Where was Allah?

Why didn't their God protect them?
Where was he?

Attached: wherewasallah.jpg (800x600, 31K)

we all know why

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Where is your God when your people are being replaced by hoards of shitskins?

>No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (al-lawh al-mahfooz), before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah.

—Quran, Sura 57, ayat 22

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why some people still believe in that nowadays? imagine if all of this was not real, the irony



You spelt muhammad wrong in arabic.

>desert gobbledygook

>Modern science has no explanation for how life started,
>modern science has no explanation for where life started
>modern science has no explanation for what consciousness is
>modern science has no explanation for how the univese started/if it started.
>modern science has no idea what gravity is.
modern science has definitely and permanently debunked the idea that their may be high consciousness in the universe

taking a coffee of the machine

Too soon man, too soon. Cmon we are better than this. You don’t kill people like this asshole did, especially women and children.

implying this isn't exactly what he intended

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Idk senpai where is God?
God allah Kami dio yehwa don't intervene for they gave us free will.
however our action will be judged.

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he was taking a shit

busy raping kids probably, it happens

no proof and even if there is a god, it does not mean we have to do what we do

would you like it if your children suddenly started to pray for you and ruin his life for praying properly? how stupid how he looks

why some people still believe in that nowadays

"there may be high consciousness" does not equate to "also they wrote it all in this book and if you do what they say you will live in paradise everlasting"

god has the kingdom of heaven, he cant interfere on earth.
satan on the other hand, was thrown from heaven by god, condemned to roam earth for eternity

well if you don't like the book part that was written later on, how about the fact that a bunch of poor illiterate desert tribes simultaneously conquered the two longest lasting and largest empires of the ancient world.

allah means curse.

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thanks for the info shlomo

Where was jesus ?
why didn't your god protect that whore ?
where was he ?

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thats harah

The difference is that Christianity does not judge itself by this question, while Islam does.

as i said

That's on purpose. So he can deny it's the picture of the Prophet when he's put before sharia court.

kill yourself, seriously do it

That's a different word.
Try Eloah (אלוה).

calling a deaf 11 year old a whore, typical for a dirty mudshit trash. can't wait for the day when you're in the iron-sights of another hero purifying the earth from muslim trash.

you first, shiite.

Guess he was busy fucking goats or something.

cry me a river christcucks, just few more years and it will be the Islamic republic of Europe.

Few more generations of inbreeding and you'll crawl back into the ocean as a result of a deevolution you goatfucking sandnigger cunt.

Lol, she was proabaly atheist you fuckface. It was in Sweden.

God doesn't exist

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its not inbreeding if we fuck your wives and daughters while you christcucks seething on a weeb imageboard with "muh memes" "muh based shooter"

He proved as well as Hitler to Jews that God doesn't exist but bullets and gas does


>Where was he?

that's all you can do, empty threats about rape and murder. religion of peace after all? go hug your two nigger fathers and go to sleep with the goats.

Too busy yet getting spitroasted by goats in Hell

All religions are false.

This is fact.

*to underage boys

odds are, if you're talking about a European culture, the DEUS VULT'er will end up in the crosshairs before the mudslime. they're outscoring us at the moment.

then again, by virtue of living in Iraq, he has an even bigger chance of getting shot by a jihadi than you do lel

There is no god. There is only Man. If a man chooses to stay silent and idle, he will be replaced. If he chooses to act and speak out the truth, he will triumph.

Praise the Man-Emperor of Mankind.

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"Where was Allah" must be memed so muzzies get even angrier

Cattle die and kinsmen die,
thyself too soon must die,
but one thing never, I ween, will die, - fair fame of one who has earned.

Cattle die and kinsmen die,
thyself too soon must die,
but one thing never, I ween, will die, -the doom on each one dead.

I'll still take the modern science approach with all its flaws vs the "jewish hippie man walking around in the desert with his 12 friends turns water into wine and then gets crucified on a cross only to rise from the dead and rise into the sky" approach.

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

A Muslim stopped him and saved several lives

If assigning faith to an unseen, but all-knowing deity is too much for you, then consider scriptural texts as guidebooks for embracing higher consciousness
At their core, spiritual texts are deontological codes of ethics

In absence of spiritual texts, society turns to philosophy (which is often inspired by spiritual texts) and adopts disastrous beliefs (Hedonism/nihilism/individualism)
In the end, it comes down to where you want to place your beliefs

What makes you think science and religion are mutually exclusive?
The purview of religion is to establish a code of ethics and a set of duties for their adherents

Removing religion doesn't remove the need for a moral/ethical framework and science cannot empirically determine the most optimal way to design this framework

>ha you idiots believing in some kind of creator!
>you should be resaonable like me and believe instead of a foam that is nothing and everything and that constantly come in and out of existence and that everything that exist randomly popped out of the non existing internal foam of energetic nothingness.

>possibly (but not certainly) internally logically consistent theory with zero evidence


those who believe in science are not wasting their time praying for nothing to someone who could be embarrassed by this behaviour

>Where was your god when Westerners abort more than a million babies every year?

Based Israelibro

He doesn't exist.

Yeah, does that include being nuked?

Where did God come from? Certainly if you deny the theory that something may come from nothing, your God also didn't come from nothing. Or did he always exist? If you belive that something may have always existed, why do you even need God? Why can't the quantum foam be something that always existed?

I don't disagree with any of that. in fact I don't believe in God. the only thing I disagree with is that the notion that the image you posted supports the assertion "God doesn't exist"

I didn't state that the image supported my claims. It's simply another interesting theory.

Die from aids faster ur still incel

Almist rings true about the dead nigger storage meme. Memes are actual real life anons
Ur still an incel

He was not.
He is not.
Just as yours
Imaginary boss
To tell you to pay 10% to pedos

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Whether Arabs, Mongols, Bulgars, Huns,
Magyars, Manchurians, Assyrians etc. Poor, illiterate nomadic tribes conquering large empires was a pretty standard part of history in ancient times.

A magic book of Jewish myths is not required I'm afraid.

Not Ourguy/

calm down fat ass i ain't gonna kill you

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