Accelerationism is the use of science and technology to overcome the capitalist system. It calls for the left to be aware of the possibilities of current developments as a way to improve how our society works
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Accelerationism is the use of science and technology to overcome the capitalist system. It calls for the left to be aware of the possibilities of current developments as a way to improve how our society works
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If you're not gassing the kikes, you're doing nothing against your so-called "capitalism."
Core Ideas of Accelerationism
Modern accelerationism is a political philosophy that believes we need to increase the rate of technological and social development in the constraints of the current system in order to create the next social paradigm.
Core Ideas:
The current system has hit a wall
Its institutions are incapable of facing urgent humanitarian and economic dangers, and are unable to reform themselves to bring about true change.
It’s holding back sociological / technological progress in many areas.
Corporate powers have captured the state and created a monopoly of thought.
Capitalist speed and advancement is narrowly constrained and misses an entire universe of possibility.
>blah blah blah Trotsky rebranding again
The Radical Left has become ineffective and must embrace modernity or die
“Folk Activist” tactics of the Radical Left have focused on protests, sign holding, direct action, etc., but those in power have adapted to these tactics.
New tactics are needed: the Left must become comfortable with modern forms of organization, funding, technology, etc.
This means that, beyond “people power”, we must also find funding sources and powerful institutional allies.
Democracy should be focused on outcomes
We must move beyond a democracy of means, towards one focused on ends - people empowered to live and fulfill their goals.
A more advanced system is needed to unleash our full potential
The system is holding back many forms of progress: research, societal reform, technology, etc.
A new system must be able to more fully enable us to unleash our individual and collective potential.
We must embrace a plurality of organizations and tactics
We must embrace collaboration between groups and accept others’ tactics and ideas even if we don’t fully agree with them.
Manifesto Goals:
Build “intellectual infrastructure” to build a new fully-formed ideology
Reform media to bring it in more alignment to accelerationist goals
Bring together disparate groups
"We need to reconstitute various forms of class power"
Thesis: “Accelerationism pushes towards a future that is more modern, an alternative modernity that neoliberalism is inherently unable to generate.”
>Accelerationism is anything except stopping white genocide
nice try kikes
I am a spic.
And Accelerationism is what I have described. A call for the left to update itself
Nobody wants your international communism.
Accelerationism is a natural phenomenon which occurs through history, pre-history, and on a personal level. You are attempting to pigeon-hole a universal occurrence because you're a kike.
Just look for references to Accelerationism. It is clearly obvious that you are using a term that is already taken, for a smarter idea than "let's spill blood to produce an all out race/cultural war"
>"let's spill blood to produce an all out race/cultural war"
Accelerationism is not about domestic terrorism but mass public awakening. Shills say that Brenton Tarrant will spark a great white uprising but did that happen with Dylan Roof? No, neither will it happen due to Brenton. Instead, stricter gun control laws will be enforced, just like they were thanks to Dylan Roof. These "people" claiming Accelerationism is about violence are Jews and Bolsheviks who do not have white people's best interests in mind.
Is not communism. The need for central planning is old and outdated these days with all the electronic means we have now. If you were an Accelerationist as I am you would know that already
Can't you come up with a new narrative after over 100 years of trying to say we need "change?" It's the same warmed-over communism as always. You might as well try to reconstruct the Students for a Democratic Society.
Accelerationis is a recognition of the need to update the left.
We Accelerationists will replace SJWs in the left and end scarcity for everyone. Of course that means that capitalist values are to be obsolete and we should avoid to become a society like in Wall-E or Logans Run.
We should all start thinking about that, because, if there is no need for money or work, we would have less reasons to fight or less reason for economic migration
There's no reason whatever to believe in the same failed promises as always. You can't even present an actionable plan but rather the same retread need to destroy. It's anti-creative Luciferian claptrap.
ya, and thats the perfect excuse to try comunism again, exept it never worked...
