How do you kill 49 people using blanks?

How do you kill 49 people using blanks?

>spray large caliber bullets all over the room
>no broken windows
>no dust from bullets hitting drywall
>shoot several guys in the head
>their hats come off but no blood or entry wound
>no blood on the wall directly behind their head
>shoots a couple guys in the back
>their shirt moves but no blood or entry wound
>no hole in the shirt
>head remains intact with no wound

This is the fakest shit I've ever seen. Jesus Christ you people are fucking gullible. They don't people watching the video because it's obvious he's using blanks

Attached: Untitled.png (1085x598, 1.01M)

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"the one with the cgi blood spray"

also half of the bodies clothes did not move one iota when he shot them despite we learned that happens in half the occasions

Attached: noexitwoundorbloodoncap.png (433x250, 94K)

you ever shot people you dumb faggot?

Nigger there's blood everywhere in the video
>guy moaning on the floor
>shoots him in the head
>blood splatters out 5 feet
>*moaning stops*

Are you really american do you even know how guns work? there won't be blood since the entry wound is small and everything happens internally

Dude crawling in the beginning was bleeding like crazy

T. Didnt watch vid .

Look how he picks off help me help me girl and the one that ran for the exit from the front room.

He was tactical as fuck.


say the LOW IQ Finn go back to your igloo cuckoid real intelligent men are discussing physics and ZOG smear false flag psyops

Attached: Aytonesheetrock.png (1227x636, 1.02M)