How long until women take over stem careers?

how long until women take over stem careers?
they already do much better in school and tehir numbers grow each year in science mayors

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Citation fucking needed.

American women are vile, look at that fucking sideburn. Also her fat friend.


no one cares if you can be quiet, obedient, and do what you're told (get good grades). we already knew that was the biological orientation of women.

we care if you can innovate, disrupt. the things men do, the things that cause bad grades.


Good marks at school and uni mean shit in real life.

ive never met a woman who could setup a printer

Highschool and below is a joke. At the University level, women opt for low-paying studies related to child-rearing. STEM is a man's world.

what they neglect to mention is that fields like psychology are considered STEM.

degrees have been overinflated and made worthless. university is an extension of highschool, a social environment where women thrive and where actual learning takes the backseat. It's the same thing happening to the military, as soon as you add women then the core function becomes obscured and eventually lost completely as male/female social dynamics come to the fore.

99% of girls are “okay” IQ

Girls are also more obedient to authority figures

Do the math

fake news propaganda

Soon, hopefully. All of the engineering jobs I've worked at have been sausage fests. We need more of these talented women in these places to make the tea, and provide lunchtime blowjobs.

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>The researchers were all wemen.
>The data had to be corrected for sexist bias and the male grades had to be corrected by applying a 0.75 multiplayer to eliminate the wage gap hypothesis.
Great study, you just keep on hiring these people lads

That is not happening in the military, bro. Thanks.

>hears this
> "I'll have you know that my aunt is an engineer.... blah blah blah"
> examples cited of women who design/code/make things with a committee.
> yeah, but can you hook up this printer?
> l-lets call IT.
>every fucking time.

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grades in schools are almost entirely memorization.
People that teach are those that excelled at it and think that's what it means to teach.

99% of women are stupid. Thats why theyre all in psychology and social work

biased teachers, biased school system catered to femoid parasites

>the researchers say...
That should be enough evidence for you fucking misogynistic bigots!

women are fucking stupid, they excel in academics because academics is geared towards the female experience and not actually education. once they get out of college they can barely function in real stem work without a male correcting or guiding them every step of the way
t. someone who has interviewed 20+ wxmyn for stem positions

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not long when they're given advantages in uni acceptance in STEM fields, even though there are, in total, more women in uni than men. We're not moving towards an equal society, we are moving towards a female dominated one.

I saw 50+ percent female 1st year comp sci. It has dropped to 20 percent in 3rd year.

The classes are soulless without gendered teaching methods either way. They still choose to do something else. Nothing wrong with this.

Comp sci, math, and eng are suited for autists and men have a normal distribution for that trait that is right shifted compared to women. It's not surprising men are seen more in these fields.

The veterinary field is dominated by women, should there be affirmative action for men there? Or should we acknowledge that interest plays a part in things? How about Scandinavian countries that have very gender egalitarian policies but we still female domination in nursing and male domination in engineering?

Looking at this thread and the kind of headlines that are still printed in 2019 and I feel sorry for kids. Either way they are going to get a distorted reality that they won't emerge from until they hit 22+.

They get better grades because the professors aren't allowed to hold them to the same standard as male students.
The university won't let them flunk out girls in STEM because it looks bad and makes the girls suicidal.

No citation, only anecdotal, but at least from what I know in my physics year its true. Most grills study their asses off and get in the 3.something range burger grades (which is a lot more here than for you guys) while most boys ofc including me are doing worse.
Dont know what it is though but they are just not as creative or something because at least the group of women that actually are in stem instead of whining how theres not enough of them in there is massively intelligent, but they somehow arent as innovative.
No idea if theres actual studies on this though, so dont take my word on it. And of course its well understood that women in general are more centered around the mean while men are more extreme, so maybe its just that the small amount of girls that pursue stem are the higher percentile than the men who do, since women are still not even 30% of the class.

>getting better grades because of affirmative action teachers giving better grades for worse results
wow what a mystery

>Women get better grades.
>They invent less.
>They contribute less.
>They get paid less.

This is why women don't get ahead in the real world.
They spend all their time figuratively and literally sucking off their teacher and studying a textbook made to teach to the lowest common denominator instead of building up their network and how to innovate on their own.

The new acronym my company uses is STEAM

Science, Tech, Engineering, ARTS, Mathematics

I'd ask you to send help but I definitely don't want it from Sweden

>women take over stem careers?
It won't help.

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That's because men are more disagreeable on average, despise the infantilizing tedium of leisured existence and aspire for a higher purpose. Women are fine being told what to do by social consensus whether that is domestic life or focusing on their career.

