So why does Jow Forums not like Yang? His welfare policy seems pretty in line with you alt-lite LARPing faggots. Isn't your mantra "Our enemies do it, so it's alright when we do it"?
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So why does Jow Forums not like Yang? His welfare policy seems pretty in line with you alt-lite LARPing faggots. Isn't your mantra "Our enemies do it, so it's alright when we do it"?
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I'm sorry the truth hurts, friend. I'm sure the race war you've been having wet dreams over will start soon, without needing any actual input or work on your part.
His son is also autistic like us...
He’s /ourguy/
Pol likes Yang rdonald does not it is pretty cut and dry this is an anime message board based on yellow fever so it just makes sense
Clearly not. The only people on Jow Forums who actually like Yang are Tranny shills trying to pull gay ops.
Just remember: If you act like a nigger, you are a nigger.
I don't even care about his policies which I know are retarded, not all of them (I like his stance on the opioid epidemic for example and automation is a serious concern) but some
But what really seals the cake is the obnoxiousness of his supporters on here
They literally remake EVERY single meme from 2016 and just replace the hats, they copy fashwave, they talk like niggers (hurr durr gimme dat bag), they wave off things like gun rights and no carbon taxes as "just boomer shit lmao" and they blatantly LIE about Yang being some kind of kike-killer and paint him as anti-Israel when we all know he is pro-Jew and will never end the Israeli aid.
They represent the worst of the worst of low IQ, low attention span zoomer mixed race mutts. You can clearly tell they are not from here.
Because it is a forced meme being coordinated from a discord full of autists, who literally schedule post this faggot.
They could just get jobs, instead of acting like women.
>They could just get jobs
>Compete with a machine that could work 24/7
#LearnToCode amirite?
Because the morons on here still think they are going to somehow turn the clock back on technology and smash all the robots.
>Compete with a machine that could work 24/7
Are you that retarded that you can't compete with a robot?
Not all niggers are black.
Oh no, life isn't fair for you, better collect welfare!
Fuck off, nigger.
He supports increased gun control which is an instant no. If you don't support repealing the NFA you can fucking burn.
That's not a mantra I've ever seen here.
It's literally what people are using to justify the NZ shooter.
does it matter? he has absolutely no chance of winning either way
it's gonna be either biden or jewboy sanders. trump's lackluster term basically gifted them the election
Personally I'm okay, my company develops mobile games, my industry is safe from automation for maybe a decade or so but I have many friends who are tech illiterate, I don't wanna see them starve or hustle me everytime they're hungry.
What's the practical solution here?
Yang doesn't matter. His career ended yesterday when his gay ops were exposed. What matters is Jow Forums's mentality when it comes to shit like this. I saw GENUINE people advocating for him because "Minorities already get money, why not whites?"
These faggots need to be purged.
posts like this is what caused the livestream shooting
If robots automate everything, everything becomes dirt cheap. They wont starve.
Luddite faggot.
Stop forcing this meme.
Good. Hopefully you faggots will start actually living up to the LARPy shit you spew. Either that or you'll stop spewing it.
please stop encouraging violence
"Minorities already get money, why not whites?"
Why not tho? People are getting banned from banks for wrongthink already.
>trust me i know economics
Kill yourself worthless lolbertarian leafshit
>everything becomes dirt cheap
erm with $0 income how can you afford "cheap"?
In a week, when the race war hasn't started and everyone is still doing the same old shit, the world will wake up to the fact that Jow Forums is nothing but LARPing fat teenagers and manchildren.
Also, what are you going to do, call the police about someone shitposting online?
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Because acting like a nigger makes you a nigger, nigger.
Shills are back it seems. Oh well.
If you think I'm shilling for Yang, you have real mutt blood running through you.