Do you unironically believe that holocaust is a lie...

Do you unironically believe that holocaust is a lie, or do you just pretend that you do so in order to be edgy on the interwebs?

Attached: 800px-The_last_Jew_in_Vinnitsa,_1941.jpg (800x1000, 181K)

Other urls found in this thread: armaments#p.1

I unironically believe it to be a lie.

I do believe it happened 100%, but post just for the memes, pretty sure the rest are the same like me

It happened

half true /half life

I think gas chambers is a lie and all the death are assumed to be murder when ton of people would have died out of negligence, disease, allied bombing, accidents, corrupt soldiers

>Do you unironically believe that holocaust is a lie,
I unironically believe that the Holocaust is a lie.

Of course it happened, fellow Nordbro.

Tons of proof.

Attached: holocaust_proof_2_by_shoah_survivor-d5y16r1.jpg (800x600, 149K)

the white collar gypsies you know as jews deserved to die

>o you unironically believe that holocaust is a lie
I believe it's grossly exaggerated. Does that answer your question? Why is it against the law to even question it? And regarding the picture you posted

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All that matters is what the evidence suggests.

>All that matters is what the evidence suggests.
What evidence? There's no evidence for da shoah.

Holocaust is a lie perpetuated to instill guilt and shame to power accusations of antisemitism for Jews to use as a shield to avoid and deflect criticism for all of the fucked up shit they do.

Did concentration camps exist and where Jews put in there? Yes, but no where near 6 million died, a few hundred thousand to maybe a million tops, which pales in comparison to all the others who died around WW2, such as the 9 million Ukrainians genocided by the Jews, known as the Holodomor.

It would be a real big fucking coincidence if it didn't happen. Where'd they all go if they weren't executed? The moon?

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How many Jews were in Europe before WW2?

I don't think it was a lie. I think it is far over exaggerated from what it really was. Seeing as how the Number of people(Jews) who died goes up by a million every other year now.

>Did concentration camps exist and where Jews put in there? Yes, but no where near 6 million died, a few hundred thousand to maybe a million tops, which pales in comparison to all the others who died around WW2, such as the 9 million Ukrainians genocided by the Jews, known as the Holodomor.
And the million German POWs that died in Eisenhower's death camps.

It's a story, just like "The exodus". The exodus story in the Torah is a bit different when Strabo writes about, and when Manetho writes about it. In the Torah, the jews are victims of oppression. According to Strabo, the jews became frusterated with the political establishment and left on their on own accord. According to Manetho, the jews had been cursed by Ra with leprosy and scurvy and had brought a plague to Egypt.

Attached: Holohoax_13.jpg (936x1098, 440K)

>Where'd they all go if they weren't executed?
Prove they were missing in the first place

Your question assumes that there's six million missing Jews. There isn't.

>posts meme image with something that no credible source has ever stated
>see?! the holocaust never happened!
If you ever actually read anything other than Jow Forums memes you would know the ditches were often dug by Russian/Polish/wherever the fuck POWs and the killings were conducted by multiple men in shifts.
What exactly are Nazis going for in denying what is possibly Hitler's greatest achievement? This is baffling.

This, the lack of evidence it happened is evidence enough that it didn't.

I used to believe it was a lie...until you posted that photo. You can clearly see 6 gorillion dead Jews in that hole.

Thanks for the higher res pic user

>What exactly are Nazis going for in denying what is possibly Hitler's greatest achievement?
The NatSoc's were the good guys. They didn't need to holocaust anyone. It's the Jews who are evil in their attempts to genocide the White race.

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doesn't matter

"An Egyptian priest named Moses, who possessed a portion of the country called Lower Egypt, being dissatisfied with the established institutions there, left it and came to Judea with a large body of people who worshiped the Divinity. He declared and taught that the Egyptians and Africans entertained erroneous sentiments, in representing, the Divinity under the likeness of wild beasts and cattle of the field; that the Greeks also were error in making images of their gods after the human form. For God, said he, may be this one thing which encompasses us all, land and sea, which we call heaven, or the universe, or the nature of things. Who, then, of any understanding would venture to form an image of this Deity, resembling anything with which we are conversant? On the contrary, we ought not to carve any images, but to set apart some sacred ground as a shrine worthy of the Deity, and to worship Him without any similitude. He taught that those who made fortunate dreams were to be permitted to sleep in the temple, where they might dream both for themselves and others; that those who practiced temperance and justice, and none else, might expect good, or some gift or sign from the God, from time to time. By such doctrine Moses persuaded a large body of right-minded persons to accompany him to the place where Jerusalem now stands."

>Strabo, The Geography, Book XVI. ii.34-38, 40, 46, c. 22 CE

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Jow Forums infographics without any sources are not evidence, by the way

No problem.

