Can you please not make another mass shooting in the next 6 months...

can you please not make another mass shooting in the next 6 months? its just that's so many people are asking to join ANTIFA that we're not sure what to do with them all, thanks

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Just kill em all, easy solution to your problem.
God, why are you guys so helpless?
Also, sage.

Antifa is so yesterday. (You) had your chance.

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so is that a yes or a no?

I hope antifa gets massacred next lmao

Just have them get the basics. Pic related

Forgot the pic

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they advertise protests 7 months in advance!?

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muslims don't like you lol


protests? people are talking about going after Molyneux's physically, going after all alt right youtubers

Nice. Please do something big so everyone can choose a side and have a mega battle royale, 1860’s style.

everybody already chose their sides, mass murder dont make for good optics son

Cool boomer meme gramps

Antifa lol you like babby

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good, this is exactly what Tarrant wanted. Few things expose the insanity of the globohomo agenda than antifa retards.

No one is scared of a coward who can't even show his real flag. No one is scared of a commie muslim cocksucker either. Once the muslims have had enough of you, they will kill you faggots anyway.

Then why are you an anarcho commie? Muh not real communism/anarchy is different?

trolling for minneapolis next week

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> Hand over handguard

Kek you basedboys will be massacred in a real fight!

the more the merrier, the less i have to focus on aiming.

>Hans, get the MG-42

>expose the insanity

jesus you people are delusional.

YOU ALREADY DID YOURSELF IN. you WHITEISIS now. you are as popular as lepers now

expose the insanity
this Tarrant MASS MURDERER already exposed ALL the insanity there was. there isn't any more insanity left,he took 100% to himself, he didnt left us shit, i would love to have some insanity but the'rs nothing left, its like he chugged all lunacy in one big sip

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no body buys the gulag meme you idiot. its just you. i wont be surprised if this site will be gone in 2 weeks.

>the anti whites join the anti white groups by their own free will
will be easier to know our targets

Burning down the cars of middle class people in a neighborhood near you very soon!

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"gulag meme"

Right, and Tienanmen square didn't happen either, or the holodomor for that matter.

Put them in a zoo.

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>armed group of atlanteans act like an atlanteans, the video
>this means we are super tough and organized
Holy fucking shit you people are delusional.

nazis watch out

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>That pic
Guys Where is the pic of a woman with stick arms holding a gun upside down!!

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>being tough and organized is murdering 49 unarmed people.


Antifa are fucking faggots.
Bring your eggs to the next gunfight.

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>the point
>your head
Delusional. I live and Georgia and have meet these kinds of people from Atlanta. Multiple times. They act tough but won't do shit other than demonstrate and give long winded speeches about a "better future" and solidarity. They would get rolled at first contact with a semi-comptient opponent. Knowing how to shoot a gun is one subsection on knowing how to fight.

he doesn't care about his optics, he wants retards to join groups like antifa because you guys are a vital ingredient for acceleration.

Just target them in the next purge duh

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the only thing he accelerated is the hostility toward any person who speaks against immigration.

Lmao, this bald neckbearded faggot looks like he'd die within the first 2 minutes of hostilities.


Except for the 90% of people in the middle. It's up to us to make sure they are forced to pick a side.

even airsoft player have better equipment than those larp

That's the point. He kills any ability to discuss real issues because it's "racist" or only a white supremacist. Politicians will continue to kowtow to foreigners and illegals at the cost of their countrymen. His hope is he actions cause a theoretical war to happen earlier.

And all this could be avoided if people would let us criticize the shitty practices and beliefs of third worlders who refuse to assimilate to the objectively better countries they move to.

>90% of the people not sure if massacres is a good thing

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Right wing kill count in the past 30 years: hundreds

Antifa kill count: 0

your losing hard sweaty how are you supposed to fight us if you can't face a little blood :)

Bring it on.

Let's get this over with.

why would anyone want to join a group of larping commies?

>muh optics

get a load of this cuck

better version

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you know the white power movement is not a new thing right? when timothy mcveigh blow that building and killed all those people it didnt made a civil war happen, people were horrified and disgusted and the militia movement died down for 15 years, the militia movement in the 90's were explicitly white supremacy oriented, nowdays right wing militia explicitly condemn and distance themselves from any white-ethnicity oriented politics, its becouse people were utterly disgusted by the massacre that that ideology produced with all those minor Gov employees dead in that building.

this isn't the start of something, its the end of something

You guys like like isis. I genuinely thought you were the Taliban before you said you were Antifa

Nah they killed a couple but not under the name of Antifa. I remember a Golden Dawn member killed a couple years ago.

how many people antifa murdered?

