How does pol feel about opt out organ donation

Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable af about the idea that I might be forced to be an organ donor without my consent after my death?
I'm not exactly religious, but I'm not exactly atheist either, and I really don't like the idea of them harvesting my body, especially since I don't know what the fuck happens after we die.

The most annoying thing is the arguments for it. When it comes to late-term abortions it's all "my body my choice", but when it comes to me not wanting to have my body desecrated after death it's no longer "my body my choice" and "you're a selfish bastard".

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Other urls found in this thread:


and instead "you're a selfish bastard" *

I said I didn't want to be because I heard they mistreat the bodies after.

In any case I got out of it without looking like an asshole just by saying "Can I sign up for it later? Yes? Then I would like the chance to read about it first, thank you." and the guy didn't seem to mind at all.

>im-fucking-plying they wouldn't let you die to harvest your organs

You know where that would lead to, right?

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Chop out the first "I said", obviously I didn't actually say that, messed up writing the post lol

what the fuck

You CANNOT donate organs when your dead.
DEAD TISSUE isn't viable.

You're going to opt out, right?
>A: Oh no, we can't find his opt-out card.
>B: Isn't that it?
>A: Dude we get paid by the organ. We didn't find this.
>B: Riiiiiiiiiight.
>A: lololol

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If you're an organ donor they have added incentive to not let you live.

>be young, healthy, virulent male
>get put in hospital with an infection that's easily treatable, but will lead to death without antibiotics
>doctors look at organ donation list "user's organs would fetch a hefty price, we're running low on hearts right now"
>make decision not to give user the best care
>user dies
>family asks why user is immediately taken into a surgical theater to have his body harvested like a vegetable
>"oh he didn't opt out"

Best part is they dont wait till you are dead. The satanic fuck just RIP and tear while your live. Heart transplant? They tear it out while your alive.

>after my death
Oh you silly child

Your spirit body doesn't have internal organs. It doesn't matter. I just quit being an organ donor because they should pay your family for that stuff. My heart is worth millions.

Family should get to keep the profits.

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That's why they put you into a medically-induced coma "for your own safety" before testing for the false status of "brain death" so they can harvest your living body with a certified legit excuse.

I want to punch that kike in the nose

I'm definitely opting out of this.
I'm 100% sure that the royals are included in this. Yep. Totally.

This happens.

>without my consent after my death
You poor brainlet. If your organs match they harvest you alive.

You have to sign out immediately.
Organ extraction is useless unless it's done to an ALIVE patient.
Only organ that is useful after death is cornea.

> lethal injection
>organ harvesting
These are incompatible. Lethal injection makes organs unusable.

Im unhealthy as fuck so i dont care

After thinking about it, I think I'm going to explicitly state that my body can only be used for organ donations if these conditions are met:
1) I'm definitely dead. Not just 'brain dead', but there are literally no signs of life in my body. No heartbeat, nothing.
2) My organs are going to people I know and cared about, I.E family or friends in need.
3) My close family decide to donate my organs, and only if they are monetarily compensated for it. A heart is worth hundreds of thousands and if they're not getting that money, then I'm keeping my fucking heart.

If you are white and 18-30 years old you better fucking opt out or they will go after your organs first chance they get

Also, make sure you dont just write a letter to the government agency, put a copy of it with your lawyer just in case and let your family/friends know about this

Also, if you are even REMOTELY thinking about being an organ donor, go watch some videos of actual organ extractions from "braindead" donors that float around the internet. I guarantee you will not donate your organs once you see the "braindead" body twitching under the scalpel.

Opt out organ donation has been status quo here since forever. Most people don't even know about it, but I don't know anybody that thinks negative of it.

Learn about what they do with cadavers and you will never allow yourself to be a donor. Most people aren't healthy enough to be organ donors so they will part out as much of you as possible primarily for resources and materials to use in cosmetic surgery if you're lucky enough to not have your body desecrated in a even more foul way. I really don't think most people imagine they will end up as part of some rich fuckers body or torn apart.

>giving away something for free

Fuck them. My mum worked hard to make my organs for me. If they want them they can fucking pay for them.

If you opt-out and need a organ one day, you will be put very low in the list

How are they incompatible? You harvest the organs then kill the person. You didn't think this through.

>I don't know anybody that thinks negative of it.
In the US, doctors over-prescribe medication because they get financial incentives. What do you think organ harvesting will be like?

