I made a video about the Christchurch shooting. If you wouldn't mind wasting 13 minutes of your time, give it a look.
I made a video about the Christchurch shooting. If you wouldn't mind wasting 13 minutes of your time, give it a look
>smug cartoon avatar
fuck off nigger
>using Jow Forums to advertise your yt channel
Fuckk of faggot angl* eat shit and choke on it mutt.
post it to plebbit you faglord. There, I gave it a dislike. Now fuck off.
Disliked and reported.
Eat shit, cocksucker!
Eat a dick
back to >>/v/ tranny
All this salt and no margaritas lmao
Thank you OP, very cool!
I am pretty sure I can hang myself with a belt in less time than 13 minutes.
Can you explain why watching your video would be a better use of my time then that?
The background music is pretty good. Might actually enjoy the videos talking points. You can still hang yourself afterwards.
if you dont sage this thread you should kys
Kill them yourself pussy
Holy fucking kek.
At first he was like:
"H-hey guys, (((youtuber))) here, check my cool new vid!"
And then I was like:
"Fuck you pussy! HANG YOURSELF!"
Holy shit my fucking sides. Your channel is fucking dead AHAHAHAHAHHAA
Not too shabby. Decent production value.
My channel isn't dead. That would imply it was alive at one point. You don't have to try so hard. No one here is going to be your friend because you use caps a lot.
well donefor ruining this shit thread. see you on page 10
YouTube is GAY and doesn’t exist!
This video doesn't add anything to the discussion that we don't already know. It's
>shooter was bad
>recap of news articles
Bigger channels already do this with better microphones. Your niche is already overpopulated.
Good point on guns though.
Hey constructive criticism. Thank you. Guns are about the one thing I think I can flex on other youtubers about.
Couldn't watch past the first minute
>Innocent people at religious thing far away from the terrorists who do bad things
It was literally an ISIS recruitment station that got my friend killed in Yemen.
Fuck them all, live by the sword, die by the sword
Technically all mosques are isis recruiting stations but I have say nice things about the "victims" or get shut down for hate speech. If i have to bite my tongue for 30 seconds to be able to talk for 13 minutes, its worth because I also mention the sydner siege and the nice truck of peace terrorist acts. Im sorry to hear about your friend bub.