that literally never happened

wtf timeline you in

I wonder how many children this guy and his friends had murdered before immigrating to a civilized country.

literally never happens in the video , check your sources.

Happened at the 2nd mosque you dumb cunt.

White Boi Cracka BTFO again by Muslim!!! Love it!!

nope, we have the vid

no more lies, kike

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proofs ?
yeah none.

happened in the minds of media trying to suck muslim dicks

actually, come to think of it

>a false narrative that admits guns are also a defensive tool capable of saving lives

lol did you run this idea by your boss first?

>Happened at the 2nd mosque you dumb cunt.


> chased off
> no video
> no proof
> more lying as per usual
and this is why media discourage people to watch the video: so they can lie about everything.

yea, bullshit. more like media drinking muslim semen

Thread now seething!!!


This was at the second mosque after the stream got shut down.


So most likely fake new s to shame him and to look worse in the media the usual tactics I see

Sounds like muslim cope no mention of this in our news. Sorry you got shot up.

the fact that he only killed 7 people at the second mosque should tell you that something stopped him

Oh quit the cope posting would you.

He's a 4ft pansy that ran for his life when confronted by Muslim men.

He DID drop a magazine in the first attack, but he acknowledged and made a silly quibble about it as he picked it up

Don’t you dare disrespect the legends name

His name was BRENTON

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This is the truly sad par of these 'muh gotta defend eVropa' types; they do not read philosophy instead their life revolves around mass internet culture, memes and shitposting to the point it consumes them entirely. The guy didn't have a original though in his body; only regurgitated talking points he got from other dimwits.

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Cope And fake news.

This is why they were so quick to scrub the video. So that they can control the narrative.
It was posted to Jow Forums, as it was going down. within 30 min of me watching it. The scrubbing began.

>napoleon was 10 inches tall

just stop, it's okay to be terrified and everything but his target was actually the US political system

please just read the thing, it won't bite you, you read disgusting things you disagree with all the time given that you are here

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>muslim chases someone off with a gun without shooting
kek, a very likely story
or...OR a fellow muzzrat doesnt give one fuck about his "brothers" who got murdered like sheep has no problem with making himself a hero
I think anyone whos ever talked to a muzzrat would agree with me here
You take babydick syndrome to next level

When the gunman advanced toward the mosque, killing those in his path, Abdul Aziz didn't hide. Instead, he picked up the first thing he could find, a credit card machine, and ran outside screaming "Come here!"
Sounds Legit.

we dont even know if the first attack was real


The absolute cope!!!!

It was the 52nd mosque after never happened o'clock.

He's a legend and did gods work, kebabs removed.
You're on the wrong site if you're looking for people who have sympathy for the victims, too bad he didn't get the second mosque

gonna need a video you giant roach

what was it?

Funny looked like your fellow man's legs don't actually work in a survival type situation

I would smoke a peace pipe with chief Allah.

a likely narrative, but without a video showing proof you're full of shit, get wasted rat scum

Any skilled operative would have.. This was some incel pol fag that didn't even follow basic weapon drills.... who was also chased off by an ATM machine.

Fucking Gold!!! Hahahaha.

The cross-eyed kung fu master from the OP LMAO

with sis bait you are really spoiling us

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Seems like they ran like cowards after taking return fire from what I hear. Unwilling to lay down their lives for the message.

>This media narrative with no video
Even if it is true what's gonna be remembered is him wasting 50 fucking muslims and doing gods work doing it.
That bitches hair flew 3 feet when he shot her dead in the street

Haha 49 dead cockroaches.

2 possibilities:
1: Didn't happen, story is cope from the media to try and shame/humiliate Brendan
2: Mosque contained weapons already, media and police have collaborated with shitskins to concoct this story both covering for the weapon stash and belittling hero

Don't buy into the demoralization smears
This guy didn't drop his gun
He wasn't a loser
He wasn't a MOSSAD agent
He wasn't a schizo
He was a modern day Robert Matthews and an ARYAN HERO

Hey lads did I do good??..... Lads??

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>some untrained incel alone can kill 49 muslims and live to tell the tale

I'm sure it happened exactly the way the news said it did.

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Deus Vult brother!!

>a meme flag! he must be muslim!
hey user,look I'm black ;^)

This. Kikes just trying brainwash people by making up their stories

That's it.
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

"Chased off", did you see the video dude?

There was no heroic acts in the video, from either parts! Just rat like behavior as always.

He dropped only empty weapons you complete retard.

Seeing as the kill count was so low at the second mosque this makes sense. But some of you are too young or too stupid to believe anything besides a conspiracy so have fun

Who chases somebody with a gun and doesn't shoot them? Nobody, this is fake and extremely gay.

