>user: muh great replacement
>ok, how many kids do you have?
>user: z-ze-zero
Can someone explain this to me?
>user: muh great replacement
>ok, how many kids do you have?
>user: z-ze-zero
Can someone explain this to me?
identiterians are bitter incels what else is new
He stopped them having kids,
and at least one woman thats 5-10 for the average muslim
His gf was hot
Would you rather he leave his children fatherless? He knew he had a different role against the invasion and therefore no kids
Was not asking about kiwi, but Jow Forumsacks in general
Thanks for replace anyway and I will upvote you anyway
in order to produce a replacement generation we would need 240 million more children. meanwhile non-europeans are displacing twice that much every year through mass immigration
therefore the non-white birth rate is more prescient than current low white birth rate
As a kid growing up I wanted to have 4 kids by 30, just like my parents, and grandparents before me.
But then this happened...
>Got diagnosed with autism (women don't want to live with autists)
>Cost of living increased far beyond anyone expectations (women don't want to live in poverty)
>Housing prices increased far beyond anyone expectations (women don't want to live with your parents)
>Nearly all women now prefer to delay serious relationships/marriage for education/career (women don't want to be with a man who earns less than them or has a lower status job)
>Women's standards for men have increased dramatically due to social media, tinder, etc.
That's 5 things, only 1 of them is my fault (the autism), and to be fair on myself, that isn't my fault, its muh genetics, how my brain was wired. I believe my father is on the spectrum as well, but the difference is he was young during a time where women had much much lower standards and my mum (and most women back then) were actually wanting to have a family and weren't being told to not have one.
It's pretty depressing to me when I see successful Normies/Brads/Chads, who have the ability to have a wife/family due to not being autistic, having height, frame, intelligent, and a high paying job, but they refuse to do it, because they want to just "have fun" and "don't want kids".
Maybe if I win the lottery I'll be able to convince a woman to have kids with me, till then who knows!
Current world is a grim, anti-White and hedonist one.
I like living around white people, that doesn't mean I want to make them