Why would you get on a list like some peasant when you have foreknowledge and a reason to go on that rampage you always thought about.

This is fucked. I dont want to be a spirit trapped to this Earth because part of my body is still alive. I need to tell them NO!

Organ donations gives people an incentive for killing you just like life insurance. In this clown world is that really what you want opted in on by default?

Well, after reading this thread, I need to look into it. Never thought it would be so cruel.

of all the fucknut ideas that people on this board believe, this is right up there with the fucknuttest of them

>harvesting the lungs or heart leaves a person alive

try it on anyone in my family and you'll wish all that happens to you was having your organs harvested.

>Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable af about the idea that I might be forced to be an organ donor without my consent after my death?
Literally just fucking opt out. Your dead body could save a life, so they automatically will do it unless you have explicitly said don't. Makes sense unless you're religious, but even then, just opt out

Organs from a dead fella are undesired anyway, harvesting prior to the lethal injection.

You can lose you license if you don't sell enough drugs. There's something called the "standard of care" and if you don't stick close enough, then it becomes a liability for your insurance or for your employer, or for you if something goes to court or they just want to revoke your license for not being enough of a good goy.

Just opt out and stop whining.

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opting out could save your life as well so it's well worth it

>lungs are the only organ people donate

Who cares you will be dead nigger only darkness

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doctors are more likely to let you die on the operating table if you're an organ donor

I am fine with my dead body being used to keep someone alive, as long as it isn't a jew or dune coon.

I‘m a heavy smoker, I‘m happy I‘ll be able to spread my cancer even after my passing.

Is there a way to quickly spoil the body? inb4: grenade. I wish, they are rather difficult to bear around.

>unless you are religious
Implying anyone wants to donate organs to genetic freaks, degenerate smokers and niggers. Fuck them.

Modern medicine is ruining our society.

>You are now forced to give your organs so Abdulah and his son Abdi can get those transplants they need from being the children of consecutive cousin-fucking

Fuck off they aren’t having anything of mine.

just spontaneously combust its not that hard

Sweet summer child. Kidnap and butcher is a very lucrative business.


>be me
>get run over by drunk driver
>go to hospital
>need a new heart as mine is fucked
>"Sorry user, we have migrants, refugees, criminals, and people who've been drinking and smoking and are morbidly obese higher up on the list."
>Don't have licence to die in hospital
>Sign on the dotted line
>All my organs are taken by surgeons and given to someone else

Gonna opt out immediately

Listen to interviews with dr.paul byrn

Quick death sentence for criminals and organ transplants when I need one. I’m on board.

The body is technically still alive when they take the organs out, they need to keep them warm, fresh and filled with blood as long as possible. Sneaky pricks tried to get this one past without telling anyone just so labs can have free organs to whizz into face creams and Dr Shekelstein can give Ahmed's third wife your old kidney.

This actually happens. I've worked with doctors and alot of them only think about profit.

Already opt'd out

>Organs abundant because of opt out policy.
>Have to throw them away, you have so many.
This is way more likely. Not your faggotry.

Does my family get the money?

Kind of disturbing fren. Make sure to die of something that makes your body unrecyclable. Aids and alcoholism come to mind. Maybe both.

The world sure has changes a lot over the decades. They get no part of my burger ass. Make me pay out the ass for healthcare and then want freebies from me to make profit from? Nah, not going to let them. The evils of both our countries spread between the two. We get the worst from each.

Well, Bongland has been sucking kike cock for 1500 years, might as well give them your organs so they dont have to steal them the way they used to.


The only way to provide a supply of organs for tansplants that meets the need is to allow donation to be incentivized properly. My estate should be allowed to sell my organs -- I should be allowed to cell a kidney or bone marrow or other bits that can be donated while alive.

We can already be paid for blood plasma, how is being paid for the rest of the body any different?

the idea that they would let you die to harvest your organs is a meme

that being said, your body is your body and you shouldn't have to specifically say "No, I don't want the government to harvest my organs when I die". Opt-in is morally righteous, opt-out is a slippery slope.

I just want my foreskin back.

this is a great point too.

Organ donation is so pathetic.
If my liver was failing I would want to die as I should be dying. Transplanting foreign body parts just so you can life an extra 5 years on a permanent course of immune suppressing drugs is pathetic.

