Did Yang suicide his campaign?
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Just curious, how do you solve the automation problem without UBI? 1/3 of the population are going to be jobless in the very near future.
Deport the illegals.
Yang is a faggot.
automation will unironically make immigration below the well educated level disappear or untolerable. Yang is solely a means to an end.
The problem isn't UBI itself, but the population receiving it. Put recipients to work "volunteering", deport illegals and launch niggers into the Sun.
With or without, there's going to be a war to reestablish profitable outcomes.
when are you spergs going to figure out that #YangGang has nothing to do with suplort for andrew yang? yes, he's an SJW faggot. we get that
it's about accelerationism, plain and simple
Another reason I'm glad the shooting happened is because it completely knocked this flavour-of-the-week, forced meme gook off the board.
Fuck this chink
Send them back to Africa.
Is Yang a pedo? Wait, Yang gang, now everything make sense
>coordinated and scheduled posting from a centralized discord server.
>forced low effort memes
No, we're just waiting for the debates in june. That's when it goes into high gear
Piking weirdy wants to lead America to defeat, but he just doesn’t understand America.
They really are soulless, aren’t they.
Nope he made it stronger AND idc
I just want $1000 dude lol
If society collapses, I rather have my $1000 now to stock up on precious metals, emergency medical supplies, and food
Join the Yang Gang bruh.
damn. dude coulda just said nothing. I hate how up the ass democrats are with Hollywood. it's like they are one and the same. I was kinda hoping yang would tell Hollywood to go fuck itself
Imagine shilling for this guy.
He's not even white.
shut your fucking mouth goof.
The dude supports everything we hate.
>Suddenly the day after the great tactical victory the shilling starts
like clockwork, I assume you pussies couldn't handle the real side of Jow Forums yesterday and ran the fuck off.
You should just stay the fuck out of this board you weak willed pussy fuckers
>I want that 1 grand bruh
>Dude bruh join the yanggang bruh
>I'm trying really fucking hard to fit in
>Am I fitting in yet
Checked and based only link 1k EOY
You hate $1000 a month?
The automation problem that's been the boogie man since the industrial revolution.
The idea that jobs are disappearing is a scam. They are just turning into different types of jobs.
Yang can redeem himself if he goes on Tucker's show again and tells Media Matters to fuck off.
his kids are ugly af
Don't mix people
There are at least FOUR discords dedicated to the Yang campaign, 2 of which were created explicitly by Jow Forums users to organize raiding on Jow Forums.
ALL of the known discords are as follows:
-"AndrewYang2020" - 'Official' Yang discord created by redditors. Some Jow Forums raiding but not much
-"Yang Gang 2020" - Discord created by Jow Forums users, actively advertises their Yang threads for raiding
-"YangGang" - Discord created by Jow Forums users, actively advertises their Yang threads for raiding
-"Totally Yang 2020 Official Discord" - Unsure of origins, doesn't raid too much
gun control, illegal immigration, etc.
Selling out your convictions for convenience is pathetic.
Don't worry his kids are fresh hot dogs for barry and skipy
I don’t watch capeshit. Give me 1000 dollars.
I don't give a shit who James Gunn is or why Yang is glad he's back
I just want my 1000 a month
Curb the population by 1/3. Seems pretty straightforward once you dispense with the pleasantries.
>t. doesn't understand accelerationism
that'll stave it off for probably 10 years
then what?
I agree, I'm really upset that Trump hasn't done anything about those either. I'm glad Yang won't be as bad as Trump on these.
People aren't just going to magically be able to do those jobs when you have millions of highschool 40+ year olds in the midwest.
I will pass him by and wait for a better option.
Yea but it’s not his campaign anymore it’s OUR campaign we do-opted the shills
Pro-gun upgrades , anti-Establishment
Will Yang make my anime waifs real? I’ll only vote for anime
Duh, genocide.
Yang DESTROYS white guy (again).
MAGAtards turned feministd apparently
Keep hurling with the whores
Ang go back to r/the_donald you stupid boomer
You don't get it.
We don't want Yang to win.
We want Trump and the Zionists to lose.
Yang could have a platform of instituting mandatory cuckoldry and people would still meme for him because Jews hate it.
