This is the official salute of White Supremacists.
I shall honor this gesture.
>Meme flag.
What are you 12? Reporting for low quality.
memes and reallity are merging together, this is an important day
lol is he holding his microscopic peen?
Of course guy, Brenton was just like you and me, isn't it obvious? The memes were so cool, he really felt like /ourguy/ the whole time. OMG when the Remove Kebab song came on? I totally KEK'd, and it gave me those Deus Vult vibes! See pic related, that's my war face right now. Grr.
As for the manifesto, it is literally true. Muslims are the problem. Israelis and Jews are cool with me long as they stay in Israel. I mean I don't deny they dominate western civilisation and have their hands in all our nations, but as long as they cohabitat within the legitimate state of Israel then we can be bros. Heil Accelerationism, we march ever forwards!
I agree mate
>meme flag
You're one to talk, frog
That has got to be one of the most unbelievably fucking stupidest things I have ever read. Well done you!
You are crazy
>tfw things have gone so fucking crazy you don't know what to say
He’s making a m p with his hand for “micro penis”
Don't forget that gay fudge packers are ok, as long as they are WHITE
cia nigger
>white supremacist
>doesn’t name the jew
Tell to reporters
Not to me!
poor lil guy
according to the SPLC, which every fucking news article references, yeah
That's the same sign that those Hollywood jew producers make..
this look like a date to me the .. the early Muslim invasion and the death of Mohammad first wife.. this look like a way to finance 2B Muslim to fight 2B Christian in a war for implementation of Greater Israel and the Return of Sabbatha Zevi / Jacob Frank
That's just a game where if you look you get punched.
Its been around for years, faggot.
and that's a good thing
Oh and Hitlerstein was a Rothchild bastard son and a fucking tool is mother a fucking whore .. just saying ..
He had to do it to em.
This, I first saw it in Malcom in the middle.
that guy has really learned his stuff. grade a shilling.
>Captcha; Motorcycles.
Didn’t he claim to be an ecologist fascist?
>hey goys let me spread some misinformation.
His dna is different you retarded leaf.
Quit falling for the misdirection trick.
Jojo is white supremacist Propaganda
Actually, it's CERN
>This is the official salute of White Supremacists.
it is now
The eye puts him in a dress and he does the 666 sign.
5/10. Had me going for about half a second.
Have a day tools
>Didn’t he claim to be an ecologist fascist?
I don't think so
Yep, new meme
Announcing a report is a reportable offense.
>Heil Accelerationism, we march ever forwards!
love how the memeflags are inserting communist theory into their ostensibly white nationalist shills. Let me help you out, if a word ends with "ism", it's a jew con.
ok thank you Dr. Shekelstein ..
Stop flag postig nigger
>commit mass murder
>still memeing and trolling
got to admire his dedication to the craft.
I thought Jow Forums said that this was the official salute of White Supremacist
>Did even read the manifesto
He's not a "supremacist" and he addressed why he is focusing on Muslims.
Pretty rad, even though he is kinda crazy
And what is this suppose to prove?
Anyway mind telling (((jewtube))) to not hide these debunks?
The public should see both sides of the arguments no.
The only reasonable position it's to condamn this idiot, and still highlight how the anti-migration position are valid
Implying that hasn't been the case since forever... pic related
b... but the media told me it was a white supremacist attack
and that white supremacist attacks are on the rise like crazy
I heard it on NPR this morning, surely you believe them over a lying manifesto, right?
No udtaler
that made me smile
>>He saluted.
He is a supremacist
The most insane are sane.
Uh, no.
that prove you a fucking gulible retard .. this is why all your fucking institution are semitic-"white" now .. and your childrens are getting rape in the ass during the time you fight and die for greater Israel and getting culturaly enriched by third world rocket "scientist" and that a fact
>jewtube shuts it fown
Not surprising.
I wonder why (((jewtube))) would want to hide such debunks in the first place.
It's almost as if their lies are crumbling down.
Great post tha shows the problems with normie idealogy
Just looks like a black's gang symbol.
I guess he's black. Or wishes he was.
so, two years ago?
Yea yea, I get it.
“clown world”
“we live in a society”
Fucking chill
The confirmations are there
How much does shariablue pay you to post this shit in every thread for, at least, 14 hours a day?
its 666 used by satanists hate to be that guy but its 3 sixes a faggot in league with satan recognition symbol
same with hanging man mocking jesus as a self sacrifice to a greater cause
>so, two years ago?
It was just a theory
Now it's true
>dying for greater israel
Strange for hitler when a jew made a lie in the news paper for him to throw it down and yell "servered hands"
Also strange in one of the diaries they had a few pages ranting about hitler.
Admit it leaf you fell for a lie.
They also call bobby jewish and are not afraid of claiming people as if they were their own depending on their agenda.
Do you believe people like jackson are pedos?
>freemason Bill "Alex Jones" hicks calls it 'interdimensional victory'
top kek
3 fingers up means something else.
Announcing a reportable offense as reportable is a reportable offense.
Wait, when did the 666 sign become white nationalist?
If this does not make you want to subscribe to Pewdiepie, what will?
This faggot is copypasta this shit in several threads, the manifesto said as long as kikes stayed in israel and did not subvert western nations.
I reflected, this gesture has been practiced for years and only now I understood that the 666 and the WS are connected.
somewhere along the line it got skewed into "a- ok" im not sure when but its some sick shit buddy
they try to Usurp Bobby Fisher success .. wow that new .. Hitler was a Rothschild agent use to Steal older brother riches and genocide white people in a clash with Stalinstein ...
WWI and WWII was white genocide
ie why all german men are giant faggots nowadays
German are faggot because of monsanto Atrazine in Tap water
Trump is WS
glass of milk please
literally did this sign to a couple of mudslimes walking past me and they didn't do shit but lowered their heads and walked away fast kek
Why is it upside down then? MP?
This has been the "gottem" meme for years until recently when pol trolled msm into believing an innocuous punching game and ok sign was actually code for white supremacy. He probably did this to further troll journalists that don't even realize they are getting dabbed on. This all ties together with his intentions to sow as much discord and bait as many people as possible. This guy's shitposting level is fucking insane.
Why are leftists absolutely obsessed with genitals.
sniff vampire feet
>rothchild agent.
>nationalizes all the banks and ban usuery and making a new economic model
That is the opposite of what (((they))) wanted.
this has got to be the greatest example of a "no u" response from the left regarding this meme
Early Muslim invasion of Europe . destruction of Bizantine Empire Genocide of Vizigoth Empire
He's a smart psychopath