Yes. The reason is robotics and IA
That's what they said in the 70s and it didn't happen then.
Notice how the kike shill refuses to address
The Jew fears Accelerationism and must restrict it's application to anything which does not address white genocide, chiefly Marxist/Communist bullshit.
Fuck off Moldbug.
What about a communism without a single communist? A society with robots self repairing and doing all relevant job? I would rather see such a society without money than slaves if UBI
What about it? Are you the one inventing these alleged robots or the one who needs UBI?
There was a big difference in robotics then and now. Now we have inmense amounts of digital data. That alone makes all the difference in the world
nice try, its not gonna happen, reality is not elder scrolls, deal with it
Do you work with big data in any fashion? What does that have to do with "democracy" anyway?
I do my part automating with RPA in my day job. And I am worried about the riots when unemployment reaches 20%. So is better if we start thinking RIGHT NOW about these things. Capitalism is no worth saving, and there is no capitalism without waged
That doesn't explain anything other than that you are a zombie in the cult, and that you must surely work with people on zombie drugs because you would not be able to get by in any kind of high tech industry if you weren't used to giving talks and networking with elevator speeches or whatever else.
A government lead by big data is not democratic. I have drawn a line. Big data for things, democracy for people. Maximum efficiency by IA in production will lead to removal of scarcity of relevant things. Direct democracy is possible today but is a lesser problem than ending scarcity and ending excesive resource depletion.
One does not follow from the other. If you were capable of dealing with a shred of the math behind big data and AI then you wouldn't make such absurd assertions.
I just do my job ending other people's jobs. And I see frequent demos of amazing automation platforms. Some of them developed in-house (I work on fintech in NY) Most intellectual job is on the verge of automation.
The "intellectual" jobs, meaning those that rely on getting trained to be a zombie at a university, have already been automated by dint of them being indoctrination factories. You would know this if you had ever bothered to read a book about what the plan is all about. But you fail to understand it because you have already become the subjugate robot, unable to think or to design for yourself the future you have been programmed to believe in. I got in to the field to find out if people like you were for real, and got out because they're so incompetent that people like me get abused to produce the results that they cannot effect on their own. And also because it gets tiresome working with retards.
Democracy to me implies direct and conscious decision. One might argue that gathering behavioral data and making decisions from it is the most democratic thing you could do, but to me that is not the case. You just track behavior of the adaptation of people to the system, you have to ask them to know what they desire, that can be more than just a learned pavlovian behavior and say 'hey. This is What most people do so this must What they want'
So who is your Accelerationism candidate in the 2020 election?
Accelerationism is the Realization that the left needs today. There are a few of us these days, but as people grow used to hear "robotics", "AI" and "automation" our work gets easier by the day.
See you soon!
I don't care what it implies to you. That just means you're a useful idiot who is falling for the same tricks that have been going on for over a century and that you are very intellectually lazy. Why argue for something that you very obviously have done no research of your own into? Are you really trying to rope in people who actually have to do research?
>the left
So you confirm that you're a hardcore communist. Great. Sure didn't see that from the get-go.
There is none. We are just getting started, we have the SJW left to deal with first :)
You didn't answer my question At
>SJWs are the first problem we must solve
>Not Jews!
Oh nevermind! You already did!
He did answer. He said he's anti-democratic by the very definition and instead seeks to let the AI implement mind control for him. He doesn't understand how to engage in it himself, nor how to program a robot cotton picker to do it for him.
Yep. I am a leftist and the struggle is materialst. Capitalism must die, paid jobs must die and wages must die. Then we will be free for the next stage.
All this is unavoidable due to automation. It is up to us to have a clear set of policies to confront that reality
This public definition of Accelerationism is wrong. The left is very often wrong about these things.
> overcome the capitalist system.
You can try that, or I can build a more efficient system. False accelerationists on notice for heresy.
Communists get the rope.
