When you get off Jow Forums and get shocked by how brainwashed everyone is

The situation is 10,000 times worse than we want to believe.

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almost like if the world doesnt work the way Jow Forums seems to think it works

Yes, shit is fucked fo' realz.

that's a strange way of saying
>The struggle between the people and the hatred amongst them is being nurtured by very specific interested parties.
>It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning the people against each other.

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Perfect, the next time Israel kills Palestinian civilians I can remind them to be as pissed off about it like they were during this happening,

Jow Forums keeps my fucking sanity. I walk outside I 'm drowned in morons

the really bothersome part is whenever you try to redpill people its always "I dOnT wAnNa TaLk AbOuT tHiS, i LiKe BeInG bLuE piLlEd"

this, it's depressing af outside!

>think Jow Forums is making me paranoid and shit isn't that bad, decide to live in the real world for a bit
>literally 85% of chicks are dumb thots, people only listen to rap and openly discuss porn, and complain about ORANGE MAN BAD
It's a fucked world out there.

This thread contains a lot of insight into the mind of a basement dwelling virgin

fuck that's too real man.

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yea i'd rather stay inside and fantasize about mass murdering pajeets

This. I hate how people just swallow everything the media tells them. Normie land is reddit tier

Jow Forums is just another program man...

I live in SoCal and I went to the beach for the first time in 4 years for a couple hours

Honestly, it's fucking over guys. Start prepping for the collapse and just focus on yourself or your family if you have one.

Yeah, pretty much. The less you know, the better your sleep. And some people prefer sweet lies to bitter truth

Yes and no. A lot of people realize something isn’t right and want to express it but either don’t really know how to broach these subjects or are too afraid of getting their lives ruined for wrongthink. They still yearn for the cathartic release of verbalizing how they really feel to someone though so as long as you drop enough hints to let them know what you’re about you’ll be shocked at how much they wish to confess. Most people are internalizing their anger for now but civil war is probably but a few more pushes away.

It's not even the brainwashing that bothers me.
The lack of being allowed to challenge views and discussions about taboo topics.
People can say about Jow Forums what they want but it's literally one of the very few platforms where we are allowed to discuss about the holocaust, whether Israel should be bombed.

Sure there is a lot of nigger this and kike that but the underlying discussion is what's dead in the outside world for a long, long time now.

No matter how many times I am being called a new fag or being called a retard because of my dumb arguments or way of reasoning I just can't help myself to come back.

I haven't been a beach in SoCal since the 90s, what did you see?


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My friends were Jow Forums tier casual about the shooting, I was a bit shocked.

yea man it's fucked. You go to any other platform with people you know IRL and watch the NPC's run their programming. It's all so predictable, so surface level, so demoralizing to watch. You lose respect for people you know. I know i did.

You can see anywhere that is heavily moderated has no funny people and no insight into anything interesting. For all the idiocy of the chans at least i can have a fucking discussion without normie tier "i can't believe you would X!" responses.

Normies don't think. Of course blatant propaganda is effective on them.

I feel like a free man mentally compared to most people.

What I saw was basically an American version of Brazil. Brown people everywhere, teenage girls wearing basically nothing, MASSES of people where the walkway was so crowded you were shoulder bumping just to keep it moving, niggers on streetbikes revving the piss out of their bikes, thots and chads congregating in groups of 30+ at bars, couldn't go anywhere without smelling pot

I'd never seen the beach so crowded. Along with the usual there were bums everywhere. Some playing guitar, some sitting on their trash pile shouting to themselves while people just walk by.

It was awful.

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This is why you hide powerlevel.

Too many nations, some fledgling nations, in one space. Personally, I think I chose wisely.

Has has ghost risen yet?

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As I've said, we need people of action, not ideology regurgitators. If a group of brave Jow Forums users who are smart and confident in their mission would get together, something good could come of it. Normies will always be braindead sheep, and that's why we must prepare the coming cataclysm by creating a cult of personality out of one man. A walking embodiment of the Nietzschean will to power.

