Explain This Shit

Attached: GREAT.png (710x799, 380K)

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You know (((who))) is behind this, OP.

They calling Dildo's soul source dilators ? Man these Elite cultist whacko have lost it.

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what's so amazing about Jazz is she is so real and shows we are all just humans trying to make our way she is a great role model for children

I am Jazz is kino

>when my grandson is now my granddaughter

Attached: wut.webm (450x426, 204K)


Attached: Who is behind transgenderism.jpg (1024x639, 196K)

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I really hope this is from the screenshot I took a month ago.

Attached: Screenshot_20190223-223550_YouTube.jpg (1920x1080, 812K)

False alarm

>jazz is a jew
>cut his balls off and had his dick sown in between his legs

I see no problem with this. I want more jewish trannies.

Looks like it is off by a second.

Attached: Statue Of Degeneracy Tel Aviv.jpg (1552x761, 310K)

He's inspiring the goy.

Attached: Jazz Inspires Daughter and then Mother.png (536x533, 285K)

It's interesting how this guy is allowed to talk about cutting up his dick on national television, yet some guy kills a few kebabs and he's a bad guy.

One guy is mentally ill and is broadcasting his perversion to millions of people every week.

Another guy is killing a handful of religious people, and it is getting picked up by the media for a few days.

Really makes you think.

Exposure to trannies is proven to cause more trannies

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Post yfw you see how young Jazz's male friends are that are planning to have the dick chopping surgery.

Attached: Same thing.jpg (636x1349, 346K)


>soul source

Attached: images (43).jpg (492x299, 18K)

>the entire vagina fell off

Attached: 2CFE945F-62AC-4A9A-8205-59CC71370E51.jpg (640x518, 91K)

imagine the smell

>shall not pass
the nightmare of all trans

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Attached: Jazz Jennings Jewish.jpg (1402x751, 508K)

I kinda feel bad for the nigger.

Behold! A man

Ay Tone, I mean no disrespect, but when Jesus said salvation comes through the Jews, I uh, I mean, I think he might have been wrong there.

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Based Diogenes.

> Soul source dilators


>Hey kids!
>Do you hate your penis?

>Jazz's jewish mom is trying to keep a lid on the details.

Attached: Keep them uninformed.jpg (656x714, 174K)

Full scene: youtube.com/watch?v=LTYqnhwbMGE

Makes sense.

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