Press F to pay respect


Attached: real hero.jpg (640x640, 83K)

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I spit on his grave.


he wanted to slip by :)


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Even if you consider him an enemy, you should respect one willing to die on their feet.

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He tried to run away, you can clearly see him trying to push behind the shooter, he raises his arms in self defense (against a gun?! lol), he doesn't raise his fists, he doesn't try to grapple or punch the man, he just tries to squeeze out of the door way, like a rat caught in a trap.

You should never respect your enemy.

>You should never respect your enemy.
Fuck off kike.

he was trying to tackle him which quickly failed because he got shot in the throat.

Only kike here is you. "Respect your enemies".. What's next, Justin? If you kill your enemies, they win? Retard.

Bitch tried to run around him...the internet is full of dumb people.

He was trying to run past and get away. Not fight back. He was trying to leave the others behind.

Subscribe to pewdiepie

Respecting your enemies keeps you from underestimating them, kike. It is why whites are the best at war and always will be. Go kill yourself.

That was very obvious to anyone who watched the video, which is why they don't want people watching the video.

This is true desu

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What was he doing in New Zealand anyway? What was wrong with his country?

Her Name was Ebba Åkerlund


>doing whatever he could to stop him
He got shot instantly. He didn't do shit.

You don't have to respect them to understand them.

>ran towards the door like a coward
>bumps into the shooter
>he's not swinging, bashing, flailing. Just falls to the ground
>turns out to be a hero

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E to piss


Haha no he was no hero he was retarded. All mudslimes are horrible people.

He was trying to run away and left his son to die like the faggot he is and grazed the shooter by accident while he was looking down.

This shitskin tried to flee, just like later in the video the 2nd girl left her "friend" and "sister" to die while she cried for help.

>pic is me

Attached: flossing on the corpses of my enemies.gif (400x336, 1.33M)

Is this one of the reasons they are clamping down on sharing of the video so much? They want to create fictional narratives and heroes?
The man tried to run away. Don't lie to further your cause. It's revolting.

this sandnigger got what he deserved

>is a hero for accomplishing absolutely nothing

Underrated post

He didn't try to stop him, I saw the video 5 times over. He thought the shooter left then proceeded to ditch everyone and run, hahahhahaah!!!!!!!

didn't he trip over a chair?


rip in peace

George is the real hero in this situation

He wasn't even a citizen of New Zealand, the manifesto is right, they are invaders subverting the culture

Are we all supposed to pretend the kid wasnt just trying to run away and accidentally ran into him. Poor kid , but still



(Also, he was trying to run away).

Part and parcel of living in a city

press S to spit on grave

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S and S on you leaf

This user is right. These things just happen

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This is a completely false narrative. Go back and watch the video yourselves. The shooter comes in, fires his gun into the main hall of the mosque, and forces people to huddle up in the corners; he then retreats to reload. Moments later, when he comes back to begin firing again, Naeem Rashid suddenly rushes towards him, around the corner, to try to take him down. Rashid could not have attempted to escape through the main corridor, that is the one place where he knew the shooter would have been; to claim that that is what he was trying to do is imputing such idiocy to him that you would have to be an idiot yourself to believe it on an impartial observation of the facts.



>occupy democrats
The (((source))) you can totally rely on

He didn't try to rush based tarrant (pbuh), he tried to run

>*does nothing*



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We'll see how brave the victims will be in the inevitable revenge that's going to follow.

* in pieces

Problem is we dont go to war anymore, we are jewish slaves and dont realize it


This post brought to you by the Washington Post.

>guy named Rashid is in New Zealand
Hahahahah you can't make this shit up!!!XD

These shootings from white people are just part and parcel of living in a primarily white country. If you don't want to get shot by white people, don't move in!

Rushing like a DOOM 2 enemy towards the shooter, congrats man.


I already forgot his shitty nigger name, meanwhile the name Brenton "Knight Errant" Tarrant will live on forever.

LOLWUT? He tried to run away and begged for mercy, saying he isn't Muslim. Didn't help though. But I see what you deed there.

As Muslim, I despise this faggot. I hope he burns in hell. Maybe the killer cleansed the True Religion from scum, but he did it in mosque, so I would refrain from praises. Otherwise - good riddance.

You're retard who obviously didn't see the video

his son was there?.
i saw that vid this guy was running away and leaving his son there. kek

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(btw, this digrammaton is officially prohibited in germany)


I think he merely tripped and fell towards the shooter.

They need a hero and proof that the victims were nothing but peaceful. So they have this guy as the hero, who was actually running in a panic so consuming that he tries to rush a foot wide gap between the shooter and the wall, and a guy somehow and for whatever implausible reason greeting a heavily armed stranger ... that he has his back turned to. I think the whole thing is fucked but a big lesson to be taken from the situation is found in observing how facts are twisted to sell a narrative.

>that is the one place where he knew the shooter would have been
what? this guy tried to escape into the hall behind brent's back.


I heard the guy say "let's roll" right before his assault on the terrorist.

He tried to run out the front door... WTF? Why are (((they))) even lying about that?

Thanks, lib-leaf! I'm going to repost this everywhere.

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based muslim, this guy was a coward, and everyone that says he wasnt are just retards, he was clearly running for the hallway, like cat trapped in a room

Have some respect you faggot

Muslims suck. That’s why they get killed.
The only hero in this story is “our guy”.

>rushed the shooter
>eyes locked on exit

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Even if it was an attempt to take him down it was a shamefur dispray

>giving shitskin terrorist vermin guns

Sounds like a brilliant plan! Fucking retard.

Press S to spit on the face of the dead invader

you mean running out?

Can someone explain to me why they were all scared to die.. if they all believed in religion, after lives, protective/vengeful god etc?

Bullshit, he tried to run past him to get out the front door, because the side doors were clogged with bodies.
He's a fucking coward.


I had the footage run on the side for hours yesterday and I can tell you with 100% certainty that this faggot just tried to run away as soon as the shooter turned to the side. You can clearly see in his trajectory that he was trying to curve around the edge and run, not attack the shooter.

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>Is this one of the reasons they are clamping down on sharing of the video so much? They want to create fictional narratives and heroes?
When do they not?

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Sounds like bullshit.
Made up for places like reddit.

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little radroach tried to run away

Rushed the shooter?
LOL he was running away. Did you even watch the video

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he didn't rush the shooter, he was trying to escape and got killed. I love how many false narratives are being pushed.