It was just a prank bro.

what are you talking about

a holocaust, by definition; is referred to as a 'great loss'.
What constitutes a 'great loss' varies from person to person.

>Jow Forums infographics without any sources are not evidence, by the way
Good thing we have these then, huh:

Give me proof that it happened, I'll wait

Holodomor was a famine by natural causes, not a genocide
Would you call the dust bowl a genocide as well?

>90s looking websites made by quacks
I'm familiar with these, particularly CODOH.
Give some actually credible academic sources.

>Holodomor was a famine by natural causes, not a genocide
>I do believe it happened 100%, but post just for the memes, pretty sure the rest are the same like me


many rats died no doubt but none because of gas. IMO only around 300-to-600 thousand died because Germans could no longer feed them properly

German soldiers were the most disciplined. They didn't fuck with the prisoners of war without a legit reason. Delousing chambers and Zyklon B were true, because Germany were very against letting people die to diseases that the lice spread. Imagine building a waterworks for every containment camp in 1940s, crazy. People died mostly to malnutrition, because Germany didn't have the resources to feed its own people, not because of malice. People who ended up in the camps were degenerates, dissidents and other delinquents. Soviet Russia did exactly the same thing, except a bit worse. People were sent to Syberia instead of a comfy camp in the same region.

Definitive lies - 6 gorillion, lampshades & book covers, plan to genocide certain groups.

s looking websites made by quacks
That's called an ad hominem.

>I'm familiar with these, particularly CODOH.
Then you should know that the Holocaust literally didn't happen.

>Give some actually credible academic sources.
That's another logical fallacy.

Someone just list him some books and credible sources

Thats why they were called "showers". According to jews trying to make holocash they had to strip before going in, which makes sense because the clothing were deloused with higher doses of Zyklon B in another chamber. People got gassed a tiny fraction and didn't end up dead. The idea of building large complexes instead of letting people dig their own grave and then hitting them on the head with a shovel is so retarded it makes my brain hurt.

>Someone just list him some books and credible sources
It wouldn't matter. He'd just dismiss them out of hand for his bullshit reasons. He doesn't want to know the truth. He wants to parrot the Jewish lies he was taught.

Besides there's a lack of evidence to prove it happened, so that's evidence in and of itself already that it didn't.

germans dindu nuffin they wuz diciplined and gud bois

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>one picture is proof that six million Jews were gassed in gas chambers

The Armenian genocide perpetrated by Turkey was far worse.

Attached: armenia.jpg (850x525, 118K)

Soldiers were sentenced if they were found to rape during military service.

100% didn't happen but probably will happen for real when the next opportunity arises

It happened just here for the dank memes.

"In the reign of Bocchoris, king of Egypt, the Jewish people, being infected with leprosy, scurvy, and some other diseases, took refuge in the temples, and begged for food; and in consequence of the vast number of persons who fell into the sickness, there was a failure of crops in Egypt. Upon this, Bocchoris, the king of the Egyptians, sent persons to consult the oracle of Ammon respecting the barrenness. The god told him to cleanse the temples from all impure and impious men, and to cast them out from the temples into desert places, but to drown those who were affected with scurvy and leprosy, as the Sun was annoyed at their existence, and to purify the temples; and then the land would bring forth fruit...

Those afflicted with leprosy and scurvy having been drowned, the rest were sent in a body to the desert, and exposed to perish...

On the following day a certain man called Moyses advised them to persevere in cutting one road until they should arrive at habitable places, and enjoined them neither to be friendly with any man, nor to give the best advice, but the worst ; and if they should meet with the temples and altars of gods, to overthrow them.

Other things having been agreed upon, they journeyed through the desert, acting upon these instructions; and after many hardships they at length reached the habitable country, and, having committed acts of violence upon the inhabitants, and plundered and burned the temples, they came at length to, the land now called Judaea, where they founded a city, and dwelt in it."

-Lysimachus, of Alexandria.

(Josephus gives the extract, probably originally from Egyptiaca in Cont. Apion, Lib. I., c. 34.)

Attached: Aegyptiaca.gif (600x389, 7K)

I'm pretty sure Holocaust denial is illegal in Russia, Ivan.
Enjoy the daily black bread and glass of water in prison, I've heard Russia has a great human rights record.
>That's called an ad hominem.
And "the Jews!" isn't an ad hominem?
If you're going to argue that it's because Jewish stereotypes about deception are true, then by that logic, conspiracy quack stereotypes about them lying are also true and I can immediately dismiss them.

>ukfag sees this picture
>shocked by its apparent brutality
>told its connected to the holocaust
>doesn't think about it, just feels bad for the person
>believes the holocaust because he's in the full grips of an emotional response and was told by crying jews that it happened.
That's how they get you.