I never suggested otherwise. That's why you don't understand how to get from point A to point B and why you can't do it yourself, so you just say it's going to happen because magic.
I thought that for Jow Forums these should be the same.
We have no candidate. We won't have one for decades I think
The CIA niggers are terrified of copycats and that's why they've posted this pasta 25+ times
This is out motto by the way (Pic related)
fuck off schizo spammer.
>we have no candidates
Sure you do. You have lots of them. I mentioned Obama as an easy example to say you just need "hope" for "change" and that's nothing new. It's been over a century. Why don't you go be the candidate instead of believing a superhero is going to save you because you can't justify your belief structure.
Can you even point out what was wrong about your predecessors? One of the most shocking things I found when I spent time in a university was how helpless so many of the people there, students or otherwise, were, when confronted with something that didn't work out as expected. Can they even wipe their own butts?
Your motto is pretty good.
I'm fond of.
Is that you moarpheus?
In fact I have an idea on how to get from point A to B
To me, what matters is how to handle complexity and interconnected systems. If you want to start from where I started, read 'introduction to cybernetics' by Ashby, and the books by Stafford Beer
At the end, all is an issue of management ana being able to deal with the complexity and mapping correctly the variables, while avoiding the temptation to convert all variables to one (usually money)
This is Jow Forums so I will not get into details but with this info you can start to understand the basic ideas about what is needed for implementation of a modern society better that the actual one. In one phrase, having management systems powered by AI to handle better the complex systemic effects that today we classify as 'externalities'
It's about the choice of evaluation metric. That drives everything, which in turns drives the flow of money into getting more funding or not. You have presented no evidence for your claim that AI would be better at handling anything, and it really just goes to show you don't work in the field at all because otherwise you'd understand that it's all humans greasing the wheels and networking.
My own perspective is that we need to handle information on the management side much better than just handling money flows. Think of it a mandatory multi compliance system built into any corporate erp. But this multi compliance is very very extensive taking care of many variables as possible without reducing them to 'monetary value' because you lose information about them when you do that.
Is like using "all" evaluation metrics at the same time. Capitalism ends focusing on the monetary value at the end and we need to see all of them. Our goals should be towards homeostasis and not towards constant growth
>management systems powered by AI to handle better the complex systemic effects that today we classify as 'externalities'
Holy shit this dumb nigger bought the marketing copypasta about AI. LMFAO! I hope those female coders are able to quantify complex systemic effects well enough to develop the AI models.
>They're gonna try to plan an economy with this garbage.
These people are stupid.
Automation and AI are just going to enhance capabilities of workers. I couldn't even imagine the amount of time it would take me to do what I do every day via SQL and Excel like programs.
Perhaps the ideologies and economic models of the 20th century are failing. "Skyfall" is where we start, a thousand miles and poles apart, where worlds collide and days are dark. Yet the end is just the beginning.
OK. Make a prototype. I don't think you even understand banking or else you'd point out how very obviously the Federal Reserve is fraudulent. You don't have debugging skills, just like most of your cohort.
The AI is just there to search for homestasis. Obviously that can be done 'manually' but AI can do it better
This right here. Liberal conspiracy theorists cannot stand when capitalists develop better tools to do more work. It means they're dream of 'le final phase of society' is EVEN FURTHER away.
Essentially commies are just jealous ass haters who act like buttmad faggots whenever someone wins by hard work and diligence.
You're a fucking moron writing sci-fi, you have no fucking clue what AI is or does. Please, fuckboi, explain AI to me, on a technical level, then explain the system which will be able to track ur 'externalities' ... BTW, if you have externalities in your models, it's because your models are shit. Rethink your models and you might not step on each other's dicks so often.
If AI can do it better, where's your evidence to back up your arguments? You're not even arguing for the same thing anymore. What happened to democracy instead of an AI dictatorship?
That is a HUGE endeavoir that I would love to do someday. Maybe someday with enough coders on our side we will do it.