>The lack of being allowed to challenge views and discussions about taboo topics.
This. You can't even discuss things academically with the unwashed masses. They're completely unable to separate representing a position in a discussion with actually holding that position yourself which is why they understand essentially nothing. The average pleb refuses to even scratch the surface of any topic that doesn't have the establishment seal of approval on it much less challenge established axioms at their most basic assumptions through lines of questioning.

You're retarded, aren't you?

Awww, babby's first existential crisis. High school is ROUGH, maaaaaaan.

are you a fucking kike

>wow 90% of people don't subscribe to my atomized reality

gee ya don't say

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man you guys really dont go outside do you

those things always have been there and will be there, but it was the volume of it all. it was like someone raised the slider by 10x. It was pure degeneracy, user. I know what normal looks like and that was not normal.

or rootless cosmopolitans if you like

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This. You lot are delusional, brainwashed stormfaggots. Hope this place gets taken down soon.

>You can't even discuss things academically with the unwashed masses.

Aw, how adorable, an actual neckbeard.

Yet here you are, satan

When I lived there, the beach was always closed because mexico kept dumping their raw sewage into the ocean.

You should be at least 18 to post here

You honestly believe shutting down 4chins would halt the spread of an ideology? Lol cute.

What do you mean? Jow Forums is satire and we're all actually liberals IRL, faggot.

What he's saying is that it precisely does, just to a much worse degree than he thought. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, huh?

possible replies:

a) i know right, don't get off then.
b) >getting off the internet
c) gas the kikes race war now
d) all of the above

>Normies don't think
They regurgitate.

didn't god say that "knowledge will increase at the end"? well welcome then, because we are close. very. fucking. close.

I don't think it's that bad yeah normies go along with utterly insane shit but when push comes to shove they tend to reject the craziness. It's more corporate brainwashing lite of pop culture. I have faith the sleeper will awaken.

move out of brazil

In a drunken haze of audacity and frustration I attempted to once again convince my cnn watching mother that the media is not only not her friend but that the beliefs she’s come to believe were implanted with a diabolical purpose and that she’s being played in a much larger game that even I don’t completely understand yet. She got terribly upset at having her views confronted and after some attempts of tryin to at least coming to the conclusion that it’s entirely possible she claims that for her, it’s just entertainment and she doesn’t have time for these types of things beyond it. That was one of the most true things I’ve ever heard her say and I admired her for that.

>people with no irl friends and social life have a warped view of the world

None of the stuff you guys are so passionate about is ever talked about irl. None.

No, you see, it does. And that is pretty shocking. Most people don't venture outside of viewing kike controlled content. most people don't venture outside of social media platforms that are not constantly monitored for wrong think by fat women with blue hair and caterpillar eyebrows. You instantly notice that almost no one has any real independant thoughts. They get all their talking points from the MSM talking heads. All you can do is drop subtle red pills at the appropriate moments. Too much too fast and they overload and crash. These people have been inundated with propaganda since birth. You can snap them out of it but it must be done gradually.

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You're a fucking idiot.

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emo master race change my mind.

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When everyone is snorkeling...
We have the scuba gear.

Well said fellow Dutchfag. Strangely it's not *as* bad in our country as in a lot of other Western nations. You can still absolutely say some things here that will get you lynched in the USA of all places.

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>They're completely unable to separate representing a position in a discussion with actually holding that position yourself which is why they understand essentially nothing
this, holy fuck
even the most basic "playing devil's advocate" for the sake of discussion sends them instantly into excessively defensive reactions. Or emotional leverage "shut it down" moments.
Challenging the approved worldview is HERESY. What the fuck happened to them.

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It's why I just have no fucks left for normies. These women are all ratchet with no loyalty, every male peer is a fucking commoner, and I'm on cloud nine minding my own business training and conducting business. They always want to be right over your opinions, and after enough drowning it out you become so jaded. It's like fuck off, I already wasn't interested in a date because you're mean and on top of that you harass me for it. I really don't want to hear another fucking thing about the patriarchy or how you want to evolve feminism your way, just stop.

And it's like wow that really fucking happened, why are people so crossed by everything these days?

Hey, gookposting tripfag, maybe you should rewrite that in Mandarin since it’s totally meaningless.

lmao, why do you feel that way bro? Hold on to at least an ounce of ego.