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Hover over my flag again

Exaggerated for political or personal gain, I'd say.
There was a time where you could've been found guilty of Holocaust denial for questioning obvious bullshit like "Lampshades and soap".

The perception of it as a somehow "uniquely horrible" act also seems manufactured.
Heck, a good chunk of eastern-europeans will openly commend the Nazis for reducing the gypsy-population.
Nearly everyone at least tacitly approved of getting rid of them....

yet somehow, the jews are supposed to be sacred cows, that we're all supposed to care about so very much?
In spite of them being universally reviled throughout history?
I mean, you don't get kicked out of hundreds of countries throughout the millennia for nothing, do you? Or did everyone else in the world conspire against the poor, innocent jews, for no discernable reason?

We have no context for the picture. And we all know that Jewish Bolshevism aka Communism likes to deconstruct things and add their own context to things.

Did people get killed? Probably. Not following orders, conspiring, assaulting guards, trying to escape and so on. All legit reasons to get le chopped.

Why are history books vague about the Red Rape? Soviets were notorious about raping and pillaging everything.

fuck off lad

>And "the Jews!" isn't an ad hominem?
Difference being, you're dismissing evidence out of hand because you claim don't like the way the websites look.

>If you're going to argue that it's because Jewish stereotypes about deception are true, then by that logic, conspiracy quack stereotypes about them lying are also true and I can immediately dismiss them.
Then why are you dismissing the evidence against the holocaust because you don't like the way the websites that host the evidence look?

Concerted effort to exterminate Jews was definitely a lie, because belief in a fact, that a country capable of bringing half the world to its knees could not effectively destroy a small, disarmed, non organized portion of its population, is ridiculous. If Germans wanted to kill all the Jews and Holocaust actually happened, there wouldn't be a single Jew left alive in Germany and most German occupied countries. There wouldn't be "Holocaust surviviors" or "Death camp survivors", because those things are not meant to be survivable by definition.

cutie waifu detected.

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the USA population went up by the same amount that where killed

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Camps were real and there were alot of deaths due to mistreatment and disease especially after the supply lines broke.

Gas chambers probably bullshit. There has been too many problems with that story. Not to mention hair mattresses skin lamps human soap. Even calling it THE holocaust is a problem. There is worse atrocities.

That is a civilian being beheaded
So much for muh civilised superior aryan nazis huh, ISIS would be proud

Attached: Gebirgsjagers of the 24th SS “Karstjager ” beheading a Slovenian partisan.jpg (920x613, 138K)

"The Hebrews came, as we know, as a single nomadic family of not over 70 souls, to Egypt, and first became a people in Egypt. During a span of time of approximately 400 years during which they resided in this land, they increased to nearly 2 million, among which were counted some 600,000 warlike men when they left this kingdom. During this long sojourn, they lived segregated from the Egyptians, segregated as well by their own place of residence, which they adopted, and by their nomadic condition, which made of them the abomination of the native people of the country, and excluded them from partaking of the civil rights of the Egyptians. They continued to govern themselves in the nomadic manner, the father of the house ruling over the family, the prince of the tribe ruling over the tribes, and thus constituted a kind of state within the state, which, on acount of its immense increase, ultimately aroused the concern of the kings...

When the king of the Egyptians bestowed the province of Goshen upon Jacob’s family for them to inhabit, he hardly expected a progeny of 2 million then to house there; the province was thus probably of no considerable extent, and the gift was generous enough, although conceived for but a one-hundredth part of the future generation. Since the living space of the Hebrews did not increase at the same pace as their population, with each successive generation they were compelled to live ever more closely together, until they ultimately pressed together in the most narrow spaces in a way most disadvantageous to health. What was more natural than that just those consequences transpired which are inevitable in such cases?—the greatest squalor and infectious pestilence..."

>Friedrich Schiller, "The Mission of Moses"

>cutie waifu detected.
That is almost certainly a young boy. Faggot.

Photographic proof of the starvation the Germans where doing to the jews in the camps

Attached: Starving jew.jpg (499x800, 76K)

Believe it happened, but doesn't make me feel bad for the jews.


"This first set the stage for that misfortune which has been this nation’s down to the present time; but back then, it ravaged to a frightful extent. The most horrible epidemic in this latitude, leprosy, tore in upon them, and became the heritage of generations to come. The sources of life and procreation were gradually poisoned by it, and from a fortuitous ill finally arose an hereditary tribal constitution. How general this disease was, can be gleaned from the number of precautions the legislator took against it; and the unanimous testimony of the chronicles of the Egyptian Manetho, of Diodorus of Sicily, of Tacitus, or Lysimachus, Strabo, and many others, who know nearly nothing else of the Jewish nation than this plague of leprosy, demonstrates how general and how deep was the Egyptians’ impression of it.

