Ethnostates? No, Ethnoglobe, Here is Why

Part 1/2 "With great power comes great responsibility"
"White men are the most humanitarian peoples on earth".

If you believe in theses two concepts, you CANNOT believe in ethnostates, you MUST believe in an ethnoGLOBE.
If you believe in the right to self determination for non whites, you might think you are being humane, or whatever, but this is not the case. First of all, non whites inflict countless amounts of suffering on the animals and plants around them. Science has been discovering that even plants have some form of primitive consciousness ( and the amount of environmental pollution and animal abuse inflicted by non whites is uncomparable.

You were born a white man, which means mother nature gave you a duty to protect her. Lesser races do not have this duty, because they do not have your power. With great power comes great responsibility, and it is your duty to protect the same Earth that gave birth to you.

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part 2/2
Even if you don't consider it a duty, as a white man, you must certainly feel a love of animals that non whites do not. You must certainly feel a curiosity for plant life, biodiversity which is being destroyed by deforestation and pollution by non whites. Every plant species non whites drive to extinction is ONE LESS for YOU and your children to study.

You cannot give Brazilians or the Chinese the right to self determination. You cannnot give Africans the right to self determination. Indians? Forget it. Palestinians, Jews, Syrians, forget it. None of these people have proven themselves capable of not turning their environments into a desert. Even the Pakistanis and Indians, who do reforestation projects, are from the extreme upper class of their countries who have a lot of white blood in them.

The only solution for whites is to establish an ethnoglobe. It is simply extremely and utterly inhumane to let all those plants and animals suffer at the hands of non whites. Please, I am begging you, this MUST BE DONE for the sake of minimizing suffering. If whites are content to be left alone and not experience White Genocide, but allow the non whites to be left alone as well, this will lead to eventual white genocide because eventually the penduluum will swing and allow the liberals to take back over, and this time they will learn from their mistakes and make sure to boil the frog very very slowly, not to mention most of you will be hooked up to VR cams and be unwilling to fight back.

Not to mention non whites will deplete the oxygen supply by massive deforestation and seek new lands in still environmentally sound white countries. Even if you kill them all when that happens, it will be too late as the world will be so polluted and beyond salvation.

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>white men are humanitarian
Mr. Tarrent would like to have a word with you.

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what did he do that is not humanitarian?

Dumb gook, white men are the ones who started the destruction of the earth. They conquered countless foreign lands for the sole purpose of ruining them for the sake of resource extraction. It's just that we've been doing it for so long that some have realized how fucked up and unsustainable it is. The reason it's now non-whites who do most of the destruction is because white/jewish capitalists outsourced their industry to the third world. This has nothing to do with race, it is modern culture that is the culprit. Inb4 you call me a leftist SJW cuck or some shit. I do not believe in racial equality, but it is a fact that all races at one point lived in harmony with nature, and it was the development of the industrial civilization that originated in Western Europe that brought that to an end.

Virtually no white man would allow his corporations to pollute his backyard the same way the chinks allow theirs and yours to do to his.

He removed 49 oxygen breathers

>form private space company
>construct lunar mining colony
>sell lunar resources back to earth, use money to fly more whites up to space
>permanently colonize mars in a location far from other government-backed colonies
>build missiles on the moon that contain millions of tiny steel balls
>deploy missiles from lunar colony into an eccentric orbit around earth
>watch as the shrapnel begins shredding satellites from low to high earth orbit
>impacts lead to more shrapnel, leading to more impacts - kessler syndrome in full swing
>lead a small military group to take over other colonies in space, exile/sterilize any non-whites
>whites are now free to colonize the solar system while the rest of humanity is stuck on earth for the next few hundred years

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based analytical norwegian

>"With great power comes great responsibility"
That's a Spiderman quote you dumbfuck, no one cares

why the fuck would you want to give up the biodiversity and natural beauty of Earth for some dusty, frozen desert in Mars, or some jagged rocks and ice on Europa? Instead of forming a Star Wars corporation, isn't it easier to just take over the world?

t. nervous non white worried about his genetic future

Earth First!

But we'll have the entire Universe full of planets in time. So, don't sweat the small stuff.