They get better grades, when taught by women, using curriculum slated towards women getting better grades to compensate """"""""""patriarchy""""""""""

I go to a pretty prestigious engineering college and I've yet to meet a single woman here who knows jack shit. Also I don't know a single man who needs tutoring, whereas every single woman I know has made excessive use of tutoring and still barely understands the material.

From my experience women are good at understanding theory and getting, but they suck at applying their understanding to solve real problems

Boys are too busy playing games, watching porn, and going to parties than attaining intellectual pursuit. However. I wonder if a certain racial impact changed the scores.

Something like only 6% of women graduate stem. So even with societal collapse it's still unlikely

That's an insanely cute gif.

>everyone is stupid apart from me

hol up. you mean to tell me that girls do better in public schools? It's been this way for 70 fucking years.

>adam (((savage))) garbage tier meme
Art has no tangible value.

It's easy.
Retarded women don't need a career. They either thot through life or end up in easy entry jobs.
Every single man needs a career, they don't have alternatives except NEETing which is not always viable.
You have a class with 20% women with above average intelligence. The rest is 80% of men who just chose that career because they need a job and that's it.
Usually you'll get better results in that 20%, it's not hard to understand.
And yet, it doesn't really matter either way, I don't know what the article is trying to say. That quotas are not needed anymore? Perfect.


I don't think that's a girl, I don't think that's a girl at all!

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Men represent the top and bottom of the IQ bell curve. Women make up the middle therefore their average scores are higher.

A better comparison is the average grades of the top 10% of boys vs top 10% of women.

>replication crisis intensifies

"Science" has become a meme

that's a lock of hair, bruv

that's not how averages work

they use a different grading gamut for females
the same way they do for niggers
this is fact

Educating women is. Waste of reapurces sonce none of them want to work anyway... except the psychotic spinsters that want to make all other women as miserable and lonely as they are.

I'll miss being out of the stone age.

Imagine also being able to fuck people to get ahead in life on top of that.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


Attached: join degeneracy akarin 8.png (320x360, 219K)

>working a job that relies on facts and not MUH FEELS
Not gonna happen.

Never, because they are already favored 5 to 1 in STEM they fucking don't like those jobs, you insane thundercunts.

From what I read the average women is smarter than average man, but men reach high levels of IQ unobtainable by females.

you must know some stupid fucking women or are in your 30s to 40s

grades do not directly correlate to ability. some dropouts go on to found multi-million dollar businesses, while straight A students graduate and never accomplish anything

They're acting like this is because women are naturally more intelligent despite the fact it's been known for over half a decade at this point it's because males receive alot less attention and help during school and as a symptom usually fall behind. Also grades don't mean shit lmfao I knew people who'd get all As and are legitimate mouth breathers

They do well in school but less well in careers. They arent aggressive, overall, or risk takers to: move cities. Start a business. Demand a promotion. Work on Saturday night instead of getting shit faced. It balances out.

Never. Women simply don't care for these Fields as much.

>Move to cities
Id genuinely rather die as a pauper than live as a nu-pauper in a nigger filled quasi-commie block

That mean shit.

He means changing location (i.e. moving across the country for an opportunity)

Modern Western men fucking suck

Grades don't matter. Wait until they get into sophomore level courses for engineering, cs, physics. They usually leave by then.
In my whole cs program there were only 3 girls out of maybe 70 to 100 students. For my last semester I took a couple of liberal arts courses and those were majority female.

yes, primarily in school nowadays with how classes are structured, trait agreeableness is the best predictor of grades.

Maybe with all this LGBT cancer now college professors will start sleeping with their male students too and the average will increase to the same level it is for females

>he doesn't know that schools have been totally converted to menstrual wisdom temples that treat boys as inferior girls
If you liked school or were really good at it, you're probably some kind of pussy.

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I have a 5'10" blonde STEM PhD wife. I love her for her mind. We're talking about buying a mountain house for winter weekends and summer vacations. We have 2 boys. I have taught them my system and hope they can follow simple fucking instructions.

Not "One Last Fuck".

Into my Daww folder it goes.

I think he means women are less likely to move for work

>massively intelligent, but they somehow arent as innovative.
women have fewer skill points to distribute than men.

But it evens out because of their +2 CHA.

School measures obedience, not intelligence.
On the job women are hired for affirmative action quotas and mostly useless. They are designated to positions that can make use of their high levels of obedience such as HR where snitching out coworkers is their main job.