Unarmed though..... When you come to our country with fighter jets, drones, bombers and soldiers... We fuck you up.

Go check the amount of coalition casualties that were backed by a Trillion dollar campaign. Trump pulled you out because you were being systematically beaten down... Exactly as you were in Vietnam. You're weak willed, it just shows how much Israel has rubbed off on you people.


>This muslim just save people by taking the terrosit gun and run after him.

The state of the left.

Btw i think this guy is bullshit.

The gun was empty dickhead, he smashed his windscreen with it and Brenton fled like a faggot.

Hey, faggot, people die every day at the hands of globohomo.

Also, poor bait.

This was at Linwood mosque the second mosque but the story is just to retarded to believe.

ideologues gonna ideologue

go on punch your computer lol

The stupid muzzie probably couldn't find the trigger.

Haha holy fuck Muslims are so based


49!!! Hahaha

>hero worshipper

Alhamdullilah MashaAllah brother, he fled like a faggot, just as he planned to do in his manifesto. InshaAllah, it's almost like those filthy whites actually strategise and plan their actions instead of just rushing towards the gunfire like our brothers in the Middle East.

You surround yourself with women and children so you aren’t steamrolled in a week. Based alpha shitskin

The news article I read literally said the Muslims (more than one) didn't know how to use the gun

>1 gorillion dead in iraq
>ameriburgers just came for the oil

you forgot that he said he wouldn't kill cops and the police response time was 12 minutes , so by the time he started attacking the second mosquee , the police was already there.

Hopefully we have more of these shootings so all these albanian and paki dispora faggots on Jow Forums can give us quality QQ threads.

>hero worshipper picked up mosque attackers gun and chased him
Aww, the little scamp was trying to be helpful and return his heroes weapon to him.

>sandniggers with made up stories in order to look like heroic
top kek. just waiting for some story about a brave, strong and independent trans woman of color who tried to PIT his car and thanks to her he got caught

Right. So the people that came to halt his movement he has no problem with? The innocent people he does?


WaPo has same story from Aziz. He might have tossed a CC machine out a window at first Mosque. Aziz's bravery and shouting match is B.S. if from first mosque. He might have been inside and been first out window near meat pile #2 then behind cars when shooter was outside with 2nd rifle. Shooter didn't talk to or shout at anyone other than some short spoken comments to camera like "might get the badge today, lads" or similar.

Actual event: Shooter used up all his ammo and was just throwing away the guns when he emptied them. As he was leaving (having already killed a bunch of people and being almost completely out of ammo) this moron picks up an empty discarded shotgun and meekly yells at him and follows him. He is unable to stop the shooters escape.
The media is trying to spin this as a heroic confrontation that saved lives.

Plenty of trans faggots walking around Rio for you to gork at.

>they have resorted to making up stories.

Holy shit, this is why he streamed it. So that media would have to be here to honest, and couldn't lie about the shoot. It wasn't just for the memes, it was for the proof too.

Cope harder

Brenton shot out his windows doing drive by's on his way to the second mosque, its on video

your story does not line up with video evidence, get fucked bitch

>thing happens in sheep fucker land
>talk about US
living rent free in your head

His windscreen is intact en route to the 2nd mosque. Cope harder. Your boy fled like a rat.

i'm not defending him but he specifically said so in his manifesto , he said he wouldn't fire on cops except if the cops were of the race of the "invaders" , said so himself and from the photo found online he clearly didn't fight the cops.
he had no problem killing innocent people though but that's how people who think like Breivik are.

>this level of projection

Watch the video fagget

Muslims are a sad deceitful race only thing that makes them honest is bullets.

Oh yeah, Aziz claiming he broke the windshield is highly questionable since shooter broke his own windshield by shooting through it with shotgun toward the end of first mosque video. I bet Aziz saw only the police arrest video and was at the first mosque, bit his heroics are exaggerated and fabricated because he didn't see the shooter's (((GoPro))) video.

I have the approx 200mb 480p file unlike your shitty compressed version.

The windscreen is still genrally intact apart from the holes.

>kda 50/0/0
the only one coping is you

you are retarded who is paying you to be stupid?

Tbh it only added character to his attack. It's the small things...

the whole ordeal is really cringe, from the video to the even bigger losers on here venerating him

Still drove you out of Afghanistan. It actually took Assad and Putin to rid ISIS from Iraq and Syria.

I don't care subhuman.

>15 posts by this id
Fucking lol. Trannies mad that they can't post Yang Gang shit yet so they try to shame a guy who just killed almost 50 muslims and made it look as easy as playing a videogame.