Vent or write letters here.
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
I'm a handsome male and masturbate in public alot. I would like if some girl saw me and offered to give me a hand.
I want to leave and actually grow up, but I feel like this society and my situation wont let me
I still deserve revenge
Go fuck yourself, Chris. You too Daisy, Louise, Sabrina, Mathias, Kipras and Emil. All of you can rot in hell! All of you are vain, destructive and narcissistic and absolutely awful people to be with. I hope to God that all of you are miserable! None of you deserved to be happy! My trust in humanity was ruined because of all of you! I sincerely curse you all for life!
I am going to party and i am actually scared of people. This is going to be cringe, yikes.
No. Your looks are irrelevant. No woman will ever do that. That's not how it works. Stop doing that before you get thrown in jail to get jerked off in your sleep by a dude.
God fucking damn it. I really cannot stand sharing a room with my brother anymore. No fucking privacy and he's a fucking slob. The fucker is probably some kind of God to the roaches in my room because he keeps gracing them with wrappers and food that's left behind.
Thats usually a symptom of something else, stop being a pussy and address your brother
What's a symptom of something else?
Well I'm a slob myself because I've stopped caring about life in general
Could be depression, a disorder or maybe he is simply going through stuff that is plaguing him. I get really messy and unhygienic when I'm depressed.
Got your You so piss off
I hope I stop being sick today, this only happened because I stayed up late a bunch of times to study and I was really cold out the one time. The wind chill froze my face area, then the next day I had a really bad sore throat and now I just have cold symptoms. Don't look at me with chagrin, it's not because I'm weak or filthy, I just need a scarf.
You can't get sick from the cold weather.
But I hope you feel better soon, regardless.
Imagine really having nothing better to do with your life than this spam. How sad.
It sort of all makes sense now. Why you act the way you do and your motives. I won't ever believe any of it is an act though neither would a court of law.
My friend is just getting out of a marriage with a batshit crazy fat chick. Has a kid with her. Had bought a house, that the bank ended up taking in all the crossfire. Divorce has been really nasty. He keeps rushing to get super serious with someone else. He was banging this really hot 8/10 for a bit, but she wasn't having none of his baggage. Now he's with another crazy fat chick who he claims is amazing and different than other girls and is rushing into a serious thing with her. He's the type that asks you what you think of a girl and gets butthurt when you're honest. Have fun fucking up your life even more, I guess.
That link 404s. My theory is the combination of sleep deprivation and cold stressed my body out, allowing the infection to take hold. When my throat was sore I don't think it was because I was sick. I seemed like my tonsils swelled up in response to the cold.
But, that's wrong. Girls like penis.
I would call the police if I ever saw a man jerking off in public not help him. You're insane and need to be locked up.
You missed a comma before ‘and Emil’
And before ‘and narcissistic’.
Actually, there are more errors. You need to practice your grammar.
I started eating pho because of Boyle from Brooklyn 9-9
Well, I got put in my place again by God.
I've been unemployed and searching everyday for a job since November. I'm extremely lucky to have a good support system, so I'm fortunate enough to not be facing homelessness or hunger or anything, but I don't want to rely on others forever. I had a job interview yesterday, so I hope that I'll get it. It doesn't make a ton of money, but it's much better than nothing, and it should be enough to support myself if they hire me. I just hate not doing anything productive all day except for basically being my family's housekeeper and chef, and exercising.
It really sucks because I went to college and have always considered myself to be ambitious, but it feels like I've hit a wall. I just feel pretty useless lately despite getting interviews. Sorry for the long rant
Really? That’s your reason? You want to stop seeing each other because “””you don’t feel a romantic click”””??? At least be fucking honest with me when you’re dumping me because you found someone you like better. Go fuck yourself, how the fuck are you gonna make money as a useless psych major anyways you fat piece of garbage
It hurts so badly.
Because I really love you and want you to love me.
But you don't care as much as I do. You care about me..but is it even on the same level? I'm scared.