Earth is not the small stuff. Stop being delusional you won't have intergalactic colonization, and even if you do, why give up this planet? This is the best planet around, we evolved here, so we are spiritually drawn to this place. This is your home, would you trade your white neighborhood for a ghetto?

Not anymore, but a century ago, before the government put an end to it, chink tier pollution was commonplace in white countries. The problem with China is it's run by a communist government that hardly gives a fuck about its people. Although they are actually making some improvements. And it's arguable that modern industry can be even more polluting that old industry.

Yeah right, most of our "innovation" goes towards useless consumer products instead of anything that would warrant space travel. We are almost certainly going to die on this planet.

why did white governments put an end to it? Because white PEOPLE, the lower class, the working class, the bottom tiers of society, rioted, fucked shit up, and made revolutions to make their voice heard, and then once they had democracy, they DEMANDED their politicians change environmental laws. The chink lower class is content to take in elite and ruling class pollution in their backyards. Only whites care about this stuff.

If we leave it to the niggers, it'll be a wildlife preserve.

Fuck off with your ethnostate faggot. Go goose step somewhere else.

Buy your own goddamn 3D printer and do something about it.

besides, why are you arguing against this? If you are white, even if you don't give two shits about the environment, this can't hurt you, it has to be in your best interests. Why are you whining, perhaps I detect a bit of mudblood in you?

found the non white. This is a pro white thing, even to a white man that gives no shits about mother nature. You took the effort to shill against it, therefore, you are not white.

>isn't it easier to just take over the world
Not in the slightest, since you'd be trying to get 11 billion people of all kinds of nationalities and backgrounds to agree with you instead of, say, half a million people who are looking for a better life and sense of community.

Whites have always looked for new lands, new places to conquer, new hardships to endure, all in the name of carving out their own space and calling it home. Earth in 50 or 100 years will be a hellhole, so it would be the duty of space colonists to create and preserve biospheres. One spaceborne civilization working together could create O'niell Cylinders or ring structures with 1g of centrifugal gravity, earth-levels of sunlight, and a self sustaining ecosystem just from the debris in the asteroid belt.

Ok Satan.

Gonna listen to you. You couldn't possibly be leading us astray, fomenting racial cleansing.

Good plan. Destroy, not build. Gotcha.

What? Why do you need non whites and liberals to agree with you? As long as you (legally) take political power and start colonizing (by force) non white countries (after you legally change international laws, of course), nobody can do shit about it.

I am sure billions of starving niggers and chinks are going to mount an effective resistance against a well trained ruthless army of Celto-Germanic killers and high tech superweapons.

why would a white man be against ethnic cleansing? Only a non white would be against it, since he has something to lose. Even white liberals don't really give a fuck, they just want to feel like they are being productive by helping some shitskins.

>billions of starving niggers and chinks are going to mount an effective resistance

Maybe on Earth. Not in space.

Why do you want your own country colonized by whites? South Korea and Japan and take better care of their environment than even the US. Are you a self-hating gook or something?

"Whites have always looked for new lands, new places to conquer, new hardships to endure, all in the name of carving out their own space and calling it home. Earth in 50 or 100 years will be a hellhole, so it would be the duty of space colonists to create and preserve biospheres. One spaceborne civilization working together could create O'niell Cylinders or ring structures with 1g of centrifugal gravity, earth-levels of sunlight, and a self sustaining ecosystem just from the debris in the asteroid belt."

You are fucking delusional if you think this is even remotely easier than having America or some other white country(/ies) take over non white countries by force.

>Why don't you kill yourself? Everybody hates you, and you hate yourself.


Why so many homeless in White countries?

that was sarcasm. The point is they are NOT going to mount an effective resistance ON EARTH. They will get steamrolled. God fucking damn it is EVERYONE on Jow Forums retarded?

I never said I wanted anything, I only said that white colonization of non white countries would be an environmentally sound solution for pollution. What I want is irrelevant. Why do you care what I want?

so you admit you are a non white. Aha, that explains everything about what you posted.

If you clear out a fwe billion niggers you can make room for America's homeless there.

You are a moran.

