/sig/ - Self-Improvement General thread

~sig/ Basics for anyone:
>Set realistic goals and design a plan for yourself and your needs.
>Hold yourself responsible for your actions. Don't blame others for your fails; improve, adapt and succeed.
>Meditate (basic guide for dummies: youtu.be/F0jedwTzIJg)
>Learn helpful and effective daily/weekly/etc. routines, including mundane ones. Use digital calendar reminders or apps (whatever satisfies you).
>Have a steady sleeping rhythm - one that works for you, so long as you keep to it.
>Learn to be brutally honest with yourself. Stop being a slave to your ego.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll burnout. Little by little. Step by step. Don't rush and learn to be patient.

>4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky - The most basic shit is RIGHT HERE, bookmark it and read it everyday for tips and tricks.
>web.archive.org/web/20161029073323/http://www.arcitea.com:80/ - Good all around for self development (original site died).
>dbtselfhelp.com - Dialectical Behavioral Therapy self-help resource. Particularly useful for those struggling with anger, depression and anxiety issues.
>mega.nz/#F!azxzlSIZ!G97XzFX1HEim9Y03OsjYVQ - A ton of resources at your grasp, reaching from gym charts and plans to healthy eating and fashion.

~Questions of interest:
>What is the thing you fear the most in your life?
>What made you start rethinking your mindset and behavior?
>What advice would you give to anyone starting the path to self-improvement?
>Is there any book, video or other resource that would you recommend to anyone here on this thread?

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See you on Jow Forums

I have started detransitioning from being a tranny, back to my natural role as a man. If I can overcome my delusions, you can do it too. Hail victory!

You dont want to user, you will be happier as a girl, pls don't


Good, you'll feel better.
Dont listen to this kike. There's a reason why half of trannys off themselves.

The best way to improve would be to realize Jow Forums is only here to try radicalize you into a bitter faggot.

I feel fantastic, my hormones are getting back to normal. I was almost lost, and thanks to /sig/ and the Church (Antiochian Orthodox) I have found a community and a new purpose in life. After more self improvement, I'll look for a nice church girl to have 3 or 4 children with.

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Lel. This. They try to pass off blackpills as redpills when in fact bluepills like family, friends, faith, Honor, courage, happiness, etc are far more potent weapons against the modern culture.

What do I do if my employer over works me a lot without overtime pay and I am trying to get my master's degree? I fucking hate that shit.