"Ignorance is bliss"

Illiterate nigger detected. Pick up a history book, retard.


You're a tourist. The 'Remove Kebab' sentiment died down ages ago after the Bataclan and Manchester attacks. Even the "Jews are behind everything" has gotten stale here. From what I've seen this place is a fucking circus and NatSoc shit is seen as LARPing faggotry.

Of course people are going to make jew and muslim jokes but literally all of that super serious race war shit is on other sites like stormfront. The only reason spooks and the MSM hate this place is the memes here are funnier than their faggotted American talk show hosts the establishment uses to brainwash people into following the latest narrative.

The seed is planted. May take years to grow. Mine was planted 20 years ago.

Get behind me, Satan!

You are a literal retard that listens and believe everything Jow Forums tells you.

It's all bullshit you idiot. The outside world isnt wrong, you are. You are not processing humanity properly and you're on some serious fuckshit mindset.

No, they're just trying to eat their lunch, not listen to you neckbeard about atheism.

> I've used Jow Forums as a replacement for having a life
> now I don't relate to people outside of Jow Forums
What a crazy outcome, truly unpredictable

yeah. it will be glorious to see them perish in the race war. only the strong will survive and build a new civilization.

It's called being factious retard.

God said the forbidden fruit was:

"The Knowledge of Good & Evil"

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I think he means [pic related]

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You can't say shit over here.

t. Guy who got banned from geenstijl for lightly criticizing Moroccans.

Socal has been like that for 50 years you jackass.

You are a perfect example of what he is talking about.

>He think's Racial and Religious supremacist interest groups don't run politics while simultaneously decrying "racism"
>He thinks the elite care about meritocracy or economic efficiency in any way and are not simply practicing nepotism with your tax dollars
>He thinks modern media and education produces a natural person and not someone brutally warped into a consumption based life style as a wage serf.

You bark like a pavlov dog.

>setting the imaginary stage, drops a random label
narcissist, manipulative swine

If someone talented and creative especially in youtube video making (but more than that, as good National Socialist channels get shoahed) is interested in action, particularly action having to do with delivering speeches, and has a strong will, contact me at this address: [email protected]

We need realistic ways to spread a National Socialist message and now is the perfect time to begin.




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Yeah, mostly.

Why do you think your children will give a shit about white race???
Your ancestors made the same mistake dying for causes nobody gives a shit about today.
The gingers are almost extinct already, considered hideous and no one gives a shit about them.
Nothing lasts forever.

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You can't say shit on news websites no. But I'm talking about the real world. Sharply criticizing immigration is still commonly allowed. In America you almost get beat up for it now.

Also calling someone a kankermarokkaan among natives is not a problem at all, not even among most women.

And a lot of fucking Dutch people know that race is real, but for some reason they prefer globohomo shitlib world (in the Randstad at least)

626 fag checking in. I hate driving around and seeing nothing but brown children in the places I grew up and once held dear.

Fucking obviously. What'd you think we were memeing?

>Red pilling a female.
You can't. The truth feels bad therefore it is bad, you will never get past that point. They'll also sell you out in an instant for points with any dictators that should appear.

Sooo many single ID posts...

>the gingers

It's been done because the general beliefs of actual serious Jow Forums users are retarded.

Like man listen I believe Israel has shady as fuck power in our government, that 9/11 was the Saudis and possibly an insidejob/false flag, but this retarded stormfag shit is producing retarded psychopaths.

Jow Forums is infested in either braindead stormfags or man children/literal children that shitposts just to "trigger da libs" who the majority of the time ain't barely any on Jow Forums to begin with. What's the point of acting retarded to offend somebody if the person isnt even there to see it. Now that's retarded.

You were either at Huntington or Venice beach.

To be honest if I could go back to the way things were, sometimes I think I would. Makes me not even want to redpill others because I know how painful the process can be, and that there is no going back.

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Reported for demoralization shilling.

this. I've been trough the same with several people. Your admiration is very misplaced though. you're trying to cope with how litte she cares about even living in reality, let alone you

Draco reptillian?

I never said the media doesnt brainwash normal folk but theres clearly retardation going on in Jow Forums that breeds.

An Incel is much worse then a normal consumerist idiot.