Is r*ddit right?

R*dditor claims US Army would back Democrats in civil war

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The majority of guys I served with in the Marines are really pro-Trump. I served under Obama and we loathed him. I'd imagine Trump is generally liked amongst servicemen.

>Reddit says the army is on their side
>Jow Forums says the army is on their side
Really make you thinks

Military guys are conservative. That is one of the reasons why they join the military. To preserve.

It's not that the army backs "Democrats" but that it backs the Constitution. If Trump lost and refused to leave the WH they'd carry him out. Same if a Dem did that.

>The majority of guys I served with in the Marines are really pro-Trump.
My whole crew I grew up with is military and they are all pro-trump. Any coup would be against Dems

The killers and infantry are conservatives. The pencil pushers are women and pussy liberal men.
t. Was infantry

The military is objectively conservative as are veterans, this is proven by virtually all data on political affiliation and the military.

Still majority white males and many are conservative. The liberal ones (I was a lefty nigger when I joined) turn to the right on many issues, mainly guns. Who knew that learning how to operate and fire a gun properly would change your mind on 2A.
My old platoon would make nigger jokes all the time, including the black soldiers.

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The army will support whatever president, be it Democrat