>> Is western culture a patriarchy?
I mean... It's most definitely not a matriarchy, and while it's shifting there, it's still definitely not an egalitarian society (in fact, as far as I know, the only world power that was founded on egalitarian ideas, is actually oppressive as fuck towards women: China), so if you're going to equivocate and *force* a choice between the three, Patriarchy is what shit is closest too...
But using that as a basis to claim outright patriarchy is spurious as fuck.
You guys are getting too caught up in wanting to be butt-hurt about labels. That only hurts whatever discussions or progress that can be gained from talking about the subject. Never try to hold a discussion or debate while angry or upset, that gets you nowhere and completely destroys any credibility your argument may have in the eyes of any party involved.
>men also rank higher than women at chess
>could the solution to why there are so few female CEO's just be that there are gender differences in brain anatomy,
Actually, there's a pretty famous case with a psychologist who wanted to experiment with nature vs nurture, and so from the age of three, he raised his three daughters to become chess prodigies. He purposefully forced exposure on them, designed a highly competitive environment, and raised them specifically to be competitive chess professionals.
All three girls became chess prodigies, one of them becoming the first modern chess grand master and her younger sister later becoming the (then) youngest female chess grandmaster (which held for almost 20 years). Two of the three became professional players.
The interesting thing is how they were raised with a completely different mentality and environment and societal setting to how girls normally are.
Other studies have shown, men are directly or indirectly raised to be more directly competitive than men are, where as women tend to be raised to be socially mindful and conscientious.