The point is they will present no resistance in space. Or do you expect Lando Calfuckingrissian to bull your bitch for you after the exodus? Maybe that's why you can't even into space, cuz you'd miss your bull.

in africa i meant

"yes....fellow white people, we should flee to cold, empty, lifeless, black space filled with dangerous amounts of radiation and asteroids and microprojectiles ready to tear us apart instead of taking back our planet."

Where you belong.

meh. It's not for cowards. Your all semen diet would not be available.

Africa is the place for you. Go back there you nigger.

where whites in general belong after they've cleared out the useless niggers

y u so mad tho? Worried about the genetic extinction of your fellow chinese?

I doubt it would be. Most pollution is still caused by white/developed countries, either directly or indirectly through production in undeveloped countries to meet their consumption. Although many whites pretend to care about the environment, they mostly do it to virtue signal, while their solutions don't really fix anything. For example, here in the US recycling is popular, but we don't take the effort to actually sort our recyclables, so most of it is just thrown away or must be sent to huge factories to process it. And don't get me started on the wind/solar energy craze. Meanwhile in China they are making real efforts to reduce pollution because they're the ones who have to live with it.


No, pollution is caused by the jewish RULING CLASS in white countries, and also the white collaborators, who are honorary chinks. The white ruling class are honorary chinks, and have the mind of a chink. They are not whites in spirit for sure.

The white working class, the white masses, HATE the actions of their rulers, and riot and protest against them. Look at France, those based Gallic working class Celts vanalizing and tearing down Bayer and Monsanto facilities. Germans are pressuring their leaders to abandon coal and move to wind and solar power. Scandinavian CHILDREN, even the little GIRLS have more balls than chinese men, and are protesting against climate change. Whites spent a shit ton of their own paycheck to buy electric cars like Teslas. Whites are the ones pioneering nuclear research for energy, etc. Whites are the ones inventing perpetual motion machines. The Japanese also have nuclear power plants but you ahve to remember the Japanese have a shit ton of Ainu/Jomon genes, and like whites Jomon evolved lots of body hair and light skin, so they are really similar.

Recycling is popular in the USA because the underclass loves it. The elite could give a shit less, and that is true in both china and the usa, but the difference is in china also the chink underclass could care a fuck less about the whole schtick. But in America, they do care, and they do recycle, even if the upper class just sends all the recyclables to china anyways.

If the white underclass governed themselves, they would immediately put a screeching HALT to the destructive activities of their ruling class.

This was the best runescape ad ever.

please bump more we need more people to see this. also thanks, i've been told by my gf that I am a great salesman actually.

I live among this white underclass. They are completely brainwashed to think material wealth and GDP growth is the most important thing in the world. If they were put in charge it would change nothing. And again China is ruled by commies who will shut down any protest, otherwise chinks would have taken measures to stop pollution a long time ago. It does not matter the race, I'll say it again, all races respected mother nature until the capitalist industrial disease overtook the world. The only way to save it is to go back to our ways. If anything the niggers are closer to that than we are.

White Genocide already happened.

This is by far one of the most jewish posts I have ever seen on Jow Forums, and I've been on Jow Forums longer than a decade.

does this mean i shouldn't play and instead go outside?

Attached: go outside.jpg (960x540, 175K)

The purge machine is hard to turn off.
It won't just stop with coloreds. Undesirable whites will also be culled

no it didn't, not yet. There is still a chance.

going outside is like RuneScape IRL depending on where you live. Unfortunately not for me, but again, that leads to my point that white countries are simply far more environmentally frenlier than non white ones.

Depends. If by "undersirable whites" you mean the uneducated or drug addicts, then I think you have the wrong people. If you mean baby rapists and non biodegradable litterbugs, then I won't be crying over any of them.

Yes it did...

This quote was from your former vice president Joseph Biden in 2017!
Can ANYONE refute this?
How could someone as monumental as the president of the United States of America be WRONG in saying the demographics of America have been turned upside down.
56% percent America meme was a GOOD THING!.
Its actually UNDER 50%
PROVE ME WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Creepy Uncle Joe Biden ladies and gentlemen...!