If I can't escape this pain I don't want to be around at all. Even if you feel terrible inside.. I need you to tell me directly please..
I'm going to try to say this to you.
Even if I can't contact you directly because you are worried.. if you are watxhing from afar... I need to communicate with you.
I hate be mixed race,I fucking hate my parents
Dude its not fucking worth it to waste your feeling and mental power over that hoe. If someone truly cares about you, they’re gonna make you feel like a priority rather than an option. Focus on building yourself up and then wait for love interests to come to you.
You got this user, don’t waste your feelings on people like this
>That link 404s.
Sorry, probably linked it wrong. Just Google "Does cold weather make you sick." if you're interested.
>sleep deprivation and cold stressed my body out, allowing the infection to take hold.
More than likely. Those things can cause your immune system to be screwy.
I'm a woman but thanks for the sexism to cheer me up.
Why can’t you communicate directly?
The contact was cut to avoid me being harmed by people threatening him and me. I'm not sure the details but he made other ways to communicate to avoid them getting to me.. and he may have changed personal contact by now. In any case I'm still a bit traumatized by it, and can only try to commu indirectly. Hope that answers it well enough.
>Me: I just want to have fun with my hobby
>Them: Not allowed, you have to take everything seriously and be harshly judged on your actions
Why even bother enjoying anything
No, I am a sexually liberated human being. Just like you!
You need to mind your own fucking business.
I feel so abandoned. I want to die. Too much suffering. I hope there is something after death. Please.
He’s probably lying.
do you really think the afterlife is going to be any better?
I think there probably isn’t one.
Life seems too bothersome to be worth living. Not sure what to do
The law agrees with me, keep your dick in your pants you dirty pervert.
Everything is saying to me it's time to go. Everything.
He's lied about many things.
But not this. Anyway it's my fault for not being worth more than suffering by only falling for someone like this. I do have plans to end my life soon enough, I'm just trying to finish a few more life goals before the melancholy is too much.
Am I not allowed to be happy?
At work I finally meet a girl I really like who actually likes me back, and she tells me she has to transfer to a different place.
:( You could just help out...
Why do others assume I do things for my girlfriend because she's making me? It's kind of annoying. What if, I mean this in the most literal sense, I support my girlfriend of my own free will because I love this little shit?
I was in class reading an article and my class mate asked me what it was. I told them I was reading it for my girlfriend and making her some notes. They assumed she was making/pressuring me do it. Just assuming shit about me and my relationship. I do this because:
>She has dyslexia, reading for her is difficult. Her classes this quarter require her to read a lot of articles and it gives her stress, anxiety, and headaches.
>I am an academic who ENJOYS reading and making notes of scholarly articles. This is a hobby of mine naturally
>I am a supportive person. Especially when it comes to her.
>These articles pertain to my major as we are both Psychology majors. There is personal value for me in performing this task even in an academic sense.
Jealous asshole even said "I like reciprocation in my relationships." As if this was a chore. Pissed me off, dude. Keep your narrow-minded opinions to yourself.
the fucking shit you faggots pulled last night (and have been doing for awhile now) is going way past the fucking line.
Flashing videos into my eyes and having people say shit to me and playing audio to keep me awake is fucking horseshit. Drugging my sleeping pills with fucking caffeine and adrenaline is fucking disgusting.
You're all fucking dead.
No. What you’re doing is fucked up.
