Brenton is a SOCIOPATH and Accelerationism is FALSE

Since you insist that butchering fifty unarmed people is justified under the guise of accelerationism, we must debate this idea.


Accelerationism defends that our society is bound to collapse. Thus, engaging in antissocial behavior like violence and living off welfare are justified attitudes since they'll hasten the collapse. Some accelerationists (hence Brenton Tarrant, the shooter) even believe that their attitude is not only justified, but preferable. It was Brenton's way of "doing something" about the immigrant crisis.

>Why it fails in the moral ground and Brenton is a SOCIOPATH

Accelerationism is not new. It's a re-telling of Hegel's Dialectics. We believe that acting in an antissocial manner (see welfare) will bring forth a societal crisis where a society that is opposite of our destructive manner (a society without welfare, per example).

As a moral theory, Accelerationism fails as it justifies literally ANYTHING that is harmful to society. You hate blacks who live off welfare and do crime? You shouldn't, they are accelerationists fueling racial hatred and breaking the state's treasure. You hate refugees? You shouldn't. If you believe that antissocial behavior justifies itself, literally anything antissocial goes. By definition, anything antissocial must also be inconvenient to someone; if something is inconvenient to someone, it brings turmoil to society. Turmoil will hasten collapse, therefore it is good. Yes, accelerationists are basically making up a non-argument to justify living off the government. I can justify rape, murder and interracial marriage the same way that I can justify gunning down 40 unarmed people. It's chaos for the sake of chaos, and literally anyone can claim accelerationism to justify their bullshit. Brenton Tarrant was a SOCIOPATH for being able to murder fifty people and show absolutely no personal affliction. You basically ate up his excuse to murder and damaged your own cause of freedom (NZ just lost guns).


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shill trying to poop on Hegel. I see you.

Accelerationism is not about domestic terrorism but mass public awakening. Shills say that Brenton Tarrant will spark a great white uprising but did that happen with Dylan Roof? No, neither will it happen due to Brenton. Instead, stricter gun control laws will be enforced, just like they were thanks to Dylan Roof. These "people" claiming Accelerationism is about violence are Jews and Bolsheviks who do not have white people's best interests in mind. Am I saying to not fight back? Not at all. I am saying to be intelligent and consider the consequences of your actions.

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>fails in the moral ground
are you making a moral case because you can't make a practical one?

Stale pasta

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>we must debate
im not debating anything with you, copypasta memeflag.
gas yourself

Accelerationism is a meme. subscribe to pewdiepie.

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>Accelerationism as a means to achieve a greater goal. And why it won't achieve that goal

Brenton just killed fifty people. What are the amazing victory that we've gained from this? NZ is not suffering a race war. Rather than that, the PM comes forth and states that gun laws will change. There is already a panic in 'gun buys' as there is a solid threat that guns will be banned.

He hoped an attack in NZ would fuel the gun debate in the USA, hoping it'd lead to a civil war. Imagine said civil war happened. While I'm sure the patriots would fight with tooth and nail for their guns, how did the last Civil War against the federal government in the USA end exactly? Yes, it ended with an emancipation act (which was not even a condition at the start of the war. Had the war ended before Antietam, freeing blacks wouldn't have even been in the peace treaty. It was a VINDICTIVE act from Lincoln).

The Battle of Antietam (first battle in Union territory of the civil war) is everyday in the modern world. Liberals want to claim the moral highground. There are three people in society: you, the liberals and the people without orientation. Reason is dead and liberals and you can't convince each other, however, those people without orientation are your crop and can be convinced to both sides. Play well and you get them to do what you want (vote Trump, per example). Play poorly and they'll embrace a liberal.

Everyone can create a slippery slope where their small actions will matter in the end game (the manifest had a slippery slope where some murder in NZ led to a civil war in the world's most powerful country with very stable institutions), that's no problem. Using that slippery slope without solid argument that it is not a slippery slope - that every domino will indeed lead the next one to fall -, is also a NON-ARGUMENT. It's just wishful thinking and then again plays into the Brenton is a sociopath idea.

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Terrorism is part and parcel of living in a big city you fucking bigot!

Sounds like anarchism for zoomers.

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almost there, dont leave me hanging

>What can we actually do, then? If murdering fifty unarmed people while listening to meme music won't do the job, what is?

Instead of coming up with a shitty fanfiction of reality that will excuse whatever you do / not do (and also justify whatever ANYONE does, friend or foe), you should actually put an effort to being a better person. You want to stop the replacement? Have babies, have families, improve yourself. You can't live off hatred. Unless you're going Rambo in a globalist rally, I don't care about how many innocent people who are just trying to live their shitty you've killed - it's not going to convince anyone that you're achieving your goals besides easily impressionable people in a board that discusses complex political topics through tiny word counts.

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Who cares about some cucked morals, I'm just glad 50 muzzie cunts got blasted.

shut the fuck up retard. who is going to take you seriously when you post belle delphine. beta back bitch

Is this girl over 18?

I think its justified under the reality they were dunecoons though

Not an argument.

A C C E L E R A T E ! ! !

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I hope so

It's justified because they were non-whites and muslims as well and that's all there is to it. There's no debate.

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most of the alt-right are sociopaths already. so joke's on you.

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Brenton was not Alt Right, he was a murderer looking for an excuse to go on a mass killing. Even the most trained soldier would have flinched and shown a sign of empathy as they personally gun down fifty people who could never defend themselves, and who ultimately posed no threat to them. He shows absolutely no sign of empathy / hesitation. Not even one.

His lazy 74 pages-long manifesto (some people have written treaties for suicide which were 1000+ pages) is also filled signs of sociopathy: Lazy sophism that can easily be rebuked if you actually put an effort to see that it makes no sense, unfounded claims about how he is a private person which are immediately proceded by pages after pages of him talking about his life, and more.

i have no empathy for 3rd world savages either. welcome to Jow Forums

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

>3rd world savages
>mostly a bunch of women and children
Big fuckin man you are Schlomo.

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Behead those who insult clowns!

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fuck off moarpheus