over 250 people were killed in her concert by Muslims

> over 250 people were killed in her concert by Muslims


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22 died but yeah it's stupid. she's not too bright.

Try 22

shows you how unaware and vapid these Hollywood types are. if some crazy fuck had to go and kill a bunch of people, i'd much prefer that these virtue-signalling champagne socialist celebrities be victimized in place of presumably innocent/average mosque-goers. it's almost like people's lives are a fucking game to them. dumb whore.

Shut up you’re breaking the narrative

Ignore these idiot celebs who know nothing. They can't even label the guy right. If you read the manifesto, this guy was not a white supremacist, as he didn't see whites as the superior race. He is a white nationalist there is a fucking difference people. He felt threatened that whites are being put out of "their lands" by invaders. But doesn't seem to remember that his European people did exactly that thing. This whole situation has me pissed off because people are dumb and now if you spout any ideal that somewhat lines up with this guy and you'll be a white supremacist. Western civilization has gone to shit. And lastly, let's not forget the many innocents killed at the hands of radical Muslims and nobody really does a thing. But one white person does a terrible act, and it further drives the ideal that white men need to go. I hate people, I hate the world we live. Gotta ready for the fall guys

>guy kills 49 people in cold blood


Kill yourself, only someone capable of dehumanizing others can commit such an act. They were in a MOSQUE not some military fort. Fucking kys.

A Mosque is kind of that
Historically speaking

whoa the lad. looks like you are suffering from a case of wrongthink. i think you need a time out. it was 6 million muslims, and i dont want to see another comment from you until have thought about your hateful bigotry on this site, in this thread, with that comment. dont you want your daughters blacked, and your wife raped? you sound pretttttttttttttttty anti-semitic to me.....

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literal satanist, see music videos.

>only someone capable of dehumanizing others can commit such an act
as a commie, you would know all about this. you dehumanize white working age males, for your frankenstein-esque freaks rocking vaginas made of colons, and the dregs of society you push on everyone else.

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W..what did she mean by this?

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She is a robot


get out of here with your facts

>hollywood satanist shilling for moslems

block youtube if you have children, block all the big 10 websites on your router

>Ariana Grande
>is pequeñia

>literal satanist
you’re honestly fucking retarded

>t. 50 IQ commie
I hate muslim scum and if given the choice, I would throw 1000 white commie cucks before 1 shitskin. So, what does that make me, you smelly rat?

One moment of lucidity that would destroy her career.

>love muslim communities
>fuck no! no way I'm moving to one!
women everyone

Attached: female_culture.jpg (698x1024, 98K)

Isn't she a spic?

>muslim community
oh boy

She gotta make money, women will spread their legs for money, sure they would say any thing for money.

>i'd much prefer that these virtue-signalling champagne socialist celebrities be victimized in place of presumably innocent/average mosque-goers
Why? They are both equally evil while pretending to be holier than thou. Muslims are fully aware of why they are being herded into foreign lands.

Communist flag talking about the sanctity of people in a house of worship
Pot, meet Mao


>white girl
>tans her skin to make herself brown
>gets blacked
>fuck white supremacy
dayyyum she my kinda girl. would bang

She's Italian. She tanned herself.

It might not be wise for her to come back to Manchester now. People will be pushed only so far.
I watched the parents looking for their children, people I saw every day.
Apparently pic related were what she was wearing that night. She donated them as a token of her care for us.
Gee thanks. You worthless hole. You will be remembered correctly here. Guaranteed. You gambled and lost. Looks like you have previous for that too.

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She is a witch using magic on her audience

>She's Italian.
What's the difference?

>implying he didn't save lives by killing a few dozen browns

>pout lips as hard as possible LIKE EVERY WHOTE E-THOT

DESU I thought she's a niggeress when I first saw her.


>calls other people low-iq

Look in the mirror, you are the bottom of the barrel in your society, hence you fill yourself with hatred to feel full. Insecure people are always filled with hatred.

Why don't you kill yourself already before you hurt an innocent?

Because the efficiency level of killing off those who bring in non white cheap laborers is much higher than kill off mere slaves. Sure, there will be times when the slaves must be killed but you need to fight smarter not harder. If all you ever do is kill a few dozen slaves here and there, you are wasting your time. It breaks down like this:

A Jewish Master is worth 100,000 Slaves.
A white Good Goyim is worth 10,000 Slaves.
A State Enforcer is worth 1,000 Slaves.

Because Jewish Masters are the Brains behind Mass Immigration, white Good Goyim are the Face of the operation and State Enforcers are the Muscle of the operation. There are billions of Slaves that can be imported with a few strokes of the pen. Don't go for them until you have dealt some savage blows to the Jewish Masters and white Good Goyim. You need to turn off the tap before you mop the floor.

>Historically speaking X did Y.

But if I am X and you claim I did Y, that's not fair!
But if they are X and they did Y, it's a completelt fair argument!

God you're so dense.


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TFW I say no, you're fucking stupid and awkward.