Help me decide what to do
>live in small border area of country
>lots of small farm towns that seem peaceful on the surface
>lots of drug problems, not fun to live
>have a past here and many enemies (not that theyre looking for me, but if Id live in the same zone as one it would become a problem)
>recently been getting reported to police and government agencies for all sorts of weird things I didnt do, but its obvious someone is out to get me
>family also lives there which is good to me
>moving to other country is difficult because of language barrier and reliance on public transportation
what are some possible solutions, perhaps Im too vague, I really dont know what to do but I cant stay here either
Jerking off in ones room is not a fetish it is a right
Wish I had the courage to break up with my GF and pick up other women
It's not their fault. Blame whitey for inventing race
Life is retarded and I dont enjoy it. uni is too much work, having a fulltime job would suck as well. cant get a girlfriend.
only thing keeping me alive are my friends and family and the drugs I use. almost 30. I wont get happy anymore in this life. too late for this now
just saw that my ex is coming to the party my buddy is hosting in 2 months
same location we made out after she broke up last year at the halloween party
same location we were together last year and she broke up just 4 days after
fuck my ass
I received some good news today, so I decided to show my appreciation to the universe by doing something good for someone else...only I screwed up and didn't do it anonymously like I had intended to which is causing me a little bit of anxiety about the whole ordeal.
I need to stop doing things so half-assed and think more before I do things.
>Blame whitey for inventing race
And this is why you shitskins will never have a space program nor invent anything of significance.
My 30 year old brother refuses to leave the heroin alone. He'll get clean then goes right back to it. I'm fucking sick of him and his lies and bullshit. I'm done trying to help him in any way besides getting him to go to the doctor and an addiction program. He had the nerve to tattle on me to our father and then has the audacity to ask me to get him some suboxone. I don't know what to do about this fucking idiot. Who the fuck is so stupid that they would get done with opiate withdrawls and go right back to doing what put them in that situation in the first place. This is coming from someone who was a little addicted to prescription pain killers but I put an end to it and will never go back to it again. I don't know what to do about this little fucker but I'm sure as hell sick of his bullshit. I'm thinking either he needs to go to an inpatient program or needs an ass kicking every time he fucks up and goes back to using as nothing else has worked so far. Being compassionate and understanding is just enabling him to continue doing the same shit over and over again.
If I wrote out a contract that he agreed to that I could legally beat the shit out of him when he fucks up again, is their any possible way for that to be legal?
My lawyer is better than your lawyer.
District attorneys can file charges on behalf or the state/locality, and they typically do when it comes to matters regarding family.
Im sick and i dont want to die.
Lol. Whites have what they have because they've exploited others, not because they're superior.
Pull your head out of your ass and learn something. Check out the history of the word and concept of race.
exploited is an understatement. We decimated, influenced, contorted, and completely transformed most of the world to suit our own interests. Fucking disgusting.
Same shit still happens today, they just use different words to justify it.
I agree with him needing to educate himself. A lot of people could use some fucking education these days. University sure opened my eyes wide open.
I'm having a good day today, but everytime I see her on snapchat, I miss her. I wish we had the type of relationship where I could just ask her out somewhere, just tp spend some time.
Dug yourself in a hole did you? Don't know how to file the papers to make it look good do you? The reality is you can't. You have never supported him a day of his life. But who did???yeah let's bring that wart into the mix.
It's beautiful, and proof of our superiority. Everything we touch improves. Everything we grow flourishes. Everything we do is leaps and bounds ahead.
We are greatness itself.
Are you dumb? Must be.
drinking alone currently
miss you
have to see you in 2 months at that shitty party
i'm so close to texting you and asking if you wanna hang out, even though we're exes
Probably uneducated, more like. Ignorance is a terrifying thing.
I still miss you Shah. I love you and I miss you. I’m sorry things ended the way they did. It was your fault, I did my best, but I am still sorry.
yeah people gonna die
And it's not going to be the ones you want to either.
I know you ain't got shit and mommy supports you. I know you'll never be able to hold a full-time job for more then a month or two. I know you've never given me financial support.
It's just, I want to court you know it too.
Didn’t really think this merited a new thread but
>give my gf a spontaneous gift
>wasn’t much just a $20 mesh bag from one of her favorite shows
>I got it cause I genuinely thought she would like it
>this was months ago
>I ask her the other day what happened to that bag
>she goes “oh I think my sister has it”
>the reason I asked was cause she was complaint about not having a bag for a specific occasion and that bag would be best
>I’m just like “ok ask for it back it’s your bag”
>she goes “no cause she really likes the bag like she uses it for school and stuff”
That shit got me pissed off. I specifically got that bag for her not for her sisters to use.