Post links

opt-out is such a shitty idea
"oh yeah, we cut him open and took his organs because we (((didn't see his donor opt out car))) kekeke"

Realistically, these kind of schemes don't work. Every country an opt out organ donation scheme has been introduced in saw no actual increase in organ donation rates.
A lot of people simply do not like the idea and will opt out because of it. But organ donation is a very tricky thing. The stars have to align perfectly to find an viable organ donor.
It's not that there isn't enough people donating organs. It's that you need to find a viable match at the right time and in good enough condition to be used. They don't harvest the organs of every organ donor and store them until needed, that shit doesn't work. You can only harvest the organs from someone who is about to die and they do not keep for very long. When you combine this with the low chance of finding a compatible match (siblings only have a 25% chance of matching), this is why organ donor waiting times are usually long.

Making everyone organ donors by default doesn't work because you still need to wait for them to be close to death and hope they are a match.

Imagine what they could get for your squeedlyspooch!

Why do you need your organs when your dead when they can be used to save someone? I don't think opt-out should be an option, I think organ donation should be mandatory.

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i feel unconfortable about the idea of my organs in rich old jew bodies.

organs are in such high demand that you could cull the entire british population and there would still be demand. it's a global market

Just sign a contract with a private mortician and get cremated. If contractually you give up your body at death, for research or otherwise the state cant touch it.

Memes are known to come true.

I would leave the decision to my family and only after an independent doctor has verified my death.

Nothing like living in fear. Nice play though. My Native American ancestors did death right. They also knew how to live free before it. I would rather not fear death than fear being controlled.

I wouldn't mind if it were like the movies and when I die in a car crash a poor old mum the next suburb away gets my kidneys but the reality is the organ traders make a motza by hoping I die in the hospital ripping out my organs and selling them on for rich cunts who need yet another heart.

Give blood? If so it is too late for you.

>1/27156288 native
Kek, imagine asking trees for consent. Those people were on a journey their whole lives.

Funny that these fucking laws are happening everywhere at the same time. The climate change 'skip school' protests happening in all NATO countries simultaneously, the opt out organ theft laws in Germany/UK and elsewhere, the anti anti vaccination campaign in all NATO nations, even the fucking 'Me Too' campaign.

Absolutely ridiculous how all NATO nations are just colonies of the US leftist liberal establishment

>I've worked with doctors and alot of them only think about profit.
It would be easy for them to live with it to, they can just justify that your ONE life will save multiple and improve multiple lives.

I'm a donor but i'm thinking about signing out for that reason. Ofc hospitals here aren't run for profit so i don't have to worry about the part about some doctor wanting to make money from my body.

>>You are now forced to give your organs so Abdulah and his son Abdi can get those transplants
Does that work though? You need to be compatible so your organs are most likely going to some caucasian.

This is mainly designed to provide a higher quantity of fresh organs on demand for our political elites.
Waiting times won't change for the average prole.


Don’t fuck with the trees!

the jews want their organs, guarantee that every single jew will opt out.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


Attached: join degeneracy akarin 4.png (320x360, 219K)

If you were paying attention during the H1N1 hoax, you probably noticed at least one epidemiologist pointing out a key observation: there was no obvious vector of spreading. It popped up all over the place all at once. That suggests a certain level of skullduggery.

fuck that noise, it's infuriating knowing that kikes will still be extracting shekels from me even after I'm dead

>posting on Jow Forums a hate crime with the penalty of death
>Quick harvest his organs.
But there is no such thing as slippery slope so law abiding citizens will be fine.

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I want the queens organs. Did she opt out?

But did you have a licence to die? Will they fine your family for this?

Quit messing with land development. The human ecosystem is a crucial one designed to protect all life on the globe from meteor death. We are also important.

Fuck off, bong. Your body is just decaying meat after you die.
The only real uses for a body after death are fertilizer when its buried, organ harvesting for people who need transplants, medical research, and ashes to spread on farmland to add to soil nutrition.

I’m not an organ donor. Fuck that, I don’t want to be looked at as a potential meat source if my life is hanging in the balance.

>literally putting value your death

This is reason enough to not being ok with being an organ donor under any circumstance that doesn't involve family. No need for religious arguments nor personal views on after death.

Why the fuck would anyone ever agree to this?
One thing is people not caring if you die and another is people having interest on you being dead.