God lads I find ariana to be so fucking hot, it breaks my dick sometimes.
I'd literally let her have my virginity

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her before she became a nigger

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If you haven't figured this out by now:

The left wants you broke, demonized, silenced, your children taken away, race mixed and brainwashed, your nation destroyed and you yourself replaced or dead. And they laugh about it.

Oh and her manager is a Jew of course.

The muslims aren’t the villains. People will give what you offer them. This doesn’t make them thieves.
What you need to do is stop people from offering them your ancestral lands.
Cold-blooded murder turns the world against you and achieves no goals
you ought to start thinking about how to build a seawall rather than keep standing on the beach punching the waves

>muslims attack my fans and murder them
>proceed to attack the fathers and mothers of most my fans
what a dumb cunt, wasn't 250 but still

She is famous for being a dumb whore. Seriously she is there to shake her ass not think.

The right wants the same ;)

>white supremacist
pretty rare as far as I can tell, it's a meme ideology created by the left and anti whites to demonise the tribal instincts that every other race practices. White race realists seldom if ever claim to be superior they just acknowledge racial difference. Most of the left do too, when it suits them but only in an anti white direction and of course the jews are the ultimate racial supremacists but the left will never question that.
It's the double standards and stupidity of the left that makes rational people hate them. Your arguments are weak which is why you refuse to engage in debate and always try to shut it down.
It also amazes me that 99% of so called anti fascists are actually embracing government corporate partnership which is the actual definition of fascism

What you see:
>Muslim attacks innocent whites
>White guy attacks Muslims

What everyone else in the world sees:
>Religious extremists attacks civilians
>Religious extremists attacks civilians

Fuck you both and fuck anyone on this board that supports the white ISIS.

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>0.10$ added to your account
(((You))) are a cheap shill whore

>meme flag
opinion discarded

there is no reason to lie
there is every day some terrorist attack by muslim

>retardant Garth Ennius comics of reddit downloadage
what you see:
anus of man pressed against your eye hole with your cornea tickling his squeezy part that cuts off the poops

>It's only bad when whites do it

Ever heard of the word "retaliation"?

>only someone capable of dehumanizing others can commit such an act.
Muslims dehumanize themselves.

Attached: MurderByMuslim.jpg (1546x980, 121K)

fuck off redditor

Learn about Crisis Actors and hoaxes. They fake stuff, to bait people. It's all lies.

Attached: Same cops at Manchester One Love concert and London Bridge terror attack.jpg (1024x1485, 1.05M)

>Tells people to KYS
>OMG you called me a name you're so full of hate you're so insecure pls kys so I don't have to be told I'm such a retard hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg

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this is totally different as there is no evidence these girls were killed for their race or religion, it was male sexual violence against women, similar to the gamergate movement

the bugeyed guy seems to be a little twitchy but the other guy is pure chadlad

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also the top pic is missing its epic post screenshot caption

donald trump was elected to build a wall; look how that is going.

our nations are run by traitors, for traitors, who are honestly and earnestly seeking to wipe us from the face of the earth. our media is controlled by foreign interests who pipe propaganda 24/7 into our homes and offices.

there is a cancer in the hearts of our nations.

we need to start exploring other options.

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Yet it is always unarmed civilians that get fucked by their "retaliation". Odd how it works out that way and not attacking a Klan meeting.

Find me evidence of muslim gamergater chauvanists beheading and raping muslim women and i'll believe you or groups of non muslims getting together to rape and murder women and children
Here's a clue, when your religion/ideology promotes the idea that non members of your religion are inferior that dehumanises those people and is a justification for their acts of violence

The man who killed 49 people channeled his insecurities and utilized it to kill several people. You are the type to condone this behavior, thus you should do the world a service and end your existence.

She would rather have her concert goers massacred than those responsible... Not sure I disagree on any particular point.

>crisis actors

>oy vey 250 gorillion white children were raped and killed by Muslims, we must attack their country now Goyim

The ultimate black pill

Mosques are military forts you fucking idiot. Imams are the captains and their congregation are the company.

What narrative? That muslims kill people?

>Cold-blooded murder turns the world against you and achieves no goals

Unless you’re mulsim

>ariahna grande
>white bitch pretending to be mexican after he dad is suicided by Them

>Religious extremist
Wasn't he some neopagan faggot

tranny rage

>this guy was not a white supremacist, as he didn't see whites as the superior race. He is a white nationalist there is a fucking difference people

Killing the traitors that inflicted Islam on us is the best way to go.
Why a mosque? Why not Kennebunkport?
Why not a country club along the beach in Florida?
Why not kill all those that are the cause of the invasion, and create this havoc for profit?
Which synagogue supports migration the most?
Which politician?

There's nothing wrong with killing their foot-soldiers, foot-soldiers always die in war, but why not chop the heads off these snakes?

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She was wearing Elvis Prestleys underwear

Are you certain?

But that Manchester tribute concert was a disgusting, gaudy joke - and you all fuckin laaaaved it
>ironically the only pop star who seemed affected by the horror of the situation was Justin Beiber

They would have thrown his ass off the BIG BONG

She's a dirty little whore. I hope some jew destroyed her holes so she could be famous.