Thus, leprosy, a natural consequence of their close quarters, poor and scanty nutrition, and the mistreatment to which they were subjected, became in turn a new cause of the same. They, who were at first despised as nomads and shunned as foreigners, were now avoided and cursed for their pollution. In addition to the fear and repugnance ever harbored against them in Egypt, there was joined a loathing and a deeply repulsive contempt. Against people so fearsomely branded with the wrath of the gods, everything was permitted, and there were no reservations against depriving them of the most sacred human rights.

No wonder, that the barbarism against them increased in just the degree, as the consequences of this barbarous treatment became more evident, and as they were punished more severely for the misery, which the Egyptians themselves had inflicted upon them."

>That is a civilian being beheaded
says who? Prove it. Also, prove it was connected to the shoah.

>So much for muh civilised superior aryan nazis huh,
Why should we believe your story with no evidence to back it up?

>ISIS would be proud
Because no one was tortured during Nuremberg, right?


Attached: ss-women-2.jpg (900x600, 245K)

>Difference being, you're dismissing evidence out of hand because you claim don't like the way the websites look.
>Then why are you dismissing the evidence against the holocaust because you don't like the way the websites that host the evidence look?
You're really stuck up on the fact that I mentioned that the sites look like they're from the 90s. Did you by any chance design one of those sites and become upset by my comment?
If you read past that point, I also mentioned that the sites are run by quacks with zero credibility.
So no, the design was not the sole basis on which I dismissed them.

Jews are the synagogue of satatn
The children of lies

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>new arrival

yah. armaments#p.1
>Instructions to concentration camp commandants to lower the death rate and increase the strength of inmate workers
>...every means must be used to lower the death rate in the camp.
>I hold the Camp Commandant and the Chief of the Camp Administration personally responsible for exhausting of every possibility of maintaining the physical strength of the prisoners.

>wants to exterminate Jews
>instead of letting them die they get ordered to preserve the inmates physical well-being

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Well you're the one defending the Holodomor, so who are you to have the moral high ground?

Going by the classic jewish definition of holocaust, yes it's a lie. 6 million bodies were not incinerated as a sacrifice. Pic related is indisputably a lie.

Going by the modern definition of holocaust, yes it is a lie as evident with the bullshit shrunken heads at Nuremberg and russian-doctored chimneys on the ground.

Had the holocaust happened, jews wouldn't be in control of our nations and today the world would be a better place.

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The British killed more jews than the Germans when they bombed the camps.

Attached: 1552421775354.jpg (1280x999, 341K)

>You're really stuck up on the fact that I mentioned that the sites look like they're from the 90s.
Because you used that as your justification to dismiss the evidence contained in the website.

>Did you by any chance design one of those sites and become upset by my comment?
No. I just don't judge a book by its cover unlike you.

>I also mentioned that the sites are run by quacks with zero credibility.
And of course they're "quacks with zero credibility" because you say so.

>So no, the design was not the sole basis on which I dismissed them.
You dismiss them because they prove the Holocaust is a hoax. You can't refute them so you dismiss them.

who cares. the only thing that matters is pointing out the obvious lies from the Jews who make up stories like the masturbation machine thats enough for normal people to start (((noticing)))

NO, look it up.
He was a merchant in the camp.

Attached: 1551092035078.jpg (403x960, 84K)

1 jewish mastrubation machine please. :D

>Implying theres anything wrong with beheading soviet civilians

Unironically. Of all the atrocities in which more people died, why is it illegal to question just one the one involving bankers?

it happened
but it was exaggerated
and the germans had a reason for it (i still don´t support it but the jews are not innocent in this one)

Attached: masterbation mache.jpg (960x719, 130K)

>of all the atrocities in which more people died, why is it illegal to question just one the one involving bankers?
It's the only historical event that's illegal to question.

They went to the US.

I've posted a lot of "Holohoax" threads in the past. I can only speak for myself, but I was just memeing.

>with literal no source

Based Estonian

>jews are not innocent in this one
Jews are not innocent in anything.

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Whether or not it happened....
... It will happen

>Because you used that as your justification to dismiss the evidence contained in the website.
No, I commented on how it looks like shit, you're just latching on to any little thing to derail an argument because your holocaust denial folder will run dry given enough time.
You haven't refuted that it isn't a hoax at all. All you do is sequentially spam your folder of Jow Forums infographics and txt file of websites without being capable of summarising the contents therein in your own words.
Almost like a schoolkid doing a history project, copy and paste from the first google search result.

That happens when all rerecords are destroyed in order to fabricate a great lie.

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Asking stupid questions AGAIN , when you already no the answer. KYS...stop breathing our air you thief!!!!

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