For the moment, us Accelerationists as a small group will work helping people realize that the end of work, wages and scarcity is coming and we better prepare for it. Of course there are limits and there is no utopia, but thinking that our current shortsighted system is good enough is, well, not good enough
>us Accelerationists as a small group will work helping people realize that the end of work
Why did you say "coders" when you can't even write a "hello world" version of your vision yourself? You can't even write down a problem statement, let alone propose a possible solution as part of a brainstorming session. You people are so stupid. It's all about the Jews. Where do you think your Frankenstein ideas that you don't understand came from?
I won't go into tech details, but I see AI as a simple pattern matching machine than can be trained to look for states for homeostasis. Not anything more advanced that you do when training networks in my gpu. I don't need a full purpose AI for that.
The low level model is roughly based on Ashby's "introduction to cybernetics". As for the higher level model I have some things in mind already, something that can be described as a "fuzzy borders recursive microservice" architecture with embedded alert systems and the AI looking for unbalanced states that might trigger a loss of homeostasis.
You don't even read public grant applications from the military. Very, very disappointing.
>introduction to cybernetics
Oh boy this systems dynamics meme. Let me save you a lot of time. The whole notion that you can control complex systems with sufficiently detailed iterations of control theory is patently fucking wrong. System Dynamics doesn't scale beyond very small control systems. You would know this if you had even the most basic understanding of 'homeostasis'
You dumb bastard.
Now we are talking about political definitions
Things and resources should be managed by AI driven production in response to consumption patterns. Howewer we should NEVER have AI judges or congressmen. Because how we drive our society should be a political thing. But optimal resource usage is technical. So perfect for automation.
'The maximum liberty possible' should be the goal, and with maximized production of resources and maximum recoverability this can be something achievable.
This is such an utter lack of argument for why AI should control resources. It's obvious that you do not have a university-level education.
This mongrel wants to plan the ENTIRE economy.
Let that sink in.
The economy is controlled by money today. A mechanism that is insufficient. We want to change that for algorithms instead (open source of course)
>A mechanism that is insufficient
[Citation needed]
>we want to change jewish fake money into something even more fake
So you admit it's a ponzi scheme?
Every productive process is software controlled today and having worked on very complex integrations with market data with various latencies and timezone I would say that is IS possible. And scalable. Is just a matter of choosing how much hardware do you need
Money is insufficient because it reduces the resource's natural "complexity" just to be able to reduce it to monetary value
Is that your PhD thesis?
Read 'introduction to cybernetics' and you will see what I mean
404 citation not found. You also didn't explain shit for yourself.
To deal with a complex issue your system, to be effective, must deal somehow with the issue's complexity.
Money reduces all to monetary value destroying the natural complexity of the thing it tries to manage. By mapping all its attributes to one value just to be understandable by us we are not managing complexity, just cutting what we can't manage.
As a result, our money driven desicions are poor and produce a lot of external effects that we like to ignore or pass to the government to fix. Which they cant do either because they also work with monetary values.
I'm not saying that everybody in academia is a blind drunk like you are, but I am saying that most of them are women in power suits or Jews in the administration.
Read the book, do the exercises. It should not be hard for an expert like you ;)
What book? I'm tired of paying for somebody's tenure book.
Why isn't it hosted on a .edu site like most educational people I know?
No idea. But here is a small quote from Wikipedia about the author
'His two books, Design for a Brain and An Introduction to Cybernetics, were landmark works. They introduced exact and logical thinking into the brand new discipline of cybernetics and were highly influential.'
Good job admitting you didn't read books.
Accelerationism is a meme. Subscribe to pewdiepie.
I read it completely. I am even translating it to Spanish when I have some spare time.
Just read it.
Another system is possible, with a good framework. And realizing the flaws of the current one
Give me your early attempt at Spanish. When I worked for DARPA, they were interested in people who could read Spanish.
Those gears are out of alignment.