Am I just being retarded? Like anytime I see something she might like it’s like what’s the point she’s only gonna give it to her sisters
And what am I doing exactly? I have rights to be mad at those who hurt me. What's fucked up is interfering with other people's business, retard.
I mean, it's kind of shitty and a bit disrespectful but not a huge deal. If she consistently does this kind of shit i would confront her, but sometimes a shitty gift is just a shitty gift.
I left you to be with the nigger again because you were too good of a person to show your true feelings and pull through with it yourself, the fact the nigger trips over me and worries that you still like me from time to time makes me feel better, I wanted you but I blocked you, you said you were indecisive to choose between us but I made it easier for you, now I'm here looking at penuma implant results and watching Arnold Schwarzenegger videos so I could feel better about myself ( maybe one day I'll rise above )
Bro you do realize that white people literally lived in shit and were notorious for smelling fucking awful in most of Europe. They couldn’t figure out plumbing which most other cultures had grasped by that point in time. We’re lucky those other cultures taught us to clean ourselves, we should be referred to as shitskins because our ancestors lived amongst feces, you triggered little white boy
I’m white
I was correcting your grammar so who’s the retard? If you don’t want other people to interfere with your life, why don’t you buy a diary instead?
Watching my sister's bf's life go to hell after he knocked her up is both sad and hilarious...[spoiler]God, I wish I could have a family [/spoiler]
>Am I just being retarded?
Yeah, its just a cheap bag. You got her something to make her happy and, to her, helping her sister out makes her happy. You're reading way too far into this and you need to chill out.
I need to get some thoughts out to the world. This works better. Go play hero with people you know, smart ass.
Everyone at University (they're 5-6 years younger) are struggling while I am succeeding. I don't understand how they can complain about school being stressful. I work 30 hours a week and I still get good grades. Shit, maybe these kids should stop drinking/smoking/being on social media and organize their lives.
okay gramps
I don’t think you should let anyone have that much power over you.
Ok, fuck all my other aspirations. I'm just gonna be a programmer and nothing else.
It's up to you to get him on board if he isn't already. I feel he is as he has taken precautions recently but who knows. I'm entrusting him with it all. I'm leaving it all to him.
Here we go
>28 and I feel like I'm stuck in an endless cycle of work and not being happy
>I keep fucking my ex gf and its making it hard to move on with my life
>I hate my job and feel like I'm doing nothing important
>My dad is a lazy man child who lives with his mom and I'm ashamed hes my father
>All my friends are moving on with their lives (such as moving in with gfs, getting married, and having actual carriers)
>I want to move away and go do something new but I always feel like I'm too scared to make the jump
>I feel that I will just keep doing this forever and I know the only thing holding me back is myself
Protect him.
Those people let me down. I met too many in my life that let me down, or turn their backs on me when I was going though crisis. You just can't walk off those bruises.
You just think the law and rules don't apply to you. You take what you want. You sexually assault women you've been with sexually. I had to explain to you that you can't have sexual video calls with 14 year olds, even if they lived in another country because it's wrong. You haveno sense of what has right and what is wrong. You think everyone owes you. You think your life's victim. Because your mother makes excuses for you for everything.
I know you're busy. So am I.
But I can't get you off my mind. I want to talk. So badly...
I'm going to go to Japan for my birthday this year
I just want to go shopping and take pictures and site see
Wish I had a date, but I can do it alone
I want to bring back souvenirs
I'm just the 'Leon the Professional' to me Niece
I'm just a bodyguard
I will not date for a few years
Call me, I'll die alone like this
asking what im doing tonight and then telling me you wanted to play vidya
now im seeing you going billard with the other people
nice...thanks for asking i guess