Post anti-islam pics to trigger the lurking shitskins.
Post anti-islam pics to trigger the lurking shitskins.
fuck muslims
Have sex ya eejit.
But aren't they kinda /our/ guys?
Still laffin ere.. try harder Jow Forums.
>beaten to death by survivors
as an ex-muzzie..
these are downright hilarious mates keep em coming
What do you call a muslim baby?
What do you tell the muslim baby to do when it starts crying
>Shush Kebaby
why insult Islam though? I mean, you are targeting non shitskin muslims too.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad those shitskins got shot up at that mosque, but not because they were muzzies. Because they were brown.
That uncut dick looks so nice.
Dick seems legit
Not the nose
- Notably, the fourth Muslim Caliph Ali (lived 602–661 AD) was at least one eighth Jewish
- Ali was Muhammad’s cousin and adoptive son and Abd Al Muttalib (three-quarters Jewish) was the grandfather of both Muhammad and Ali
- Ali’s father was Abu Talib (died 540 AD) (one-quarter Jewish) and Abu Talib was the brother of Muhammad’s father Abd Allah (one-quarter Jewish)
- This means Muhammad was one-eighth Jewish, unless of course Muhammad has still more Jewish ancestors unknown to early Islamic genealogists
I fucking love these threads
you have no dog in this fight mr gook
Nigger, you shot Hamas on the same day.
>you shot Hamas
Based. Fuck mudslimes and fuck Gaza.
Nigger, they also shot USS Liberty!
Islam is absolute cancer.
But I respect their abilities to kill Liberals.
thats not what mohammed loosk like in arabic... the letters in the pic are going right to left and they're not joined.
it's actually: محمد
not: د م ح م
Can we get some images of some dead muslims? Bonus points if they’re kids
oc 1488 hours paint
Why did he let himself get overpowered?
>Gay feminist gets defenistrated
Wait a second, I'm supposed to think this is bad?