This is what a terrorist looks like. This picture will go down in history as the face of terrorism the 21st century...

This is what a terrorist looks like. This picture will go down in history as the face of terrorism the 21st century. How does that make you feel, Jow Forums?

Attached: IMG_3238.jpg (259x194, 7K)

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pretty gay

I'll feel a lot better when we go back to killing each other in the next fifty years and all the Irish get butchered.

For every basedboy being pushed around at school there is a guy like this sitting, seething and waiting.

>sitting, seething and waiting.
and don't forget ready to run away crying the second a credit card machine is thrown at him.

Feels don't override data.

Attached: tb.png (765x1216, 61K)

You wish. It's not gonna be untill the elite are more open about ethnic replacement.

The face of a hero. I love this man. He is Saint Chad Of Jow Forums

Attached: 1522123964632.jpg (396x385, 78K)

Looks like George Bush

The face of a Hero you mean.

Here was a man who stood up, for Ebba, for Bataclan, for Nice.

Attached: 1552665126997.jpg (1588x838, 479K)

Iraq is a bunch of tryhards looks like.

Will they ever learn not to mess with gamers?

Attached: yn6uuiawy4811.jpg (640x474, 52K)

Many will join him soon

i'll remember this one

Attached: 1447611848814.jpg (1002x1003, 105K)

Nope, freedom fighter


They should give him a fucking medal.

Good. That is the face of change

Attached: 1552593752485.png (640x640, 95K)

his trigger discipline was on point.
it felt like watching a let's play of cs:go

Didn't you just insult a dead Swedish girl on another thread "Irishman"?
Now you want to be moral huh, that's a laugh.

>This is what a terrorist looks like
He doesn't look very Muslim to me mate

this is why Jow Forums is great
consistency is for suckers

The terrorists of today are the freedom fighters of tomorrow. In 20 years time we'll exonerate and venerate him like we did Mandela.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
Some hero.

Just goes to show media bias

One white guy does something bad and they make it about his beliefs

Hundreds/thousands of brown people do bad things and they make it about "Not all Muslims"

Fuck off

This is a 'Category 2 False Flag', meaning the victims and the shooter are real. But the shooter is used to put the blame on somebody else. White people in this case.
This false flag benefits Jews in 3 ways:
More gun control laws against Whites
More internet censorship against Whites
More importation of brown people against Whites

A "Category 1 False Flag" is when the victims and the shooter are not real. Like the Pittsburgh shooting. The evidence for that is just a bunch of Jews and the MSM saying "Yes, it happened. Better believe it or you're racist".
The Holohoax is a "Category 1 False Flag"