>james gunn
>literal who
>pic related
if both trump and yang lose then we're gonna get some zionist faggot like kamala harris you retard.
of course we want yang to win
It's fuckin math, bitch
Posobiec too small brained to get it. Ironically, he is using race baiting to keep his audience
Trump is a Zionist faggot.
This isn't about winning; it's about vengeance and proving we're not to be played with.
Of course.
He doesnt want to win, as soon as he started gaining traction, he came out and said that white people are going to be shooting Asians and that he doesnt want the Alt Right support
his campaign suicide is complete
Trump is Israel's number one valet.
Boomers are brain dead...
1000$ and anime gfs get fucked bucko
>Literally thinks #LearnToCode is a viable solution.
Oh the irony.
Is that achievable without taking their guns? or is it going to be bioweapon?
He's running to win not to deep throat your sensibilities. If he doesn't at least appear to fall within the accepted democrat norms he'll get fucking thrashed by the media. Also the white people shooting Asian churches was a reference to the plight of white children growing up in a system that is crushing their opportunities. He was actually advocating for pro white policies but you're too much of a boomer fuckwit to actually watch the video you're quoting.
When is the "near" future? And if it's near then why not just fucking wait until we actually know it's a real problem? Historically we know changes like this ARE NOT. Robotics and automation we already went through didn't destroy the job market.
low level white collar jobs are more in danger than anything the average illegal mexishit is doing.
Rush Limbaugh BTFO by a Yang Gang caller
not for me. for me it's about actually getting the elite to address the problem of automation. I don't know how much it's going to help since we did the same thing with Trump and immigration and it hasn't really seemed to do shit
>And if it's near then why not just fucking wait until we actually know it's a real problem?
Because by the time it becomes a problem you have millions of angry starving people ready to slit your throat and take your bags, moron.
This is like saying "why don't we wait until we are fully bred out of existence to prove white genocide is real"
>Robotics and automation we already went through didn't destroy the job market.
Except they fucking did, the job market is shit tier compared to boomer times. And the coming automation will be even more powerful than what happened previously. Millions of truckers aren't going to >le learn to code xD
you fucking idiot
Institute a child tax for low IQs.
Yang gang pedo Mafia confirmed
If anyone is visiting in the wake of the NZ shooting, this post is to inform you that Yang is the party of the white nationalist. We cheer the dead muslims and shitskins that died at Christchruch.
SECURE THAT BAG(for whites only)
Yang gang is the choice of Hollywood animator pedophiles
Sorry Hans, yang gang is the pedo party. Yang gang wants to wank james’s Gunn.
Has no one noticed that only hours after Yang made his comment about white people shooting up places of worship, the NZ attack occurred?
I thought Yang wanted to ban Gunns?
meme magic is on his side, he'll have to be careful how he uses it.
Because that's more than you make as a shill. Amirite?
It'd fucking over. A lot of people on the right that were for him just threw him under the bus after his gun comment.
This. I was all on board until then. I'll probably just vote Trump again to piss of the lefties. Realistically kikes control both parties so voting doesn't matter. Any candidate wont make it past primaries without bending the knee to israel. Might as well use my vote to make 2020 as fun as 2016 election night.
That Jack zionist MAGA shill got BTFO
Then hours later it happened
>Jow Forums supports the most pro israel candidate in 2016
>Jow Forums now supports an asian guy that shits on whites all the time
Flip flopping yang
With our current SCOTUS you're worried about gun rights? No way anything of substance will pass for another decade at least. In any event the gun nuts will be too busy pawning those ARs to make their mortgage when their job vanishes.
UBI is far and away more important than muh owning da libs. Tax the Jews and redistribute it to the working class whites who's lives they ruined through globalization. I wouldn't care if he swallowed every rabbi in Tel Avivs jizz if he gave us a victory like that.
I don't make anything because I'm NEET
mechanization and automation has already killed 90% of jobs over the last century.
It'll kill 90% of jobs over the next century, and it'll kill 90% of jobs over the century after that. And yet there will still be full employment the whole time.
we need to go back to Jow ForumsYangForPresidentHQ
Gee, didn' t see that coming.
Stop automation?
yea it actually would make sense
he probably gay too