Admit it, NZ shooting was fake

truth will prevail.

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Other urls found in this thread:

body not even the same

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face not the same

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"Im so edgy I never believe anything"


dude was a moslem sympathizer

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it was real, user. cmon now. watch the video.

crisis actors, lol

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Thats the fakest thing Ive ever seen

arrest of the gunman - oops!

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its clearly the same dude +15-20 years. deff dont ever try to become a detective.

>let me send a few texts before I die, "allah akbar!"

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Holy shit I hope you are kidding

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Parkland students in NZ:

>Florida students Isaac Christian, left, and Einav Cohen at the Weta Workshop movie effects studio in Wellington, New Zealand, on on July 27, 2018
>Sandi Davis, a sociology teacher at Stoneman Douglas, helped to organize the trip to New Zealand last year. Davis said the trip was planned as both a way to help the students cope with the tragedy they experienced and also as a way for them to learn how to sustain the anti-gun violence movement they had begun in the Parkland shooting’s aftermath.

Another gun man

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This new zealand isnt even a real place.

two more - whut??

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Nah, just "been there done that" a few too many times before.

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>"it was unbelievable!"
- exactly
>"blood was spitting, splashing all over me!"
- no blood seen on him

so many bodies piled up, yet no blood or bullet holes to be seen, strange desu

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This one seems to address the shortcomings of Las Vegas... lots of video, manifesto, mythical country...

Some computer genius should pull meta code from video for reference

This guns arent even a real thing.
They are an immaginary object american jews created.
To be honest muslims arent real either they are just robots.

>nothing ever happens

Shilling isn't exactly an honest occupation, anons. Why not quit and find more fulfilling jobs?

Have you heard of this thing called lifting weights

Do you see how the guy writing the post is not Tarant?

None of those people are the same.
How can you be that bad at facial recognition?

He posted it from the hotel he was at

>"Crush? This reminded me... Let's send some Candy Crush requests"

>lifting weights
guy was already muscular, court guy is too bulky

Very suspicious at most. A distraction. It is most definitely been done to serve a purpose that will not benefit those that will take the blunt for the blame. Optics or not, these situations never serve a positive purpose.

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I wouldn't call it fake. I'm leaning towards it being orchestrated by secret government intelligence agencies directed by (((Them))).

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passage of time/age
you can read the name of the poster and see it is not him. wtf lol
looks similar, but that's not proof of anything. what's the girl in the vid's name?
when and where was this taken?
a wounded person texting friends and family while awaiting triage and medical care is eyebrow raising for you?
post the source of this, can't discern if it's the guy or anyone else from a blurry screencap
what building is this? are they cops? security guards? if this is near the mosque then of course they're on high alert and running around because they hear gunfire.
boomer autism and not even about this shooting
there's blood all over the wall in corner and on some of the bodies in that very image. A few seconds before this moment he had just blown the brains out of some moaning guy on the ground. life isn't like a Quentin Tarantino movie, people don't explode into blood and gore when shot with an ar-15.

All in all you're either shilling, trolling, or retarded. Choose one and fuck off. Fuck anyone trying to say this is fake. This guy did it - face the reaction and effects this will have. Read the manifesto and watch the video.

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Probably LIHOP m8

>read the name of the poster
it's a hotel, dumbshit.
First day on the job? You're not a very convincing shill.

>guy was already muscular
Doesn't mean that he was at his limit you lardass.

At this point, "news" is so propagandized to the point that the burden of proof is on them to prove that an event actually occurred.
Fuck off, shill

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His veins were already popping out, if he bulked up that much his forearms would look like spaghetti, they don't. Use your brain, if you have one.

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I'm skinny and sometimes my veins pop like this too.

The hell? how is this cunt so veiny. Its that HGH isn't it?

I think I'll leave this here

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he's 28.
In the other pics he must be like 19-20 so less than 10 years.
Hard wall

ITT: schizos try to play forensic analyst
i want you to niggers to stop for a moment and look at your wife, friend, whatever. i want you to then look at them in just a couple of weeks. there will be a noticeable difference from what you remember. lighting, camera quality, maybe someone didnt shower and comb their hair that morning or get a full night's sleep. it all changes the appearance a little and it all adds up

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Incorrect. You can have muscle with high BF%