just saw this on my facebook feed. can all of you please sign it?
Just saw this on my facebook feed. can all of you please sign it?
No, Go fuck yourself
do online petitions ever accomplish anything
They collect lists of people who hold political opinions so they can get targeted ads.
If I make a petition can I get McRib back?
Also so they can targeted on the day of the rope.
Beware, accelerationists.
Can I get a petition where all sandniggers activate their standard self-destruct in place immediately?
>"You'll get tackled by 30 bogans at the same time. I learnt the hard way."
egglet btfo by senior citizens and shirtless men in flipflops
Is there a place we can put all these cucks where they be bear the brunt of their own stupidity? I don't want stupidity in the form of loud voices to outweigh those of us who have common sense.
Damn Mr. Wizard, what are you doing in sweden?
>I only believe in 'talk shit, get hit' if it supports my narrative
big true
Do they have a petition to promote him?
now THAT'S a rare pepe
someone is brave enough to be dropping IQ black pills in that public thread lmao
He's already being silenced through both of the major parties working against him
He is the closest thing in Aus politics to /ourguy/
Also these idiots don't understand how politics work
You can't remove someone who was voted in
If they do, the precedent it would set would be unthinkable
>You can't remove someone who was voted in
>If they do, the precedent it would set would be unthinkable
Isn't that what they want? Dictatorship?
no. pork is haram, so it's illegal in sweden.
where's the one where we decide that you kys?
because kys
all ths shit is rigged anyway.
Itll get 40 million sigs more than the pop.
>there are "people" on Jow Forums that have a facebook account
>when questioned they'll answer it's too keep in touch with friends
What's that I smell? Yes. I can smell the kikes, but only barely over all the sage.
no, kill yourself niggerlover.
no can do poofta
> so they can get targeted ads.
... or targeted v&s
> what's this small print at the bottom of the petition stating I am fine with free helicopter rides by signing this?
you literally can not keep in touch with small acquaintances without it and not be creepy
Daily reminder of floppy tits
It's actually happened before per Section 49 of the constitution, but sometime in the 1980s a law that I can't remember right now was enacted that put a stop to it being able to happen.
People need to pull their heads in and live with the democratic system. He's where he is fair and square according to our electoral process.
The whole ABC story is against Anning and seems to be condoning political violence. I note that no-one there has been game to put their name to the story.
I always see people bring up Firefly in this regards but that's it
Only fags and Jews use facebook
Calling and texting people is now considered "creepy"? Are you fucking serious?
I suppose next you'll tell me that catching up with a mate I haven't seen for a few months after work for a beer and a bit of a chinwag is equally as creepy?
Nah mate, what's creepy is what you've turned "socializing" into. What's creepy is your reliance on fucking social media.