Other urls found in this thread:
Let's roll for another revenge then
When will spoon stabbings, the epitome of stabbings ever happen?
>muslim city
Call the news I dont give a fuck
Jews are our allies against the mudslimes
No article, no source? Maybe two guys just got into a fight?
Virgin Minor Stabbing vs. Chad Mass Shooting
Photos from the scene #Amsterdam
Payback is coming
Too bad resistance fighter didn't make a vid
YES! please let this be true!!!!!
>resistance fighter
>literally residing in a country that isn't his own
It's resisting when we remove you from our lands, shitcunt
Its fucking worked.
Things are escalating quickly ..
Well oof
Happening cancelled. Just your average saturday afternoon stabbing.
The race war is happening
its really not
fight between 2 niggers in a market apparently
Has the race war begun?
Nice flag jew boy.
If it's revenge he should commit jihad. France is a way better option
>Just your average saturday afternoon stabbing.
OMG an American with small balls
Take it as a man, tranny
If it's terrorism related I'll cheer like the good retarded Jow Forumstard I am
Better bin that kinfe.
it was just two people fighting, happening over.
>#Update: Two people stabbed and one person is in critical condition after what appeared to be a conflict between 2 people on the "Albert Cuypstraat" in #Amsterdam, still Unclear if other people were stabbed.
happening is over fuck off internet "journalists"
Sounds like a normal part and parcel day in Amsterdam.
Also, you missed the bar by so much at this point that you should simply stop trying. You look foolish.
Just 2 guys having a knifed dispute, at best it's a very mediocre happening.
what a shithole, looks like england
Thank god it's just friendly stabbing
They all need a GPS fitted in the handle to track them on a national database. You never learn fools
>*Asian man stabbing people*
>"Witnesses indicate he yelled AllahuAkbar"
>"Motive is still unclear. "
seems just to be two dudes fighting
>asian man stabbing people
>witnesses claim he wanted to give them 1000 dollars but they refused because muh inflation
>motive unclear
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you peasant user? I’ll have you know I moderate several boards, and I perform over 10,000 mod actions per month. I’ve been involved in numerous secret shadow banning raids on spammers, and I have over 300 confirmed bans. I am trained in rapid comment removal and I’m the most active mod on the entire board. You are nothing to me but another keyboard. I will delete every comment you've ever made by scouring threads with Ctrl+F precision the likes of which has never before been seen on Jow Forums, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with acting like Chanquette doesn't apply to you? Think again, shitposter. As we speak I am contacting the admins and your IP is being traced, so you better prepare for the ban, faget. The ban that wipes out that pathetic little thing you call your Jow Forums Gold account. You’re fucking banned, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, I don't sleep, and I can ban you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my common mod tools. Not only am I extensively trained in anti shitposting and camwhoring, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Jow Forums extended moderator toolbox and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable Face off the entirety of the website, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have read the fucking sticky. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit piss and cum all over you and you will drown in them. You’re fucking permabanned, kiddo.
top kek
fucking yellow supremacists
Another false flag by a trained Mossad agent. Just kidding, good news to hear. Amsterdam about to be enriched.
im still in shock an MP recommended this
>virgin mudslime
>several kills
>chad white supremacist
>49 kills
the madlad has done it.
where are the updates?
Only pics
Literally 1 guy pulled a knife on 2 other arguing with them, stop the presses kek.
God I can't wait for this to escalate, there's so much pent up rage here, you have no fucking idea, two generations worth of justifiable hatred and fury just waiting to explode, to be focused on the fucking pork dodgers.
>obsessed with balls
How's the discord going?
>mad discord tranny in plain view
>Islam is the only problem
>>muslim city
>muslim terrorists slaughter whites in white country
>now is not the time... not all ...
>jewish terrorists slaughter muslims in muslim country
>muslim terrorists slaughter whites in white country
>now is not the time... not all ...
>jewish terrorists slaughter muslims in muslim country
>muslim terrorists slaughter whites in white country
>now is not the time... not all ...
>jewish terrorists slaughter muslims in muslim country
>muslim terrorists slaughter whites in white country
>now is not the time... not all ...
>jewish terrorists slaughter muslims in muslim country
>muslim terrorists slaughter whites in white country
>now is not the time... not all ...
>jewish terrorists slaughter muslims in muslim country
>muslim terrorists slaughter whites in white country
>now is not the time... not all ...
>white guy takes revenge on muslim invaders in white country
>muslim terrorists slaughter whites in white country
lol that is fucken shitty. People live like that? Thanks merchant for doing your part in the jidf
>blasts 40+ muslims with big gun
>stab 2-3 people with little knife
NZ was revenge
You forgot your memeflag
literally correct
Never a day without jewish tricks.
No mass stabbing here folks, move on.
2 injured of which 1 severely.
Not terror related.
It'll never get reported as a terror attack even if it was a Muslim screaming Allah'hu Akbar while in the process of raping a 7 year old.
I expect some kind of terrorist revenge attack on St Patricks Day, large crowds of white people drinking the forbidden alcohol...easy targets for pissed off Muslim terrorists
get me in this screen cap
It was a fight between 2 or 3 guys.
Judging from the photos seen so far, it was Ahmed on Ahmed crime.
you didn't
>everyone wears a black jacket
what the fuck
Hey look!! A jew trying to capitalize on the kiwi massacre! Hashtag it dude #wwg1wga #awakening #qarmy
Spread it
It's the cool thing I'm Europe. Used to be the parka
top kek
what's the contest here?
>#Update: Two people stabbed one person in critical condition, One suspect arrested after he stabbed 2 people on the "Albert Cuypstraat" in #Amsterdam, after what appeared a conflict between 2 men and pulled out a knife stabbing 2 people.
It's literally nothing!
No one hates a jew more than another jew.
>using a hashtag on Jow Forums
Kek. Ban child genital mutilation now.
Nobody cares
explain your flags to me
why are they same?
Nothing to do with revenge atack anons, move along, it's not happening...
Gold. I burst out laughing every time.
That was fast
it's nothing
There was a pic of 2 muslim guys hovering over the paramedics, judging from that pic it was Ahmed on Ahmed crime.
Literally no one should care.
you think white people will look back on this shit in 100years when we have one last piece of land in the artic circle and be like "yea we fucked up"
>Literally noone should care that these dirty muslim fucks are in your country
exactly why we are so fucked because of do nothing cucks like you
we will get revenge for this
You can't even speak coherent English.
Faka danny oudsen alles lekker pik?
Based kike
>1% of the country
Hey I have this brilliant idea
Maybe not censor the guys manifesto so these retards would know they're doing exactly what he wanted them to?
Shlomo is trying to distract from the FACT that Judaism not only gives shelter to pedos, it pays them money to slurp on bloody baby boy stump.
italy is mexico minus flora and fauna