Screw your optics

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kys faggot

>even airsoft player have better equipment than those larp
Nah, their equipment is fine. The problem is that many of them use it as a crutch to make up for a lack of competence. Do they have a cadre that knows what they are doing in their ranks? Probably. But if they are anything like the jabroni that was capped in Oregon in which a bomb was planted at a police station in retaliation then that cadre is not that great to begin with. That fucking retard was ex-army and walked into a school with a loaded gun and shot two rounds at the cops after refusing to comply with a lawful order. That is a special kind of stupid you cannot fix. You can have all the high speed low drag oper8tor shit you want, and it does help, but it's use is limited without knowing how to fix and flank, withdraw under fire, or even just clear a room.

>tl;dr learn how to fight before you spend $1000 you gear queer

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t. future Bernie shooter

Mass immigration is a form of warfare. History is quite clear on this. Why do you support it? Why can't you see the bigger picture?

yeah, nothing to say huh?

anyone who thinks that murdering 49 unarmed people is controversial is beneath 60 IQ.

mass murder never make for winning hearts and minds, massacres are always a bad idea politically.
its not like he assassinated top notch policy maker, he killed 49 unarmed people. how many of you idiots think that's a win for your cause? that guy just gave the left a huge fucking gift

Lots of commie bullshit there.

I'm sure they are kiddo.

Fuck off with your passive aggressive shit or you might end up on the news next.

The media turns these events into "icons of evil" in order to manipulate. Why don't you know this? Why allow your thinking and your judgement to be influenced by people who have an agenda, and why do you take seriously the opinions of normies who don't know any better?

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Not for islam. Muslims don't give a fuck when one of theirs kills non-believers or muslims of the "wrong" sect. And you fuckers just sit there and accept.

>mass murder never make for winning hearts and minds, massacres are always a bad idea politically.
Tell that to the jihadists who have commited attacks in the west you fucking mouth breather. You think this is just going to stop magically? There is a meeting of two cultures that have been at odds for thousands of years. There is only more bloodshed to come and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You're a fool if you don't see this.

>you fuckers just sit there and accept.

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don't worry you will be next

>thinking people will be forced to takes sides between ISIS an WHITE-ISIS

clash of civilizations is a 90's meme. nobody wants that shit but some neocons and internet edgelords

if that faggots wanted to fight islamo-fascism he would have bought a plane ticket to Rojava. but fighting armed Muslims is not like massacring unaffiliated unarmed Muslims, it takes some guts. and he didnt have it

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Just signed up for Antifa and bought my first gun.

There is no room for facism in this world.

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>but the'll totally join my communist organization that encourages mass migration and "tolerance"
>because I'm a fucking mouth breather that doesn't understand historical trends and that the 90s were only the begenning of this shitshow of a world we live in

>muh rojava
Literal meme without U.S. training and support. Frig off faggot.

so why is all NZ going to mosques to bring flowers and express their sympathies ? why is everybody celebrating that kid who egged that australian congressman? why is nobody willing to host Stefan Molyneux's lecture?

people dont want your hate bullshit, they dont want a mirror image of ISIS which is white supremacy. nobody wants you bullshit, people want to live, they dont want senseless race massacres.

go outside faggot, get laid or something.


when literal anarchic commies think they can effectively organize against a private paid army.

Good. All is going to plan.

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Damn those guys really btfo those unmoving, harmless objects.

It's funny because ISIS is Islamic globohomo and those faggots got barrel bombed to meet Marx in hell.

here you go you fucking meme faggot

Isn't it dangerous to throw bombs at abandoned buildings? These children might end up hurting someone, LoL

No one cares about popularity here you mentally defective dumb fuck.

Crack a book, nigger. History is full of dead cultures which an aggressive culture has exterminated. Start with the Christians in North Africa for some easy reading. Passivists. Just. Die.

Dont forget your daily dose of onions.

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>bunch of hipsters larping as revolutionaries
>not a single townsfolk came out in support

you guys are a joke

Not so tough when they are not outnumbering their enemies 10 to 1

This could not be more true. Thank you for explaining this in a scholarly manner, brother.

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>asking to join ANTIFA
actual mongoloids

Lol antifa is like babby.

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Communism doesn't allow private ownership of property. If those dumb fucks own anything or have any amount of money or net worth, middle class, they can kiss all of that goodbye.

Antifa is a declared terrorist organization. But sage.

Is it really?

Quick rundown on whats happening in twin cities next week?

antifa? never heard of her

good for you man, looking forward to the battles, 2019 started off slow till tactical Tarrant took the stage, looking forward to watching the fire rise,now its your turn to kill someone so CWII can finally kick off

I'm hispanic :) Not all of these Jow Forumsacks are white supremacists you bigot! Some of us want to make sure that US Soil stays FREE after all you fags finish spazing out at your commie rallies. If you have so many recruits like you said, I might want to interject that a certain three, that joined in the same day awhile ago are all insiders. Actually, you've been compromised for awhile now kek. Good luck getting anything done when you keep planning rallies and protests around tall apartment buildings. Btw, daily reminder that you fags are the real fascists.

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